turnitout and any other new ladies I may have missed. Welcome...this is a very friendly and supportive thread so you are in good company
Yay to all the fruit changers today. I'm an
avocado now, but I swear next week I'll be an onion and loads of the onions I see are smaller than the navel orange I was at 15 weeks and onion is 17 weeks. As you can see, I'm still having issues with these fruits hahaha.
Indigestion has started to kick in for me this week which is annoying. Was hoping I wouldn't get it until further along. What does everyone else take for theirs? I'm using gaviscon at the mo but it's not really helping too much.
Angel I know this sounds a bit gross and strange but the best tip someone gave me is to apply natural yoghurt to your lady bits when you have a YI and don't want to/can't use the cream. It's a bit messy but very cooling and the yoghurt helps to break down the infection. Might be worth a try if you can face it!