38 weeks!! Nothing happening here, just tired and achey after a night of false labour
I really wish id have nothing until it was real labour! So tiring!
Hope everyone else is ok x
Friday I went in for an induction that failed and ended in a c-section! I personally think the induction wasn't given enough time but what do I know. Baby Amanda arrived at 7:05pm (central) on 10/18 weighing 7lbs 15oz! I was scared out of my mind of a c section but in the end it went very well although Amanda popped some lung vessels with her first breath and had to go to NICU then because of my GD her lungs weren't as mature as they should have been so with that combo she needed to be put on a ventilator. So far all other tests are good just her breathing is a little difficult. She did great though her first 24 hours of life she needed 100% dependency on vent to only 58% within a few hours. She is adorable! I will update everyone on her progress! But although I'm scared I know she is going to be 100% perfect she just needed a little help breathing!xoxox prayers and good vibes welcome!
I can't stand being apart from her! Xoxox