Since i had a operation to have my right ovary removed last year i get absolulty awful O pain! it has me laid up for best part of 2 days i have been given strong codeine from my GP to get me thru it, it starts as a sharp stabbing pain really low down left hand side then constant aching all across my front low down in my back i carnt sit up straight without a stabbing pain really low down, It hurts when i go to the toilet for wee and other (sorry TMI) it also stops me sleeping until the codeine kick in. I have had several ultrasounds and been sent up to the womans centre at the hospital with it and they just basically said it was all ok they couldnt explain why i get pain so bad and i have to take my painkilers, obviously after i have had my baby im trying to conceive ill be put on sum kind of contreception that should stop the pain cos i wont be ovulating.