Call me crazy... but I'm looking forward to third tri and labour! In my 1st pregnancy I was pretty apprehensive about labour and the pain and how I would cope..I had a natural (drug free AND induced with pitocin) birth which was very painful but the whole experience was awe-inspiring for running a marathon and reaching the finish line. .lots of pain and exhaustion but a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and relief at the end. Even going into labour was exciting! It's
just amazing what our female bodies can do I'm looking forward to doing it again (naturally), and meeting my baby at the end of it.
How are you guys feeling about third tri?
Im with you on this one....I don't like actually being pregnant, but I love the whole birth experience...Its an amazing feeling to bring a person into the world...Its empowering..Its painful but the feeling you have when you push and then the baby is in your arms...Iam really looking forward to it myself! I am only half way there though...My LO came at 38 weeks....My WHOLE labor from water breaking to delivery though was 2 hours!!! My water broke in my sleep and 2:58 AM and my little one came into the world at 5:07 AM.... It was an incredible experience..but scary... I had two kids prior to that but that last one was the scariest as no one was prepared in my labor I didn't get to prep...I was laying on the bed and the nurse was trying to get things ready and I screamed and the baby popped out onto the bed...No one there to catch her...I didn't know what to do as she was still attached to the umbilical cord so she just lay there cold and crying....for a while...The nurse panicked and started yelling into a monitor for help... She was the only one in the room and no dr, no other nurses, nothing....So I didn't get to hold my baby girl till about 6:30 AM... It was scary and I didn't get that empowering experience, but with my first two, I loved it.... So hopefully this next baby labor experience goes quickly, but that everyone is fully READY for him! LOL