Anyone else NTNP with Irregular Cycles?


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2012
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I'm just having some issues right now. Intense hunger pains for the last week+, a bit more tired than usual, etc.

Right now, I'm having some aches in my hips a little, and for the last few days (cd33 - now, which is cd35), I've been having brown discharge. There was quite a bit on the tp today and only once was there any fresh blood, and it was just a couple "threads" of it.

About a week ago, my UTERUS was kinda sore. I emphasize uterus because I'm pretty positive that's what it was.

...I also lose my train of thought. A lot. Like, I forgot what I was going to say as I was typing this.

My cycles for the last 6 months have been 34, 46, and 68 (yes, WTF) days apart. So I've only had 4 periods so far this year, starting from January.

So my last one was June 14th. I had a week with globs of EWCM, so if I O'd on the day that I'm GUESSING was probably it, I should have started AF yesterday. But I'm only having brown discharge so far.

Anybody else in a similar situation, or have been in one?
I'm ntnp with irregular cycles.

With my last two pregnancies I did notice that I must have ovulated almost a full week AFTER getting o symptoms. I wouldn't get a BFP until 3 weeks after getting ewcm, side cramps and tender nipples (my usual o signs). So maybe AF isn't actually due for a bit?

I got ewcm yesterday so it's falling within my projected ovulation window. Since DS was born I've had cycles between 40 to 50 days. The bulk have been 40 days, give or take a couple and only one went to 50. But I hate bfns so I'm waiting until CD51 to test which will be August 11.

I've been getting weird spotting before AF starts too. I'll get brown gooky stuff for a day before I actually start to bleed. I'll get some fresh stuff, it'll stop and then a day later it comes full on. It's done it this way each time since DS so I'm guessing it's my new normal.

I hope your aches are a sign of a coming bfp! Good luck!
Yeah, I thought I was just falling apart with my 40+ day cycles. Mine usually are around 34ish days, so yesterday would have been perfect.

I have NEVER had any discharge this color that lasted this long though. I mean, I usually have normal cm throughout the cycle, ewcm on occasion, and usually I'll have pinky-brownish discharge the day before AF comes.

The ONLY time I have EVER had brown discharge for more than a day without AF showing up in under 24 hours is when I was pg this past November/December. I had an early ectopic pregnancy, so... I'm hoping that isn't what's going on now. Again. @__@

So you're waiting for a BFP right now? :D
Well, I'd love to get a bfp but I'm thinking it might be a few days before I actually ovulate. As I said, I'm waiting until Aug 11 to test. My tww will be torture though as my last AF mimicked my pg symptoms so exactly that I won't be able to trust anything until I see those double lines. :wacko:
Eeee, I know how you feel. I always seem to think I might be pg. The only time I actually was, I didn't seem to have any symptoms except being very tired, and I had the same brown discharge I'm having now. That discharge only lasted for a night though, and I wound up having an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured.

I'm hoping that isn't the case this time.

I've had the discharge for 4 days, and it's going away now. It's just like a period, but EXTREMELY light, brown (light, no blood except for a "streak" of red thread-like blood, sorry TMI), and nowhere near enough to put a pad on, much less a tampon.

I'd go to the dr to get it checked out but my doc SUCKS. I'm about to switch doctors, because the one I go to has no clue what they're doing.
:hugs: That stinks about having a bad doctor. I hope you find a good one soon.

The two times I was pregnant were so different from any of the other times I felt tricked by "signs" that I KNEW I was pregnant so this last AF felt like quite a blow.

Are you still experiencing pain and cramps? Is there a walk-in clinic you could go to just to rule out the worst while you're searching for a new doctor?

Sometimes I feel like our bodies have it in for us. Oh, the travails of being a woman. It stinks.
My cycles are irregular too. Mine go anywhere from 25 days to 60-70 days. I haven't had a period since May and didn't really think anything of it because it has happened so many times. I always thought I was pregnant when it would be a longer cycle but never was. I just kept telling myself it was like all of the other times and I'm not pregnant. My husband made me test on Sunday and this time I am pregnant. We weren't trying, but hadn't been preventing. We just figured if it happens, then it happens. According to my calculations and the person I talked to at the doctors office after my blood work, I am about 11 weeks and have only known since Sunday.
Congratulations! :happydance:

It's definitely possible to get pregnant with irregular cycles. My DS is living proof of that. It made finding out my exact due date very tricky and I had to argue with the ultrasound technicians almost every time that the measurements were correct (according to my lmp DS should have been a May baby but he was born in the middle of July).

DH and I are trying to take as relaxed an approach as possible. That's why we are NTNP this time instead of proper TTC.
Nope. No pain, no cramps.

I am STILL having the brown discharge. I've had it for 6 days now, and just when I think it's going away, it gets thicker. The brown discharge thickens and thins whenever it feels like it. There's like, ewcm-type stuff in it, too. Sorry if that's TMI.

What has me thrown off is that yesterday morning and this morning, I had RED blood. Not, like, BRIGHT red? But dark red. Like it was old-ish, but NOT brown. This was a very distinctly different color from the brown stuff. :[
Besides the weird discharge, I'm not having any pains, cramps, tender/sore boobs. Nothing. The only thing is that I am EXHAUSTED. I just started a new job about 2 weeks ago, and have worked 15ish hours this week, so it's not like I'm working a ton. It's a quicker-paced job, and I'm on my feet the whole time. My feet have been K.I.L.L.I.N.G. me, but that's it. They just get SO SORE. I'm extremely flatfooted though, so that might have something to do with it.

I actually got sent home today. I went in to work and felt SO sick. It seemed to come out of nowhere. I was nauseous, my stomach was making the WORST noise, twisting, etc, I got extremely hot and was sweating a lot which is really unusual for me. I was dizzy and lightheaded and I just wanted to SLEEP. My body was so heavy. Driving back home, which took an hour, was a nightmare. My eyes did NOT want to stay open. I was squinting the whole way home. I just wanted to pull over and sleep. x__x


I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, rbourre! :D
Did you have any bleeding or any typical pg symptoms this time?
I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, rbourre! :D
Did you have any bleeding or any typical pg symptoms this time?

Thanks!! No real symptoms until the last couple of weeks. I have only been sick once (2 days ago). The last 2 weeks, I am exhausted and take a nap almost every afternoon. I am also always hungry. I didn't get my afternoon nap today because we went to my in-laws to tell them the news and now it's 10:30pm and I'm soooo exhausted.
Since starting my period after my son was born I have had cycle days as Lon as 42 and as short as 27. I use an app to track my period. It predicted I woul have a 33 day cycle this month and when my ovulation day was. AF is due the 25 according to the app. I tested today and got a BFN. I feel like I'm imagining symptoms. Is it possible that I coul still get pms symptoms even if I'm pregnant? I am not ready to give up on this month, even though I probably should start preparing for that.
I think PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can be very similar. I can't even tell the difference at this point. It's all about the pregnancy test for me next time. Hard not to read into things though...

Fluffy, the symptoms you write in your posts always leave me baffled. I can't figure out what all those signs could mean. I really hope you find a good doctor soon. I can only imagine the confusion you're going through. Problems with your cycles stink on a good day. When you're trying to get pregnant it's even worse. :hugs:

I've been seeing a doctor for my irregular cycles since I was a teen. My mom was regular from day one so she was "so concerned" that I never did regulate and dragged me back to the doctors for testing all the time (personally, I loved going whole summers without a period). By the time I was 20 and I will still irregular (and my sister proved to be even more irregular than me) my mom came to accept this was normal for some people.
Runner- PMS symptoms, I've read, can mimic pg symptoms. So it's a tough call. Just don't stress it.

Starry- Yeah... Sooo, this past Sunday, I went to the ER after having to leave work. I was nauseous, dizzy, HOT HOT HOT, and very lightheaded. The hospital I went to is just the biggest P.O.S. ever. They just don't know squat. I went in because I was ill and having problems with the weirdest "period" I've ever had and they ASKED ME what exactly I wanted them to do. I was like, "...Seriously?!" I mean, jeez, if I knew what was wrong with me, I wouldn't have gone into the ER!

So, by the time I left, they didn't know what was wrong with me. They did a qualitative hcg test which was negative. I've read those can be wrong, but y'know. Who knows. And at the end of me being in the ER, all they could tell me was that my thyroid levels were low. Which I had told them THREE TIMES already, since I had been out of my thyroid meds for a week. >:[ I'm back on it now, but still. Ugh.

So my "period" has been going like this:

7/16: Brown cm.
17-19: More brown cm, getting thicker and more frequent. It's only ever present when wiping.
20&21: I got some 'red' blood these days but ONLY when I first woke up. These days were the days I wore a pad, since I assumed I was starting. But, like, nothing showed up. Between these two days, I had maybe a tablespoon or WHATEVER it was show up on the pad.
22: This is the day I went to the ER. I had some red blood when the doctor that checked me out did the pelvic exam. Other than that, nothing.
23: I thought it was over today. But I was still discharging weirdness.

Now today, the 24th. I'm still having light discharge. Earlier today, I had a few DARK globs of SOMETHING. x___x

I really hate my body right now. And I entirely dislike the hospital for sucking all around. Ugh.
Are you able to get in to see a gynaecologist? I know they have long waiting lists but if anybody would be able to help you it would them.

I had really sickly, painful periods after my miscarriage in 2010 so my gp referred me to a gynaecologist. There was this huge mix-up and it took FOREVER to be seen and by that time things had straightened out as I finally passed the last of the tissues on my own (by this time it came out as a clot that had petrified into a little stone). And my SiL told me that she had a friend who had short, painful cycles with weird bleeding for TWO YEARS after her m/c before seeing a specialist. She ended up needing another d&c but then things got back to normal and she has a kid now.

Just wondering if that is a route/angle you could take a look at? Though I do think thyroid issues can greatly affect cycles too (from what I've read from other posts on these forums over the years)
I am, I just have to find one that doesn't suck. :\
I used to see this one gyn back in another city; she was great, except for the fact that she diagnosed me with PCOS without running any bloodwork. I had my emergency-op obgyn run blood tests to check for it and SHE said I DON'T have it. So I'm just a little afraid of going back to see this doctor and having to tell her that she's wrong. xD
But I'll probably do it anyways, since she sucked less than my doctor now. -__-

Yeah, I was thinking I had an mc LAST period. I hadn't had a period in 68 days, which was WAY outside of even my latest late periods. And when the bleeding then started, there were MAJOR clots, CONSTANTLY. Like, my periods are usually a little clotty. But this was awful. x__x I was passing clots for a whole WEEK, when my period is usually only 4 days long. The doctor just told me, "Oh, it's probably just a weird period, go home."
Hey, I just saw your post and wanted to share what I am going through. I have irregular periods as well, which seem to be getting longer and longer. I haven't had a proper period in about 3 months, however at about day 46 or so, I had 5 or so days of extremely light spotting (much like what you are describing)... that went away, and I am yet to get a true AF (now around day 90 plus if I don't count that spotting as AF). I chart, so I know I haven't ovulated (unless my temps have decided to mess up on me as well). So, hang in there -- it could be just that you are irregular. My doc is currently in the process of trying to figure it out.

Being off your thyroid meds could also be causing some of the irregularities - as thyroid imbalances can really mess with things. As for your one doctor saying you had PCOS without bloodwork, and another saying you don't by just running one round of bloods, doesn't really say either way. You could still have PCOS - they'd need to look at a lot more than that. A friend of mine does not present as a person with PCOS at all, yet is just being diagnosed with it after many rounds of testing, bloodwork, etc.

Either way, I hope you continue to update how things progress, and I wish you all the best. I know how stressful it is to not know what your cycles are doing.
Since starting my period after my son was born I have had cycle days as Lon as 42 and as short as 27. I use an app to track my period. It predicted I woul have a 33 day cycle this month and when my ovulation day was. AF is due the 25 according to the app. I tested today and got a BFN. I feel like I'm imagining symptoms. Is it possible that I coul still get pms symptoms even if I'm pregnant? I am not ready to give up on this month, even though I probably should start preparing for that.

Hi, good luck. Which app?
Hi, all!

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I'm on CD39 now and am starting to get some of my classic PMS signs (breaking out like a teenager and having a insatiable hunger) so it looks like AF should be coming within the expected time frame. Most of my cycles have actually been 40 days to the day which is almost crazy regular for me. My last cycle was 43 days so close enough. I've only had one 50 day cycle since DS was born so it's kind of throwing a monkey wrench into my tracking. I do expect the :witch: to show up by the end of the week.

No preggo symptoms though.

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