Anyone had or hoping for a second VBAC?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2012
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Hi there

Just looking for stories and experiences really.

I had a VBAC with my DS 3 years ago but did have assisted delivery with episiotomy and lost a lot of blood so needed a transfusion. I'm hoping that now I've had the VBAC there'll be less chance of assisted delivery needed and I've also read that a second VBAC has less risk than a first, not sure if this is true.

I was supposed to have my consultant appointment this week and was all geared up ready to discuss it all but they cancelled it and now I have to wait another 2 weeks.
I've had 2 successful VBAC's after my first born was an emergency section. 3 Epi's with him - 3rd doubled and NO relief on the horrific back labour I was in. Fetal distress, Spinal (OMG those are AMAZING) and a week recovery in hospital because they just 'duct taped' me together. Never again. Didn't want one to start with but had not choice.

DS2 I opted for no Epi because it hadn't worked the first time. I narrowly made it though the doors of L&D and was too far gone for the pethidine I wanted. I was pushing 20 minutes after arriving. No episiotomy (just a slight graze), no gas, nothing. And in all reality, wasn't as painful as I'd expected. I didn't even feel the 'ring of fire' a lot of woman scream about.

DS3 figured there was no point going down the drugs route because he'd be close to crowning on arrival at L&D anyhow. Oh boy was I wrong! Lol. But a 12 hour un-medicated labour if you don't count the 10 minutes at the end where my midwife gave me gas because she didn't want me pushing because I wasn't quite fully dilated. A little pressure from her on my cervix to make it dilate because I was struggling NOT to push and he was born without any medication as well. Honestly, going the same way with this baby. Done it twice now so I KNOW I can do it again. :)
Thanks for that wacky! I'm hoping my consultant agrees that a VBAC will be best (which I'm sure they will as midwives have already suggested it anyway). My only new worry is the episiotomy scar and the hope it doesn't tear open.

Our first 2 labours sound similar, my DD and DS were both back to back, my DD got stuck and had her head forward so no choice but to go for EMCS. My labour with DS was very short, went from 3cm to fully dilated in an hour and a half but then he also got stuck (I am a little nervous that this baby will get stuck too if it's my pelvis shape that's the problem!) but his head was tucked under so he was born using forceps. I did feel my labour and birth of DS was more traumatic and recovery was harder than the EMCS but I still want a VBAC this time despite all that! Knowing my luck there'll end up being another reason for ELCS like baby will be breech or my placenta will go lower (it's currently anterior and 3.8cm from cervix).
Hopefully you can get your VBAC. :) I really is a lot easier a recovery. The work is harder to get baby here but it's worth it in the end.

Just a thought, if they think it's due to the shape of your pelvis, then pushing upright might be your best option. Squatting or using a birthing stool has proven to open a woman's pelvis by up to 20% more making a vaginal birth much easier for the woman who want them. I wanted a squatting birth with DS3 just mainly because pushing on your back makes it harder to give birth than it needs to be but I was just at the point of when I needed to push I didn't want to move. It just seemed like too much work. And VBAC is still considered a safe option for woman.

Best of luck! :)
Yes, me! My first was an EMCS but my second I managed a VBAC, however it ended up being a forceps birth with a third degree tear and an episiotomy. But even with those birth injuries I found the VBAC recovery easier than the caesarean recovery.

So I'm hoping for another VBAC, but I'm guessing the tear and episiotomy may weight against it?
Thanks for that wackymum, I'm really hoping to be more mobile than last time and be able to move. My problem last time was the rapid speed and the fact I was constantly monitored I was stuck on the bed! I'm going to make sure I'm allowed to move and be in a different position this time, I think I might have more chance as it's a different hospital that even allow water births for high risk (although unsure if that includes VBACs)

Hi zephram your labours sound just like mine! I'm unsure if I actually had a tear at all as it's all a blur but I definitely had an episiotomy that was huge and that does worry me about a VBAC. When midwifes did their follow up home visits to check my stitches they always winced and said "ooh gosh you are swollen down there aren't you?" Because I was so bruised from the forceps! Not pleasant. I actually found recovery from my EMCS easier but I think lack of support didn't help (my ex left when my son was 8 weeks old and had been basically absent from the moment I found out I was pregnant with him so I was virtually on my own with a newborn and a 1 year old). This time I have my husband who has been a million times more supportive already during this pregnancy so I think that can make all the difference in those first few weeks after birth.
Have you seen your consultant yet? I'm hoping he/she can answer some of my fears about another VBAC. I am pretty sure I don't want an ELCS though.
I am hoping for a second VBAC.

With my first I had severe pre-e at 33 weeks, induced labor, failed to progress after 36 hours, EMCS.

My second I had PIH and was induced at term, lengthy induced labor but successful VBAC with just a 1st degree tear (1 stitch due to location).

This pregnancy I have GD (did not in others) but so far my BP is good, hoping to have one actual natural labor instead of induction.
The only downfall to VBAC is that they like to monitor you from the time you arrive to the time you deliver. But they can do it wirelessly so you can still move around without getting tangled up in wires.
Hi misspriss - same here, I was induced with my dd due to pre-e (only suspected in last week of pregnancy so as I got to due date they decided they may as well induce). It was an awful labour and she got stuck, was back to back and had her chin forward so they couldn't use assisted delivery and ended in EMCS. My VBAC was also induced but only through breaking my waters because I was 42 weeks and they didn't want to leave me any longer. This time I'm really really hoping to go into labour naturally but as everyone said to me last time "baby will only come when he's ready" so I'm making sure I don't get my hopes up too much!

Wacky - yeah that's what I'm hoping for, they didn't have the wireless ones at the hospital I gave birth to my son at, I've since moved and I know this hospital have the newer equipment so fingers crossed!

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