Welll ladies todays the day AF is supposed to come.. but nothing yet. Its usually spotting when i wake up then in full effect by noon. Im going to try and test tomorrow morning if i dont start today.. but im extremely nervous... i might wait a couple more days just in case. Dont want to be disappointed by taking it to early or have af arrive a little late. Its not normal for it to be late but ive been anxious and heard worrying to much can delay it. Last night i was having pinching in my lower abdomen and minor back pain. This morning i felt a little wet, did a cervix check..it was a little lower then yesterday, closed and soft still. Also had clear sticky cm while checking. Im going to try and relax today. Stop the SS and just wait it out. Next time i get on here will be to tell you if AF arrived or if i get a BFP! Thank you all for the support ♡