Anyone over 35 want a buddy?

TTC I know that it must be so disappointing for you but you seem to have the perfect attitude to move forward and try again which is really brilliant - hopefully the next round will be the one for you and you will get good hormone level results and ultimately successful implantation. xxxxxxx
hello ladies.....i have a quick question....i have been skimming through and i see robitussin has been mentioned a couple of times.....could someone explain that to me on how it willin to try anything at this was diagnosed with pcos and my right tube is blocked. im 36 and u know dont have much time
TTC - so sorry to hear it didn't work out this month and it's not surprising you feel sad - do you know anything about the clinic's success rates? I would assume they would have about 20-25% success rates - in which case then if you get another 3 little embies placed next month then hopefully the odds would be in your favour :hugs:

Irish - sounds like you're trying to be practical and forward-thinking. funny idea about the face tattoo! It's interesting what you say about this time round it not being destiny, that reminds me of my good friend who had 4 m/cs in total - 3 before her first daughter then 1 before her next daughter. Every time it was heart-breaking for her but now she wouldn't have it any other way because both of her daughters are so lovely and precious to her and she couldn't imagine being without them. Good luck with all the tests :hugs:

Hi to Bann and C-Mum :hi:

My good news today is that it looks like the sale of my OH's flat is definitely going through so we're now able to look for somewhere to buy to "grow into" - I know this can be quite stressful so I'm holding out some good positive thoughts for somewhere perfect to come along (in budget too!!!)

Speak soon, :hugs:
hello ladies.....i have a quick question....i have been skimming through and i see robitussin has been mentioned a couple of times.....could someone explain that to me on how it willin to try anything at this was diagnosed with pcos and my right tube is blocked. im 36 and u know dont have much time

try this link - I actually bought the Guaifenesin tablets instead of taking the cough syrup - I think you start taking it about CD10 (or 4 days before O is predicted) and take it every day until you get your ovulation. I didn't really notice a big difference in CM to be honest and the month I got the BFP I didn't use it (I used pre-seed though which I think helped). Good luck
Hi everyone!...

TTC, so sorry it didn't work this time! I know it is so disappointing but so glad to hear you guys are moving forward with round 2! I know you are on that continuous emotional roller coaster. Doesn't seem fair at times but you are doing all that you can and it will be your time soon I'm sure. On the bright side you didn't have to wait around on AF and you get to move on quickly. Good luck with your blood work and ultrasound tomorrow!!!

Irish, I have been wanting to see that movie but my hubby will not watch it. I need to have a "me" night and rent it! I know it has been so hard. Let all your emotions out now so you can completely focus and be positive when you get to start trying again! Hope AF comes soon for you so you can move on!

Congrats on the DS test results Leeze! I go this Friday for ultrasound and blood work for that test. We also decided no matter the result we are not going to do the amnio test. Too many risks with that test. I am not willing to take those risks. And congrats on the sale of your hubbys flat! Good luck finding a place for your growing family! So very exciting!!!

CMUM it is V day for you! Woohoo!

Well my appointment went well last Friday. They did an ultrasound, got to see the heartbeat. But then Saturday night I was having major major cramping. I was crying all night Saturday night. I just could not calm down, it was really scaring me. But then since Sunday morning I have been fine. I think I just panic at everything and freak out and I need to learn how to not do that. But I have an appointment this Friday for downs testing and I will have another ultrasound so I am looking forward to again seeing and this time hearing the heartbeat and getting that reassurance.

Well I have to run. Take care ladies. Chat soon! :)
Quick check-in from me...

Bann - we decided against the amnio too, I don't want to do anything that carries any extra risk. Also I had some cramping around 12 weeks, and I think that it's meant to be mainly due to your uterus stretching a bit more and moving up a bit - and it's pretty normal. Still easy to get freaked out, isn't it?

We saw a lovely flat yesterday that I'm trying to convince my OH we should buy. He's not as sure as me because the garden is pretty small - but I think it would be good because it's low maintenance!!

Hope you're all having a good weekend and look forward to hearing from you all soon xx

hello girls hope everyone and their beans are doing well...

just a quick check in from me...been off the boards for a while... all this TTC is starting to get to me... I was unable to start up my 2nd IVF as planned this cycle, as my CD3 Ultrasound, showed I had 3 left over cycst from last month. From what I am told that is common with IVF, and I need to skip a month to get them to pass, and generally they do pass with 1 cycle. Lets hope that I can start in June... so this month I am not doing much... I did go for an HSG test today. My tubes are clear which is GREAT news of course.. BUT...the radiologist told me that I have a T shaped uterus, which is an "abnormality", he said women definately get pregnant with a T shape but it is can also contribute to early miscarriages or pre-term labor. I will know more once my Doc actually reviews the films. I have a phone consult with him on Wednesday so I am sure we will chat about that.

Ya so a little disappointed this month, I believe the Dr will just have me use OPKs this month and send me for a few more ultrasounds so that we can "time intercourse" , then use the projestrone suppositires during my TWW. Only problem with moving on to IVF next month is ...who knows exactly when I will ovulate this month and then when will AF may come, and I am in a wedding the first week of July... so if AF comes too late in June I will not be able to start an IVF cycle until maybe August....ughhh... little sad and disappointed right now....please pray for my patience and for me to try to keep up-spirited....thats not where I am today though unfortnately.....
Aw - TTC - that's a real shame you can't go for it this month. I guess it's good they checked for cysts though because if they didn't then it might have caused complications later. If you had to wait until August that would be a real bummer in terms of the next couple of months and having to keep on waiting - but remember if you got pregnant on your August cycle this would mean having a May baby - this would be a lovely time for your child/ren to have their birthday in the Springtime and the warmer months. :hugs:
Hi everyone! :)

So sorry you are out a month TTC! Maybe it is not a bad thing. Your body has been going through so much maybe it is telling you it needs a short break. That and mentally it might be good for you as well. I know you are anxious to keep trying but between this month off and the HSG test maybe that will spark up what you need to make that little one stick!! Try and stay positive. Much easier said than done but take this month for you. Pamper yourself as much as you can! Enjoy it!

Leeze, that is great that you have already found a place and it sounds like you have fallen in love with it already! We have a fairly large yard and I am telling you it is soooooo much maintenance! We can’t keep up with it! So I am all for low maintenance!

Irish, hope you are doing ok. How is the testing going?

How are you dong CMUM?

I am doing good for the most part. My nuchal translucency testing came back good. I go back to the doctor on June 7th for an ultrasound to check my cervical lining. Since I have had some of my cervix removed in the past they are keeping a watch on that. So I’m excited to get another ultrasound before the 20 week one! We had already booked a private ultrasound on June 11th which we are going to keep. My husband can’t take off work to go with me to my doctor’s appointments so he is anxious to get to see the baby. We are hopefully going to find out what we are having at that ultrasound also.

I have been so busy at work and things have been crazy at home so I have not had much of a chance to get on here lately. Hope everyone has a fabulous week! Take care ladies!...
Bann thrilled that your ultrasound went well and that you are moving along nicely.

TTC sorry that you are missing this cycle but I think it is good that they are monitoring you and that they will wait until everything is right before they start.

Leeze & Cmum hope yee are well feels like ages since I have been on.

Been very up and down have my first counciling session on Wednesday to try to sort my head out. I still have not gotten my AF and can't do any of the more comprehensive tests until then. I have no patience in general and this is all killing me I want to race off like a train but I know that they have to rule out any issues. I feel like there is definately apathy at the clinic I am at so I am going to write out all my questions and concerns before I go in the next time to ensure I don't get side tracked. I had my HCG tested last week and it was still 147 being tested again tomorrow. I really hope to get my AF before next week so we can get on to doing something again. I am going to try Reiki too it can't hurt.

Girls glad you are all doing well - TTC I know it doesn't feel like it now but all the waiting will be worth it in the end - that is what I am telling myself. xx
just a quick one to say hi to everyone and I'm thinking of you all :hugs:

Irish - I hope the counselling sessions help, I personally really find it helpful to talk things through. I know that we don't often say this but I hope you AF hurries up. Reiki sounds like a good idea too, I think do whatever helps you to feel a bit better right now. I hope this next months gets you some answers when you start getting the next tests done. Sending you big hugs :hugs:

Bann - great news re the NC test and how lovely that you've got 2 chances in the next couple of weeks to see the LO again. :hugs:

TTC - I hope you're hanging on in there and taking good care of yourself :hugs:

I'm pleased to say we finally found a nice flat and have had our offer accepted on it. Now we need to start thinking about both having a big clear out over the next couple of months! xxx
Hi Leeze! I have been anxious to hear from someone on here to see how you are getting along. Congrats on the new flat!!! Is it the one with the garden? I'm sure it is super nice and you guys are very anxious to get settled in! Lots of exciting stuff going on for you. That is great!

Irish and TTC, I think about you guys often! Hope you guys are doing well and things are progressing for you to start trying again very very soon, if you haven't already started.

I also think that seeing a therapist is a very positive thing. If I had the time and money I would see a therapist on a regular basis. It is great mentally and physically to let it all out and sometimes it is best to do that with someone that is not part of your personal circle.

I don't have a whole lot to report. Our summer here is going to be brutal! It is already 95 degrees. That is just crazy. Too soon to be that hot! I have ulcerative colitis and it has flared up so they doubled my meds. On top of that I have asthma which has gotten worse since the pregnancy. I don't like all these meds I am on but all my doctors have assured me that they will not harm the baby. Other than that things are really boring for me I guess.

Well I guess I better get back to work. Take care ladies!!...
Hello Ladies...

Leeze-congrats on the flat... you got all kind of fun stuff going on right now huh?

Bann-looks like your coming along well too. Gosh I have ashma too...didnt know that pregnancy could make that worse... geeze... hang in their girl.

Irish-big hugs to you girl. I also have been contimplating going to "talk" to someone, but I am a chicken.

As for me I dont have much at all to report....I Have to apoligize, have not been on here at all lately, I have stopped virtually all TTC "googling", as I have spent the last year doing all that research and driving myself nutz trying to learn all I can about having a have tried to give it a rest so to speak. I feel I have learned all I need to learn, researched all I need to research on TTC myths/tips...REs..procedures...supplement...positions... days to DTD etc... now all I need to do now is get pregnant. I have however continue to take my temp and logg it into fertility friend via my iphone, but other than that I virtually have ceased all TTC computer crap. But I wanted to stop on here and say hello to you as you all have been on my mind.

I certainly havent given up on having a baby !! and I hope that day doesnt come as it will be very hard for me to handle to be honest.

So this month is all natural with some progestrone supp in the the TWW. Next month we still havent decided what we are going to do...not sure if we are going to just do another month of natural... or still contimplating going to Philly again for an IVF, or maybe starting up with a new clinic I had a consult at...The Cleveland Clinic. IVF as we all know cost a lot of $$, but Cleveland is twice the amount as Philly....but they also have a doubled sucess rate... so we havent made a decision yet... will have to do that in the next couple days actually, as AF should be showing late next week... well of course unless I got preggers this month... but I really doubt it... but still fingers crossed...I will keep you guys posted.
Hi Guys<
Leeze congrats on the flat that is brilliant news thrilled that it is all working out so well for you.

Bann cricky you have been through a lot so I know you are tough I know it is alien to take the meds when you are pregnant but you also have to stay strong - they would put you on anything that would put you are the baby in harms way. But I am delighted that all is progressing otherwise so well for you.

TTC I think we are both on the same page I have given up on all the info overload I just can't do it any more. I so feel what you are saying and from my side anyway I don't think it is a bad thing b/c if I kept going on like the way I was I would have burnt myself out. I think you are very brave to admit it and to recognise it and change the way you are looking at things.

From my side I did the counselling which was Ok I didn't get the relief that I was expecting. I know you might think I am mad but I did some Shamanic counselling and found it fantastic. I had a lot of anger built up and bascially she said that in order to bring life in to the world you have to have room and that if I was filled with anger, grief regret and worry that there was no room for anything else. I know that different things work for different people I would be quite spiritual as opposed to religious so this has worked for me. I really feel I have crosssed a bridge don't get me wrong I am still sad and think about all that I have been through but I have let those little souls go and I am ready to try again.

I still haven't gotten my AF but I am really bloated I did take a HPT and it was Negative so I think that they will come shortly. I am off on holidays on the 15th of June and then I have my first appointment with the MC clinic where they will have my initial results. They will do further bloods on that day which will take another 4-6wks to come back these are all got to do with clotting and other elements of the womb. They told me not to try before we get these results which is hard but this time I am doing what I am told :) totally foreign concept to me.

Anyway Cmum hope you are also doing well - hopefully I will be back on here at some point with good news but for the moment I am just going to take my time for a change and enjoy my life as really it has been passing me by.

xxx sending out lots of hugs and baby dust to TTC
Hi everyone :hugs:

Bann - sorry to hear your asthma has got worse and about your ulcerative colitis. I've got asthma too but mine seems to be ok. I did have a few weeks where I gagged a lot of the time after taking the inhaler and I was a bit worried about that but it doesn't seem to have made things any worse. I am a little bit wheezy now and then, but generally ok. I hope you're able to rest and there's not too much stress in your life at the moment. :hugs:

TTC - sounds like a good idea to try to not be so focused on everything TTC-related. I know how much it can take over. Good idea to still keep trying naturally, you hear lots of stories of people getting pregnant naturally when they've started going for IVF. If not then maybe it's worth trying the clinic with double success rates if you can afford it - or at least having a chat with them to get a sense about what makes them so successful so this could help you in your decision-making. Good luck with whatever you decide and I'm glad you came back to keep us updated. :hugs:

Irish - my heart really goes out to you, honey. All this waiting for AF must be driving you crazy. I bet if it hasn't come by now then sods law would be that it comes on your first day of your holiday. I think that Shamanic counselling sounds good. Interestingly, I heard something similar from an acupuncturist, that somehow you need to let a lot of the bad stuff out before you can bring new life in. I know for me that the couple of months before I got my BFP were really hard because I felt so consumed with jealousy about my friend getting her BFP. I then reached a turning point with it and a couple of weeks later I got the BFP. Sorry to hear that you'll have to wait another 4-6 weeks after you get the tests back, but it does sound like it would be best to take their advice on it. Good luck with being patient! :hugs:

I'm doing ok, feeling pretty tired at the moment but work is quite full on and we've been so busy recently with mortgages, solicitors etc too - seems endless. The flat we've got is different to the first one I mentioned, it's got a slightly bigger garden and is South West facing which means it gets sun throughout the day and evening. My OH was obsessed with getting a South West facing garden because he wants to be able to come home from work in the evening and have a beer in the sun! In London the gardens are normally quite small and overlooked by a lot of other properties so it's apparently really important which direction it faces!! I think he's probably right although I wouldn't have even thought about it!! Bye for now xx
just dropping by to see if there's any updates

hope you're all doing ok :hugs:
I just wanted to drop in real quick and say hi to everyone. I think about you ladies often!!! Hope things are going ok for everyone!

xxx :hugs:
hello, i've been reading this thread and decided i need some buddies too :) i am 35, turning 36 in a couple of months, we've been trying for some time now for our 3rd and its not as easy as the first two were. we got pregnant back in dec only to mc late jan, we were heartbroken. we got pregnant sooo soon after i got my iud removed dec 8th, if fact that following cycle. now we have been ttc since the mc and now we are on cycle 7, i should be o'ing on or around the 6th july, so i am preparing myself by taking robitussin, fertilaid and we will be trying preseed for the first time aswell, i really hope this combo does the trick :) ttc is exhausting and seems like alot of work, sometimes it is just not fun! anyways its nice to meet you all and hopefully you can give me some advice along the way, thanks
Hi Bradsbeb

I think most of the girls from this group are taking a bit of a break just now. I got my BFP in Feb after 14 months TTC - I'm happy to give you any advice that I can if that would be helpful. Otherwise good luck xxx

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