Just a quick bit of info.
My nans partner is my landlord....me and OH have recently moved in and theres a drawer in the kitchen full of medicines etc. etc.
Well I have a really bad headache so went searching and I came across a pack of tablets with Metformin written on it.
I suffer from PCOS and as far as I was aware...Metformin is known to increase ovulation...hense why its used when TTC. I also know its used for Diabetes. Now I know for a fact my nan or her partner DO NOT have diabetes and I'm pretty sure my nan isnt TTC at 55?!
So my question is (and probably sound stupid asking this) but...because I have PCOS and I have been TTC since june would it do me any harm taking the tablets?
ALSO it looke like its an over the counter drug as it has "boots" written on the packet....I will add a pic. ****PLEASE CONFIRM IF THIS IS THE METFORMIN I AM REFERRING TO REGARDING HELP WITH OVULATION***
Thanks ladies

My nans partner is my landlord....me and OH have recently moved in and theres a drawer in the kitchen full of medicines etc. etc.
Well I have a really bad headache so went searching and I came across a pack of tablets with Metformin written on it.
I suffer from PCOS and as far as I was aware...Metformin is known to increase ovulation...hense why its used when TTC. I also know its used for Diabetes. Now I know for a fact my nan or her partner DO NOT have diabetes and I'm pretty sure my nan isnt TTC at 55?!
So my question is (and probably sound stupid asking this) but...because I have PCOS and I have been TTC since june would it do me any harm taking the tablets?
ALSO it looke like its an over the counter drug as it has "boots" written on the packet....I will add a pic. ****PLEASE CONFIRM IF THIS IS THE METFORMIN I AM REFERRING TO REGARDING HELP WITH OVULATION***
Thanks ladies