Yeah, no clue why it didn't really work for me! I wish it had, but I also had awful side effects from the Clomid and Femara is supposed to have no side effects, so I'm looking forward to this round.
The IUI is just artificial insemination. I'll explain it, but if you know all of this already just disregard all of this!! I don't want you to think I'm talking down to you! My understanding of IUIs is pretty basic since it's something we're just now going to try.
So, we'll take the Femara CD3-7 and go in for ultrasound monitoring just like we would for Clomid. If my dr. sees one or two good follies, we'll trigger and then come in the next day for the IUI.
The day of DH will give them a semen sample and they "wash" the sperm. When they wash the sperm, they separate the individual sperms from the seminal fluid. They do this first because when they do the IUI, they will insert DH's sperm into my uterus (they'll go through the cervix, which is where most sperm die) and if you insert the seminal fluid too it can cause some pretty bad cramping. Secondly, when they "wash" the sperm they separate the bad sperm from the good sperm, so they only insert the healthy and fully-functioning swimmers. It's a procedure that's totally painless (at least I hope!) and is done in like 10 minutes. It's really great for couples like us that have male infertility issues. It takes the strain of travel away from DH's little swimmers, they're put right in front of the fallopian tubes where the egg should be!
Anyway, hoping it'll work for us! That's great that you ovulated, did your doctor recommend you take some kind of progesterone supplement? I don't think I have a progesterone issue, but I read that it's a big reason some women miscarry, so the one time I did O on Clomid I used progesterone cream during the tww just in case. I know some doctors also offer progesterone suppositories. I really hope the second round of Clomid works for you! Maybe it'll be just the thing you need