See that is exactly why I plan on keeping the name we choose a secret for the most part. We are only telling VERY few people because we don't want unwanted input on our names.
I wanted to keep my 1st kids name a secret but people kept bugging me and I eventually gave in. We didn't get any negativity about his name thankfully. I would have stuck to my guns and kept it secret with my 2nd but we had about 5 other people pregnant all due between September and November (3 of us in October) so I made sure to put our choices out there so people knew. (Fortunately none of them were the type to steal a name from someone else). But I did get crap about her middle name. First i heard it was pretty then I heard it was stupid (from the same person! Its like really? make up your mind!) I ended up yelling at him that its not his kid and we weren't going to change the name to please him.
This time around, so far I only know of one other family member who is pregnant (due about 3 weeks ahead of me) and an old family friend due in late February. Other than hubby obviously, my sister in law, a good friend of mine and my mom know our name choices (my mom doesn't know the middle name we chose for a girl though as we have yet to tell her our final decision).