Anyone trying to lose a little weight WHILE pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2011
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Hello ladies!! I am just entering into 2nd trimester and im starting to get some energy back! I never really had any before to be honest, but ive REALLY been lacking energy the past 12 weeks. So I would really like to lose a little bit of weight before entering into the 3rd trimester. My doctor said that would be completely healthy. I just wondered if anyone else is trying to diet healthy while pregnant and if so, what are you doing? I was up and down in my weight during the 1st trimester due to being sick. After weighing myself this morning, i would say technically I only gained 2 lbs. But my clothes are way tighter even though im not showing yet. im definitely not a health freak, i just really want to stay under 200lbs during the pregnancy. Any advice or suggestions? I would greatly appreciate it :) :hugs:
Me! :D I was 14 stone 7 lbs so 203 lbs and my midwife says it is very possible to loose weight during pregnancy if you were over weight to begin with and it may actually help. Just as long as you're eating enough and healthy and keeping with light exercise it's okay to loose weight. I lost 7 lbs but have nearly gained them back again and that's me at 19 weeks, I have a wee while to go but trying hard not to loose control of my weight!
I'm not actively trying to lose weight but have lost around 10lbs in the last month. Mine was due to a change in diet because of trying to get my diabetes to control and because I found out I was gluten intolerant so I went gluten free and low carb. Most of the weight I believe was gas, swelling, and water retention from the GI. What I have learned is that balance is the best thing and the food groups are different then I thought. Veggies and fruits, protein, dairy, grain, fats and oils....... and fiber. Fiber acts as a bonding agent with all of the others and you digest slower which causes more of the other things to burn more off. In a diabetic this causes a lower blood glucose reading and in everyone else helps to burn off some of the fat and carbs in the meal while still giving you the nutrients your body needs. Also, I remember somewhere that your veggies and fruits should be a variety of colors like a rainbow to help get all nutrients possible. The more balanced you are in essential nutrients will actually help boost your metabolism.
I wouldn't think of it as losing weight or try to lose weight but eating healthier will make a difference. Better portions and exercising regularly is a healthy lifestyle :) Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables of all colors, variety! Make sure you get in protein, dairy, grain, fats, fiber and oils. Maybe find an app to write done what you have ate and balance everything out to not indulge or overeat?

I'm somewhat on the opposite side, I need to try and gain some weight. I'm not trying to lose weight but I have lost 25 pounds now, I wasn't overweight when I got pregnant but did have some weight from my son. I just eat really healthy and do my normal exercising. I have suffered from severe nausea the whole pregnancy and this week started throwing up, I lived off of fruit! Lemons, grapefruits, apples, peaches, strawberries, pineapples, watermelon <3 Try meals like rice, steamed veggies and chicken mixed together with some type of sauce or spices... mmm!
Try meals like rice, steamed veggies and chicken mixed together with some type of sauce or spices... mmm!

One of my favourites is brown rice, sugar snap peas, and chicken in sauteed onion, green pepper, garlic and a tbsp of hoisen sauce.
I have lost weight in my pregnancy, not a huge amount, maybe 6 pounds so far. When I conceived I was obese and my doctor suggested maintaining rather than gaining. I saw a nutritionist who helped me devise a sensible and healthy eating plan and I began weighing my startches into "propper recommended portions" rather than the huge double portions of pasta I was gobbling before. Ooops.

Anyway, I had MS very bad for the first 4 months and this also aided in my weight loss. I agree with others to focus on healthy nutritious options without dieting. I still treat myself!!! Lol
I haven't tried to lose weight but I have used the my fitness pal app to keep an eye on what I'm eating to make sure I don't go silly with calories. I lost 7lbs due to morning sickness and now I'm just sticking to 2000 calories a day and doing a bit of walking as gentle exercise.
thanks for all the replies ladies! weight has ALWAYS been an issue for me. I have had consistent MS as well. its still lingering, but it is getting better. But im NEVER hungry, and a lot of stuff just doesnt sound good to me. a lot of things i cant even finish eating, so i was really hoping i would lose just because of that, but as i said earlier ive gained about 2 lbs. and of course i dont like a whole lot of vegetables...ugh... i get so frustrated at myself! but im gonna try walking at least. im a teacher and take my lunch each day...what would yall suggest i pack??
There were a lot of veggies that I didn't like. Broccoli, zucchini and squash being a few of them. I eat all f these now because I experimented with different recipes that had other things I did like so that the veggies would "hide" in the recipe. Spinach in chicken Alfredo, broccoli in ham cheese a potato casserole, I julianne zucchini, fry them in garlic powder and oil and use it in place of noodles with cheese sauce, and recently had a squash cake with seasonings and acorn squash. I'm sure you could find at least a few.

I still won't eat cabbage or Brussel sprouts..... can't even stomach them with my nose pinched, but you get the idea.
Whether you gain weight or not in pregnancy, energy loss is very common. I personally dont see how you can lose it or even want to while pregnant? even eating healthyand dr approved exercise you will most likely gain some ..even 15 pounds is healthy. idk what possesed your dr to say weight loss is healthy while carrying a baby ...unless you are extremely obese i would say otherwise and never heard a dr say lose weight while pregnant..i agree with staying under 200 as i am trying to do the same by not indulging too much in sweets and not over eating but never would I try and lose weight while pregnant.. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but no matter how much or little you gain, your pregnant and feeling tired and shi%%# comes with the territory unfortunately..sorry if my comment is offensive to anyone but really u dont look over weight by ur profile pic n i just cant understand wanting to lose weight while carrying a baby
It's not necessarily about losing weight but about eating healthily which in turn can result in losing weight. I'm sure she's not talking about doing the slim fast diet or anything but just eating well.

I'm with you Hun. I lost 4 stone in the 18months before I fell pg as I'm not about to put it all back on again!
I do slimming world, I don't know if you have tred it but it is honestly the best thing I have ever done. I've tried weight watchers, Cambridge, lighter life etc and none of them worked because they are all a diet! Slimming world is not a diet, it just teaches you how I eat healthily. Also, it is the only program that is approved by docs and midwives during pregnancy as there are no restrictions on what you can eat, they just show you how to eat it healthily and different combinations that really honestly help you lose weight. I don't work for them honestly lol, it's just following this plan has changed my life! And it's so easy. My consultant just gave me a form to give to my midwife and she stamped it to say she was happy for me to carry on while pg.
my weight loss has deffo slowed down since pg, but I have lost about 5lbs and haven't put any weight on and my doc is happy with it. I don't have a ton left to lose, maybe 1 1/2 stone but I don't want to put any on while I'm pregnant, or not more than a few lbs.

Deffo try it, the meetings are great and we all talk about recipes and health eating, it's really inspiring. I feel so much healthier and have a ton more energy!
I know doctors will say its okay for obese women to lose wieght whole pregnant so long as they are eating the proper number of calories and getting the right nutrition .

Getting more exercise and eating better may help you keep wieght gain down or lose some , however you still need to make sure your meeting your daily requirements and if your not eating alot might be missing things your body or baby are needing

As for the veggies I have a cook book I use for inspiration to help get extra nutrition into my son called deceptively delicious . It's all about hiding veggies in food so you can taste them. There's alot of really good recipes in there that are really yummy
Exactly. If you are used to eatig a not so healthy diet and you start eating better and exercising more, ie walking and swimming not taking up marathon training!, it's only normal that you will lose some weight. As long as you are sensible about it then there will be no probs x
Whether you gain weight or not in pregnancy, energy loss is very common. I personally dont see how you can lose it or even want to while pregnant? even eating healthyand dr approved exercise you will most likely gain some ..even 15 pounds is healthy. idk what possesed your dr to say weight loss is healthy while carrying a baby ...unless you are extremely obese i would say otherwise and never heard a dr say lose weight while pregnant..i agree with staying under 200 as i am trying to do the same by not indulging too much in sweets and not over eating but never would I try and lose weight while pregnant.. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but no matter how much or little you gain, your pregnant and feeling tired and shi%%# comes with the territory unfortunately..sorry if my comment is offensive to anyone but really u dont look over weight by ur profile pic n i just cant understand wanting to lose weight while carrying a baby

I'm not "extremely obese", just over my ideal weight (not talking vanity pounds) and my doctor told me that it would be a good thing to lose or maintain my weight and not gain one single pound while pregnant as long as I am eating right and doing light exercise. Obviously, if I gain a few pounds it wouldn't be the end of the world but I lost 9 lbs last month and I haven't weighed myself in a week so I don't know if I've lost more then that. It depends on the person and their situation. Most people should gain 15 lbs but as long as you are gaining appropriate baby weight while you are losing unhealthy fat weight, it is perfectly safe to lose weight during pregnancy.
I am not extremely obese either, but my doctor also told me it was fine to lose weight. As long as I am eating healthy and enough, baby get what he needs. I've fluctuated up and down. At 24 weeks, I am up about five pounds from where I was to begin with. Just in the last month did I gain that little bit.

Basically- losing weight has been a positive byproduct of eating right and limiting my carbs so that my blood sugars stay within the right range.
I agree that eating healthier if you haven't been previously will allow your body to naturally shed excess weight. I struggled with obesity and health issues for years and after discovering a lot of food intolerance and allergies I cut all grains, dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods from my diet and I lost a ton of weight without exercise.... and I eat A LOT! I eat tons of veggies. I had lost some of the weight the hard way before changing my diet but it was effortless to lose more and maintain once I made the switch. I think the body just knows what to do once you get all the junk out of your system, so loosing weight while pregnant in these situations can still be a really healthy thing, in my opinion.

Having said that eating healthy doesn't mean you will maintain weight either. I started this pregnancy at a normal weight and wore a US size 4/6. I haven't changed my eating habits at all because I can't, no matter what I crave I have to avoid the foods that make me ill. Regardless, I have put on 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks! I do have a little fear because of my past struggles with weight but I just keep reminding myself that the body will do what it needs to do as long as what I put into is healthy...and that works both ways, both up and down the scale.
I struggled with obesity and health issues for years and after discovering a lot of food intolerance and allergies I cut all grains, dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods from my diet and I lost a ton of weight without exercise....

This is what has been happening for me lately. I used to have such horrible chronic pain, irritable bowl syndrome and gastric dumping syndrome. I'm not dairy free but am dairy low and just went gluten free. I was grain free to get my blood sugar levels down and found out I was gluten intolerant.

At first, I didn't even realize it and it just dawned on me one day that my back pain and all my intestinal pain was gone and that was just in the first week! Then I was a little bit in denial and tried to eat at a chinese restaurant and it felt like I was hit with a truck only a few hours later and the next day the gastrointestinal problems were so horrible it felt like my insides were on fire!

Even if I didn't have diabetes, there is no way I will ever go back to eating gluten because living with that kind of pain is so not worth it. Actually I can tolerate dairy a lot more, however, since cows milk isn't actually intended for the human body, I still try to stay somewhat dairy low.
I struggled with obesity and health issues for years and after discovering a lot of food intolerance and allergies I cut all grains, dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods from my diet and I lost a ton of weight without exercise....

This is what has been happening for me lately. I used to have such horrible chronic pain, irritable bowl syndrome and gastric dumping syndrome. I'm not dairy free but am dairy low and just went gluten free. I was grain free to get my blood sugar levels down and found out I was gluten intolerant.

At first, I didn't even realize it and it just dawned on me one day that my back pain and all my intestinal pain was gone and that was just in the first week! Then I was a little bit in denial and tried to eat at a chinese restaurant and it felt like I was hit with a truck only a few hours later and the next day the gastrointestinal problems were so horrible it felt like my insides were on fire!

Even if I didn't have diabetes, there is no way I will ever go back to eating gluten because living with that kind of pain is so not worth it. Actually I can tolerate dairy a lot more, however, since cows milk isn't actually intended for the human body, I still try to stay somewhat dairy low.

Same thing with me, I had so much pain all over for years. It was the migraines that got my researching and when I stumbled on the gluten connection I couldn't believe it cleared up almost all of my issues. Going gluten free got me about 75% of the way better, after being GF for a few months I gave up dairy and grains as they are all big sticky proteins as well and then felt even better yet. I would eat a dead moldy worm before I ever ate gluten again! ...although I must say I crave pizza every minute of the day since getting pregnant. I am also allergic to tomatoes so pizza would kill me. It is so funny that I crave it, I haven't craved it for years!
Hi Ladies

I can't recommend Slimming world enough here

I've always struggled with my weight, and then i struggled to conceive, i decided to do something about it and joined my local Slimming world group. I just under 5 stone in total and then fell pregnant :)

The great thing about slimming world is it is the only eating plan i know of that you can do while pregnant as it is all about balanced healthy eating, and not starving yourself (i have a very big appetite and there are a ton of food you can eat as much as you want without any weighing or measuring). It's supported by midwives and the plan is tailored to support and help you while pregnant to make sure you are getting enough calcium and fibre etc.

I'm will be continuing on slimming world throughout my pregnancy to ensure i stay as healthy as possible for both me and my baby, but also to help manage the amount of excess weight i gain

Good luck ladies, and above all, enjoy your bumps :)

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