Anyone trying to lose a little weight WHILE pregnant?

Lol, I just made a gluton free crust pizza :haha::haha:

I'm not dairy free's covered with mozerella and ricotta, pesto, tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic and onion. Soooooo good. :winkwink:

I got weighed today and I've lost a pound this month, so I'm 7 pounds down from pre pregnancy weight and I'm definitely not dieting, I do et more healthily....despite the pizza!!! Haha:blush:
I haven't been eating that great due to the nausea. I hardly eat enough and the last two weeks- the only things I don't throw up are unhealthy. I can't eat vegetables and I can only eat watermelon and strawberries. Each appointment I expect that I've gained several pounds then I'm shocked when they tell me I lost 2-6 pounds in one week.. how!!! I have an appointment tomorrow and I feel like I've gained at least 4 pounds, we'll see! :haha:
I agree that eating healthier if you haven't been previously will allow your body to naturally shed excess weight. I struggled with obesity and health issues for years and after discovering a lot of food intolerance and allergies I cut all grains, dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods from my diet and I lost a ton of weight without exercise.... and I eat A LOT! I eat tons of veggies. I had lost some of the weight the hard way before changing my diet but it was effortless to lose more and maintain once I made the switch. I think the body just knows what to do once you get all the junk out of your system, so loosing weight while pregnant in these situations can still be a really healthy thing, in my opinion.

Having said that eating healthy doesn't mean you will maintain weight either. I started this pregnancy at a normal weight and wore a US size 4/6. I haven't changed my eating habits at all because I can't, no matter what I crave I have to avoid the foods that make me ill. Regardless, I have put on 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks! I do have a little fear because of my past struggles with weight but I just keep reminding myself that the body will do what it needs to do as long as what I put into is healthy...and that works both ways, both up and down the scale.

I would do more but right now money is so tight that all extra goes into saving for stuff for the baby but hopefully OH gets a job soon. I'm starting to build up my spices and a few other things. It's a big learning curve because it's so much trial and error on recipes that work. So far I've replaced pancakes with a almond flour recipe and got my chili and taco seasoning to where I like it.

Oh, and I'm sure you could find a way to do pizza. I make pizza quiche and just use the ingredients I would use as toppings as filler instead. It's not quite the same but it helps a little sometimes. I know of recipes for crusts made with eggs a cheese but I don't know how the dairy substitutes would do in it. There are also flours made from nuts and coconut that you could mix with xanthan gum or guar gum or something to make a crust and then turn around and make a garlic white sauce to replace tomato sauce.
Whether you gain weight or not in pregnancy, energy loss is very common. I personally dont see how you can lose it or even want to while pregnant? even eating healthyand dr approved exercise you will most likely gain some ..even 15 pounds is healthy. idk what possesed your dr to say weight loss is healthy while carrying a baby ...unless you are extremely obese i would say otherwise and never heard a dr say lose weight while pregnant..i agree with staying under 200 as i am trying to do the same by not indulging too much in sweets and not over eating but never would I try and lose weight while pregnant.. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but no matter how much or little you gain, your pregnant and feeling tired and shi%%# comes with the territory unfortunately..sorry if my comment is offensive to anyone but really u dont look over weight by ur profile pic n i just cant understand wanting to lose weight while carrying a baby

thanks for your comment. That pic was taken a very long while ago. I simply asked my doctor if he would be opposed to me trying to lose some and he said it was fine...he didnt tell me i had to. as ive said before, ive battled weight my entire life. its very hard for me to get it off once its on, so i just wanted to try to lose a few pounds before hitting 3rd trimester. believe me...i dont REALLY want to have to lose weight...i LOVE to eat! HA im not some 90lb chick thats just being silly. just trying not to over indulge.
It's not necessarily about losing weight but about eating healthily which in turn can result in losing weight. I'm sure she's not talking about doing the slim fast diet or anything but just eating well.

I'm with you Hun. I lost 4 stone in the 18months before I fell pg as I'm not about to put it all back on again!
I do slimming world, I don't know if you have tred it but it is honestly the best thing I have ever done. I've tried weight watchers, Cambridge, lighter life etc and none of them worked because they are all a diet! Slimming world is not a diet, it just teaches you how I eat healthily. Also, it is the only program that is approved by docs and midwives during pregnancy as there are no restrictions on what you can eat, they just show you how to eat it healthily and different combinations that really honestly help you lose weight. I don't work for them honestly lol, it's just following this plan has changed my life! And it's so easy. My consultant just gave me a form to give to my midwife and she stamped it to say she was happy for me to carry on while pg.
my weight loss has deffo slowed down since pg, but I have lost about 5lbs and haven't put any weight on and my doc is happy with it. I don't have a ton left to lose, maybe 1 1/2 stone but I don't want to put any on while I'm pregnant, or not more than a few lbs.

Deffo try it, the meetings are great and we all talk about recipes and health eating, it's really inspiring. I feel so much healthier and have a ton more energy!

Thanks Bonnie! not trying to lose 50lbs or anything. Just want to lose maybe 10. Ill have to look into that for sure! I have done weight watchers before and loved really helped me as well. I had lost about 15lbs before my surgery that allowed me to get pregnant. I kept it off, but its slowly coming back on, obviously to be expected!
I agree that eating healthier if you haven't been previously will allow your body to naturally shed excess weight. I struggled with obesity and health issues for years and after discovering a lot of food intolerance and allergies I cut all grains, dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods from my diet and I lost a ton of weight without exercise.... and I eat A LOT! I eat tons of veggies. I had lost some of the weight the hard way before changing my diet but it was effortless to lose more and maintain once I made the switch. I think the body just knows what to do once you get all the junk out of your system, so loosing weight while pregnant in these situations can still be a really healthy thing, in my opinion.

Having said that eating healthy doesn't mean you will maintain weight either. I started this pregnancy at a normal weight and wore a US size 4/6. I haven't changed my eating habits at all because I can't, no matter what I crave I have to avoid the foods that make me ill. Regardless, I have put on 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks! I do have a little fear because of my past struggles with weight but I just keep reminding myself that the body will do what it needs to do as long as what I put into is healthy...and that works both ways, both up and down the scale.

unfortunately i like the unhealthy stuff! HAHA but i REALLY want to eat healthy during the pregnancy and Im hoping starting back work will help me do that! im a teacher so i wont be home anymore to eat what i want! but like you, ive been i may be eating "bad stuff" but im eating a lot less of it and still i have gained a few lbs...again to be expected. im really gonna try to get more fruits and veggies in my diet for sure, and i would love to start walking a little bit...just like 30 min at least :) but like you, ive just struggled so much with my weight, and i just know it will not be hard for me at all to get up to 230-250 before its all said and done. i really want to prevent that!!
I agree that eating healthier if you haven't been previously will allow your body to naturally shed excess weight. I struggled with obesity and health issues for years and after discovering a lot of food intolerance and allergies I cut all grains, dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods from my diet and I lost a ton of weight without exercise.... and I eat A LOT! I eat tons of veggies. I had lost some of the weight the hard way before changing my diet but it was effortless to lose more and maintain once I made the switch. I think the body just knows what to do once you get all the junk out of your system, so loosing weight while pregnant in these situations can still be a really healthy thing, in my opinion.

Having said that eating healthy doesn't mean you will maintain weight either. I started this pregnancy at a normal weight and wore a US size 4/6. I haven't changed my eating habits at all because I can't, no matter what I crave I have to avoid the foods that make me ill. Regardless, I have put on 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks! I do have a little fear because of my past struggles with weight but I just keep reminding myself that the body will do what it needs to do as long as what I put into is healthy...and that works both ways, both up and down the scale.

I would do more but right now money is so tight that all extra goes into saving for stuff for the baby but hopefully OH gets a job soon. I'm starting to build up my spices and a few other things. It's a big learning curve because it's so much trial and error on recipes that work. So far I've replaced pancakes with a almond flour recipe and got my chili and taco seasoning to where I like it.

Oh, and I'm sure you could find a way to do pizza. I make pizza quiche and just use the ingredients I would use as toppings as filler instead. It's not quite the same but it helps a little sometimes. I know of recipes for crusts made with eggs a cheese but I don't know how the dairy substitutes would do in it. There are also flours made from nuts and coconut that you could mix with xanthan gum or guar gum or something to make a crust and then turn around and make a garlic white sauce to replace tomato sauce.

It really is a learning curve, it takes time. I have tried playing around with the nut flours but I find the coconut to be kind of funny on my tummy and the almond I think works best for sweet things, never thought of trying it for pizza though. The dairy substitutes are ssssooooo gross. LOL

Building up your spice collection is definitely going to help. I got to the point where I got sick of spending money trying to make substitutes for things so I just eat veggies and meat mostly. Although sometimes I do bake a little almond flour mixed with a bit of oil in the oven with a big spoon of honey plopped in the middle and then stir it all together once the flour is browned. It tastes like some kind of sweet cereal, and if you put it in the fridge it gets hard and then is like a cookie. It's so much easier than actually trying to bake. I am too lazy for all that. :D
I agree that eating healthier if you haven't been previously will allow your body to naturally shed excess weight. I struggled with obesity and health issues for years and after discovering a lot of food intolerance and allergies I cut all grains, dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods from my diet and I lost a ton of weight without exercise.... and I eat A LOT! I eat tons of veggies. I had lost some of the weight the hard way before changing my diet but it was effortless to lose more and maintain once I made the switch. I think the body just knows what to do once you get all the junk out of your system, so loosing weight while pregnant in these situations can still be a really healthy thing, in my opinion.

Having said that eating healthy doesn't mean you will maintain weight either. I started this pregnancy at a normal weight and wore a US size 4/6. I haven't changed my eating habits at all because I can't, no matter what I crave I have to avoid the foods that make me ill. Regardless, I have put on 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks! I do have a little fear because of my past struggles with weight but I just keep reminding myself that the body will do what it needs to do as long as what I put into is healthy...and that works both ways, both up and down the scale.

unfortunately i like the unhealthy stuff! HAHA but i REALLY want to eat healthy during the pregnancy and Im hoping starting back work will help me do that! im a teacher so i wont be home anymore to eat what i want! but like you, ive been i may be eating "bad stuff" but im eating a lot less of it and still i have gained a few lbs...again to be expected. im really gonna try to get more fruits and veggies in my diet for sure, and i would love to start walking a little bit...just like 30 min at least :) but like you, ive just struggled so much with my weight, and i just know it will not be hard for me at all to get up to 230-250 before its all said and done. i really want to prevent that!!

It is really hard. :dohh: Especially when pregnant, for two moths I couldn't eat any raw veggies, only certain ones cooked. That got SO boring! And now all I crave is cheese of all things. Melted haunts me!

I don't think I could have ever done it if I wasn't so sick. I literally almost died from inflamed and damaged intestines a few years ago so I had no choice but to give up the foods I loved. In the beginning, I would literally be crying at the store reading ingredient lists trying to find something I could eat. :haha: ...but I did find that after I got some of the foods and chemicals they add to it out of my system it was much easier to cope with. That stuff is so addictive I literally had to go through withdrawl and detox.

Good luck!
With my first pregnancy I think, although I gained weight as baby grew I probably lost from my base weight just from eating a bit healthier and making an effort to do some regular gentle exercise like walking or swimming a few times a week.
In the UK they have a recommendation of 5 a day for fruit and veg which I never would have had before being pregnant but I did make an effort to have it once I found out, even if that meant swapping crisps and biscuits for carrot sticks and melon. I'm not saying I cut out the unhealthy stuff completely but cutting down did seem to help.
I've spoke to my doctor, midwife and consultant about losing weight in pregnancy as I am too quite overweight, and they have all said its fine in moderation and to at least try and maintain my weight as even that is losing weight as when baby comes I will be lighter than starting weight. my consultant said being overweight makes me at higher risk of complications and as i have to have a c section and she was very for me trying to lose a few pounds. I am now eating healthier than ever loads of fruit and veggies, walking 2 hours a day and doing 30 minutes on exercise bike as well as running after a 4 year old all day at the end of the day there Is no time like the present to get healthier and fitter after all we all want to be healthy mummies. as long as calories are not restricted too much it's absolutely fine to watch weight during pregnancy. :0) good luck xox
It really is a learning curve, it takes time. I have tried playing around with the nut flours but I find the coconut to be kind of funny on my tummy and the almond I think works best for sweet things, never thought of trying it for pizza though. The dairy substitutes are ssssooooo gross. LOL

Building up your spice collection is definitely going to help. I got to the point where I got sick of spending money trying to make substitutes for things so I just eat veggies and meat mostly. Although sometimes I do bake a little almond flour mixed with a bit of oil in the oven with a big spoon of honey plopped in the middle and then stir it all together once the flour is browned. It tastes like some kind of sweet cereal, and if you put it in the fridge it gets hard and then is like a cookie. It's so much easier than actually trying to bake. I am too lazy for all that. :D

Well, I make pancakes. They don't taste quite the same as pancakes but it is grain free. If you could find something to replace the sour cream you could try it. It is sweeter and would go great with some jam or preserves. I know they make some with more natural sweeteners, I think even some with honey. I haven't tried any yet but since I'm diabetic I have to go with sugar free sweeteners, and they have their own issues but it's either never eat anything sweet again or go on insulin which I have to during pregnancy but not once I have the baby so I'm trying to avoid that as much as I can.

The pancakes are low carb too which is great for me. It is 5 tbsp almond flour, 1 egg, 1 tbsp sour cream (you'd have to somehow replace that), 1 tbsp water, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp oil, 1/4 tsp vanilla, 1 tbsp sugar/equivalent sugar replacement. This will make 2 1/4 cup size pancakes at about 7 grams of carbs. They taste different but are filling and I like the different taste. Also, mix the egg seperately with wisk before adding to the mixture.

You can make muffins with almond flour, they are 1 minute in the microwave but I just don't like the taste or texture of them and if you don't get it just right, they fall and become dense and spongy. Other then that, I really haven't found much to use almond flour for, myself.
It doesn't look like anyone has been on this board in quite awhile but it's the closest thing I could find that's existing for my question. So if anyone can answer... what's wrong with loosing weight during your pregnancy if your overweight to begin with and you're loosing weight by eating right and exercising moderately. Just being healthier in general. It seems like everywhere I look everyone is like NOOOO do not loose weight while pregnant and you HAVE to gain weight. But WHY? If you're just taking care of yourself like you should have in the first place what's the problem??
It all depends on your starting weight. For very obese women, the recommendation is no weight gain whatsoever.

The problems with weight loss during pregnancy is that if it's not done under medical supervision it can deprive the developing baby of nutrients. It will still get calories because your body shunts calories you intake to the baby first then the mother's body gets the rest. If there isn't enough for her, she'll metabolize her fat stores. But the lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can result in birth defects.

However, weight loss in pregnancy needs to be done in a healthy way and only by women who need to do it because of the negative consequences of being obese during pregnancy.
I agree with nikko. It totally depends on what weight you started at. At my last dr's appt I asked how she thought my weight gain, or lack thereof, was going and she said I was going great. Since my first appt at her office I've lost 5 pounds. I was starting out overweight, so she was quite happy with the loss. And my ultrasound at 20 weeks showed my baby was right at a pound, so no worries about her not getting enough! I haven't been trying to lose weight, just trying to make healthier decisions on what I do eat.
I agree with nikko. It totally depends on what weight you started at. At my last dr's appt I asked how she thought my weight gain, or lack thereof, was going and she said I was going great. Since my first appt at her office I've lost 5 pounds. I was starting out overweight, so she was quite happy with the loss. And my ultrasound at 20 weeks showed my baby was right at a pound, so no worries about her not getting enough! I haven't been trying to lose weight, just trying to make healthier decisions on what I do eat.

If you don't mind what did you start out at. I'm 5'1" and started at 162 lbs. I know it's a bit high but I haven't lost all my baby weight from my last 3 pregnancies. We've pretty much done back to back since we started. This is our 4th and last. The place where I'm supposed to deliver is a low risk maternity clinic. All my pregnancies have been completely uneventful., but the clinic is like if you gain too much weight like over 20lbs then they're going to refer me to a hospital in the next city 1hr away. I really don't want that but they're making me feel so uncomfortable about everything. Especially since I've never gained less than 30lbs in a pregnancy.
I agree with nikko. It totally depends on what weight you started at. At my last dr's appt I asked how she thought my weight gain, or lack thereof, was going and she said I was going great. Since my first appt at her office I've lost 5 pounds. I was starting out overweight, so she was quite happy with the loss. And my ultrasound at 20 weeks showed my baby was right at a pound, so no worries about her not getting enough! I haven't been trying to lose weight, just trying to make healthier decisions on what I do eat.

If you don't mind what did you start out at. I'm 5'1" and started at 162 lbs. I know it's a bit high but I haven't lost all my baby weight from my last 3 pregnancies. We've pretty much done back to back since we started. This is our 4th and last. The place where I'm supposed to deliver is a low risk maternity clinic. All my pregnancies have been completely uneventful., but the clinic is like if you gain too much weight like over 20lbs then they're going to refer me to a hospital in the next city 1hr away. I really don't want that but they're making me feel so uncomfortable about everything. Especially since I've never gained less than 30lbs in a pregnancy.

I'm 5'11" and started around 250, so I could stand to lose more than 5 lol. I was trying to lose when I got pregnant, this was a bit of a surprise.

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