As title - how did you find it? Our son has been prescribed it for his reflux and so far I am unimpressed - first of all the tins are only 400g (the normal cartons of aptamil we were using are 900g) so I'm going to be going to get repeat prescriptions every couple of days at this rate, we have used half of a tin already to make up a few bottles and have not yet managed to give him a single feed because when we do the milk gets massive lumps in it and clogs the teat compeltely. I have made it according to the instructions (which odly say to use boiled water which has cooled completely to room temp - not sure how that kills the bugs in the powder but ok). It went so lumpy and sludgy at the bottom of the bottle and I had to use an emergency supply of the normal milk we give him as he was screaming for food and couldn't get any out of the teat! I threw out that batch and made a new batch, using boiling water this time thinking the powder would dissolve better, and hubby went to tesco to get the stage 3 variflow teat for thicker liquids - same thing. Bits of the powder just will not dissolve no matter what temperature the water or how much I shake it, it's ridiculous! I then had to sterilise a spoon to fish out the massive lumps, but that now means he is not getting the proper dose of powder!
Anyone had similar problems or can offer advice?
Anyone had similar problems or can offer advice?