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anyone's chart look like this?

Hi Ladies

Thanks for your advise I will overide my coverline. I took my temp this morning and it went a little bit more down today soo I think im out this month. My AF is suppose to arrive on the 23rd :cry:

I wouldent give up entirly
it hasnt dipped below any of your other temps so just relax and wait
Hi Ladies

Thanks for your advise I will overide my coverline. I took my temp this morning and it went a little bit more down today soo I think im out this month. My AF is suppose to arrive on the 23rd :cry:

I wouldent give up entirly
it hasnt dipped below any of your other temps so just relax and wait
Really so this is still a possibility? I was under the assumption that if your temp goes down near your excpected AF then your out of luck. Its good to know there are wonderful ladies like you to help people like me :hugs::dohh:
Hi Ladies

Thanks for your advise I will overide my coverline. I took my temp this morning and it went a little bit more down today soo I think im out this month. My AF is suppose to arrive on the 23rd :cry:

I wouldent give up entirly
it hasnt dipped below any of your other temps so just relax and wait
Really so this is still a possibility? I was under the assumption that if your temp goes down near your excpected AF then your out of luck. Its good to know there are wonderful ladies like you to help people like me :hugs::dohh:

it will still fluxuate a bit but your temp is still above cover which is the important thing.
I had a chart when ttc my first at 9 dpo it dipped but stayed abv cover the next day it rose again above the post o temps
it was called a triphastic pattern. at 15dpo there was still no af and sure enough I got a BFP
If your temp took a dramatic dip and went down just above your cover line then that would be something to worry about.
but yours isnt near cover and even so your 10 dpo and at 10 dpo its USUALY to early for af unless you have a LPD
Hi Ladies

Thanks for your advise I will overide my coverline. I took my temp this morning and it went a little bit more down today soo I think im out this month. My AF is suppose to arrive on the 23rd :cry:

I wouldent give up entirly
it hasnt dipped below any of your other temps so just relax and wait
Really so this is still a possibility? I was under the assumption that if your temp goes down near your excpected AF then your out of luck. Its good to know there are wonderful ladies like you to help people like me :hugs::dohh:

it will still fluxuate a bit but your temp is still above cover which is the important thing.
I had a chart when ttc my first at 9 dpo it dipped but stayed abv cover the next day it rose again above the post o temps
it was called a triphastic pattern. at 15dpo there was still no af and sure enough I got a BFP
If your temp took a dramatic dip and went down just above your cover line then that would be something to worry about.
but yours isnt near cover and even so your 10 dpo and at 10 dpo its USUALY to early for af unless you have a LPD
OH my goodness i am so new to this and i feel silly asking, but what does LPD mean:blush:
LPD is a luteal phase defect its when your luteal phase (the time between ovulation and af) is less than 12 days.
its USUSALY caused by a lack of progesterone.
but its too early to tell if you one or not
adn since I am not seing any signs of spotting or anything I am guessing not
ya no signs of spotting at all.
for July, August and September my AF starting on the 25th each month, but my record history shows my cycle is average 28.5 days long
it says my longest cycle was 34 days and shortest was 24 days in 37 cycles
does that make sense?
yep it makes sense I would say you should get af Monday if your gonna get her so I personaly wouldent have poas untill today at the earliest
give it a shot sunday and see what happens
yep it makes sense I would say you should get af Monday if your gonna get her so I personaly wouldent have poas untill today at the earliest
give it a shot sunday and see what happens
Good news my temp went up a bit from 97.64 yesterday to 97.66 today.
Ithink I will test tomorrow morning. Xing my fingers!
Hey guys;

Temps went WAY down thursday to 36.40 - then the spotting happened - then the for real af bleeding - good thing af is not an actual person as I don't think there would be enough security in the world to protect her!

Anyway, my temp did not go back below the coverline today, it actually went up to 36.54..all in all, my temp is still not below my coverline; is it ok to start my new cycle now? Today would be cd 2....advice?

Yes, I am devastated. But what else is new? I really wasn't counting on this anyway. Just concerned because my temp is not below my coverline, but maybe that's normal. Thoughts anyone??
if you are really bleeding then yes its time to star a new chart
I am sooo sorry :hugs:
I wish there was a wand I could wave and make every one preggers!
Good luck this month
Hi hollyhopeful2. So sorry that it wasn't your month:-( I know we don't want to get our hopes up each month but your chart did look so promising. How cruel for it to look so good and then that fat horrible af witch turns up. On a positive note your progesterone levels were good so that's a plus. I've made a pact with myself that I'm not going to do my temps after 4 days post ov, as I always obsess over if they are low or when they go a little higher I convince myself that this is it. As long as I know that I did actually ovulate I'll stop the temping. At least then I might be able to sleep better as I always have broken sleep post ov due to stressing. Good luck for this cycle let's hope this will be the real thing. Xx
You know, I've made myself that promise too! My chart was especially cruel this month because I had NO hint whatsoever that those damn temps were coming down; usually you get them slowly dropping over a day or so then BOOM....so I am with you....no more chart dissection until after 15 dpo....the aftermath is just too damn messy.....

Am just a newbie to charting. Am I looking at the right chart, just want to familiarise myself with what looks good and what doesn't. The majority have said it looks really good.

Is it the chart where this a dip on CD 16? Chart titled cycle 9/25/10. I thought a dip around that time meant AF was approaching.

Am I looking at the wrong chart or interpreting it wrong?

Ooo there may be hope with my chart.

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