A continence nurse? Now that's a new term I've never heard before! Gosh, I wonder if we'll have someone like that here (I'm in South Africa)? I'm definitely going to try and find out, thank you!
My daughter doesn't need catherisation so far. Since her untethering, her urinary incontinence has improved immensely. From being totally incontinent at night, she's now always dry the whole night! And from having a couple of accidents on most days, she now has an accident about once or twice a month, plus a little bit of leakage on some days. For this, she wears dry like me (pantyliners for kids). The botox worked well for her, so I think it should be worth it for those last few accidents. She's also tried a couple of the medications, but the side effects interfered with her schoolwork.
The suppositories she has, is also dulcolax. It worked okay for constipation, but didn't stop her leaking little bits. And that's what I'm trying to get under control. Those little bits of leaking. Because it ruins her underwear, and the smell can be quite off-putting, so I'm worried about it happening at school. At the moment, it happens about 2-5 times a week. It seems to happen if she's constipated or not. It seems almost worse when she's not constipated. The other problem with this is that she still have most feeling down there, so she fights me on invasive procedures like the dulcolax. It only happens with ALLOT of tears, fear and screaming in pure terror. She's quite stubborn and refuse to acknowledge that that is better than the alternative (to soil the underwear).
Oh and yes, thank you, I've heard about the ACE and mitranoff procedures, but she's not (yet) in need of them, I think. I read about them on the spinabifida connection site. Are you on there?