My fob has never paid anything towards his daughter. She is now just over 2 years old. He has just graduated from university so I am presuming he either now is working or he is on benefits, so I decided to call the CSA to get them to reassess him. They sent a letter out to him on Monday (his family's home address) so he probably received it today! It just asks him what is his situation i.e is he a continuing student, does he have a job etc and he has to get back to them by the 3rd of July. I really hope he is now working so that I can finally get some payment from him. He didn't want anything to do with me when he found out I was pregnant and didn't want anything to do with our child, so it would be fantastic if now he is forced to take financial responsibility. Fingers crossed they work it out that he is due me money instead of the nil assessment last time.
Good luck to anyone who is trying to chase the fathers for maintenance!!
Good luck to anyone who is trying to chase the fathers for maintenance!!