Tdog i agree its such a boyish head isnt it and surely that is boy part stacking in that second pic?! They had great difficulty getting crl pics baby wasnt playing ball was in there ageeees during which they mentioned had to angle the scanner very particularly very hard pressing it deeply etc etc to encourage baby to move which im guessing ia why such contrast in way nubs look from first 2 pics. Head looks just like 3 brothers did, girls do.not seem to have heads like this i dont think. Oh thinks girl as this pregnancies seemed diff to the others, but may just be the preg not the baby. 11.15 tomorrow ill be in there woop. Cant wait to get something for baby to celebrate knowing. Did loafs of white and cream last time but this time wanna go colours and my personal choice i get not everyones is that i wanna go for gender typical colours. Exciting xxxxx eeeek