Congratulations Miss Babes, sounds like quite a traumatic birth but it sounds like you handled it quite well
Hope you're recovering well xx
Congratulations Emma! Sounds like a positive birth, hope you're doing well too x
I had my 2nd sweep today, the midwife was able to do it today, said cervix was mid-posterior (so coming forward but not all the way there yet) and I was a good 2cm dilated 3 at a stretch. It was very uncomfortable but she said she gave me a really good sweep. I had some light bleeding after and bit of brown mucus (although I had that following the first sweep)
I went for a walk after and had the odd twinge. After coming home I had pain in the sides of the bottom of my bump and my back, but I didn't think they were contractions as it was constant. I thought maybe I had 1 or 2 contractions (now I'm not sure) and then suddenly... it all stopped. How disappointing! I was beginning to think I would have to call OH home from work early. Now I just feel "normal" (as normal as you feel 9 days over due)
Good news is though the midwife said if I do end up being induced she thinks it's likely to work as I'm already 2 possibly 3 cm dilated. So that's something to take away that's positive. Induction booked for Thursday (40 + 12) .. you never know I might go into labour naturally in the next couple of days but for some reason I'm not feeling optimistic tbh
*edit* looking forward to seeing some photos of these april babies!