Are we sharing too much?


Mummy of 2 gorgeous boys!
Oct 12, 2010
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Online I mean.

Someone announced the death of their dad 15 minutes after he'd gone. He'd died at 2.20pm and at 2.40pm it's on Facebook. I know it's a way of telling people but why would you need to get it out so quick.
My niece announced her baby being born within minutes on there, I sent a text to my sister congratulating her on being a granny and she didn't know she'd been born as she's not on Facebook :cry:
Another status yesterday went .. Got to go docs water work problems again.

So this is what Facebook is about, What's on your mind. But literally everything??
Family arguments are the worst, it just fuels everything even more.

Are we just now a society using Facebook and online forums as therapy? Getting everything off our chest? Is it a good thing talking about everything???
Have you used the Internet yourself for something similar like and argument and its just spiralled??
I'm with you! Someone who received a text message from my OH then took it upon themselves to share the news our LO had arrived on facebook... That's just rude IMO. We were happy to announce on facebook but in out own time and we wanted to do it ourselves. But yeah, people just share too much also. The dad dying thing? Odd to me - i would be way too upset (obviously) to announce the death of a family member 20 minutes after they had passed. On another note I'm also sick of seeing pictures of what people have for lunch... I block them from my news feed.
oh and when we get married later this year I will get the celebrant to announce to everyone - please no pictures uploaded to social media today. I don't want photo's of my wedding being uploaded while its actually happening.
I agree with all this, I've no idea why people feel the need to share such banalities as what they are having for lunch and what they've just done on the toilet! I have two friends, a couple, who have their arguments on Facebook while one is in the bedroom and the other in the living room, it's like real time commentary, she just said this to me statuses etc, baffling!

As for sharing births and deaths I wouldn't do it ( although having just checked the last time I put anything on Facebook was November lol) but especially with births I can understand wanting to share excitement and maybe a photo which might be expensive to send to a lot if people by text. But before grandparent even knows, hell no. And same thing with announcing someone died it must be horrible to find out something like that on facebook.

What a brilliant idea getting the celebrants to announce that at a wedding, wish I had thought of it as someone uploaded photos of my wedding and tagged me and had friends on their that are at school and I have/may teach in future. Gah, guess I'm not such a fan of
Facebook lol.
Whilst I dont agree with that in principle I think some people turn to social networking as an outlet, theraputic yknow
We have a family member like this! We have had to say to her at times, don't post this on Facebook before we have told x,y,z ...
I agree. So many people post exactly what they are doing every minute and what is happening. My friend got robbed , cause she announced she was going away :wacko: Common sense , why would you post that on Facebook :shrug:

I guess some people do use it as an outlet, which is fine, I personally don't. I will post little things or some quotes on how I am feeling concerning my loss , but nothing else. My son just went to Florida with his girlfriend and on his Twitter one post after the other , we are leaving for the airport, we are at the airport, we are boarding the plane, we just landed in Boca :shrug: I called him and said Nicholas what the hell are you doing? If someone wants to find you they would know exactly where you were. LOL.. I realize his is only 19 but God every step of your life? I never had this growing up, my youngest son age 12 actually asked me he said Mom when you were out with your friends and you needed to come home how did you call Grandpa to come and pick you up :wacko: umm a payphone? What is a payphone? He didn't know, we didn't have cells back in the 80's when I was growing up.
It is good in a way all this technology but in a way it is not. I still have an old cell phone, cause I don't know how to text and refuse to pay for something on a new phone that I don't use. All my 3 boys have that Apple J phone and my son tried to teach me how to text , no patience. The phone flew one way and my son another, he said forget it mom stick to just calling people :shrug:

I really do think people share to much, I like my privacy so I choose not to :flower::flower:
I think some people do share too much on Facebook. Some people post what they are doing every minute of the day it seems! One of my friends even tagged herself at the hospital when her baby got rushed in. I couldn't help thinking she should have been more focused on her baby than Facebook. She does this a lot.

It is horrible when other people announce someone's pregnancy or arrival of a baby without them wanting to. It's happened so many times to people I know, I would never dare to announce someone's good news before they had done it themselves! :nope:

I think that as long as you remember that everything you post is public and can/will be judged then its fine. Oh and dont post photos from weddings, births etx without a) the persons person and b) telling the important people in your life first.

I have two facebooks, specifically so I can share a lot to my bnb and SANDS friends without having RL friends know and judge. On my bnb/SANDS one I announced Riley Rae had died probably half an hour to an hour after she had, but I had also shared that I was going to my scan scared and feeling like something was wrong so people were waiting for my update, I think I said something along the time lines of I wish this could be better news, but my sweet Bubble (her nickname) has grown her wings, I am so sorry. But on the other one I didnt share for a few days as i wanted to make sure family were told first.

Ps. You can put your setting so if someone tags you in a photo, status etc you have to approve it before it goes on your time line etc x
I took a video of Lane's first steps and sent it to family. Not long after, I got an email FB update from my mom, saying how proud she was and that she was going to "upload it as soon as I figure out how!" I was on the phone with her within two seconds, asking her to please not put it on the internet, it was for private, family viewing only. That took balls, just assuming she could do whatever the hell she wants (but that is another thread entirely).

I can really understand posting about the father dying; that person probably needed support, like yesterday, and needed kind words from people.

But there are definitely questionable things out there. Things I've even read on bnb about details of sex lives, etc surprise me. Why need to share such things? I have shared a few things and then am like, damnit, why did I say that? It's too easy sometimes to forget that you aren't just talking to one person, but actually sharing your private thoughts with anyone who has internet access.
My husband's cousin-type-thing (not sure real relation?) added me after we got married. She has Gastroparesis, and updates FB daily about how many times and in what locations she vomited that day.

Enough said.:sick:
Yes and no.
I always think if a person doesn't like any of my status' then delete me as a friend. But saying that, I post very rarely and mainly just message people or write on peoples walls. I do upload of lot of pictures of my son by thats because all my family live in Scotland and my partners are in Swindon so don't get to see our son grow up. I only accept people i class as friends onto my facebook and my account is set as private so only friends can see what i post.
Sometimes i read status' that make me cringe but alot of the time i put it down to a cry for help.
Everyone in life is different and what is ok to me may not be ok to you. I am a very open book but i wouldn't dream of saying i had water issues on FB just like i don't say I am trying for a baby or if i had cramp.
I have to admit, not many things annoy me on FB. I usually just skip read statuses.

The ones that do my head in is where you have a couple saying:-

I love my Hubby sooooo much
No baby, I love you more
I love you with all my heart and then some
Blah blah

....and just goes on & on & on and you know fine well they are sat in the same room as each other. It always come across as though they are trying to prove a point of some sort.

I have 2 'friends' that do it.
My husband's cousin-type-thing (not sure real relation?) added me after we got married. She has Gastroparesis, and updates FB daily about how many times and in what locations she vomited that day.

Enough said.:sick:

My sil has gastroparesis, really horrible illness, but barely anyone on her fb knows.

I don't see why people want the world to know every little detail. As for people posting about the birth of someone else's baby, that is horrible!!! We specifically told everyone not to post anything until we did, and we took a few days :)
Personally I think it's a bit sad for close family members to find out about important events like births on facebook along with everyone else, we phoned all the important people first and then posted on facebook when DD was born. I'd have been gutted if someone else had posted about it on there first!
I found out my parents' dog died through facebook. That was a bit of a shock, but living far away, its always been the case where I'm last to find out stuff! And the thing was, it was by my dad who hardly ever posts on facebook.

I agree people do over share. I tend to share videos and stuff mainly to let family know where I am or what I am doing. I share Abby videos for them too (and her growing fan club!) But I rarely share deeply personal things, I rarely share about poo or puke.

And the occasional "Life isn't fair" rant is very therapeutic.

But, as someone said, if you don't like the way other people use Facebook, don't have them on your facebook, very simple.
Poo updates and details of dodgy tummys and all that are probably the ones I don't need to hear :rofl: As much as I'll celebrate potty training with Alex (it'll sure be a milestone) you wont be hearing the details on facebook!
I agree. Some people share Waaaay too much. I go on FB every day, but only really put something on a couple of times a month.
I don't get the checking in thing - why do people do it? I have had people checking in at A&E with thwir baby, and at the supermarket and stuff. And constant updates about what people are doing; I'm going to bed, I'm brushin my teeth, I'm having a wee......

I think a lot of people think of FB as a huge part of their life and its OTT.
That's just rediculas!! Imagine putting that online!! I don't even have facebook and I'm not interested folk are crazy x
We knew my uncle & his wife were missing via FB. A very distant relative who is not on my FB heard from someone that they were missing, this relative commented on one of my cousin's status which showed on my page. When I read the post I was in shock, & I called my aunt in hometown immediately.

After few mins we were told that my uncle & his wife were shot to death, then all posts about their death were all over FB.

We were devastated when we read different stories & scenarios about their death on FB.

But again many relatives & friends who live here knew about their tragic death through FB & they came to visit us. We didn't have to call each & every friend & relative to tell them about it, it was all over FB.

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