Arghhh - has anyone ever had ocular migraine?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2009
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I had a really terrifying experience this evening. I was sitting on my bed looking at my phone when suddenly I had this blind spot that was like if you look at the sun directly. I thought it must have been caused by my phone at first but it got worse, then I got this sort of zig zag line of bright, dancing flashing lights in my vision, which seemed more in one eye than the other. During this time, I could not see the letters on my phone or in a book properly. I had no pain with it, just the weird lights and couldn't focus. The whole thing lasted less than 15 minutes then it faded.

I have health anxiety and am now freaking out that this is a sign of a brain tumour or something. I was monitored at the day unit over the weekend because of worries about reduced movement so I know my BP was OK and no protein in my urine.

I also got referred for a growth scan which I had yesterday, plus I have woken up with a cold so it's been a pretty stressful couple of days. I will try to book in with my Dr and I see my midwife on Thursday but would be reassured to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this, particularly for the first time during pregnancy.
I get these alot. I actually have one right now and I'm having to wear my glasses to see. My vision goes completely blurry when I try to look at my phone or read and it lasts until I go to sleep and wake up. It's weird. I haven't seen the eye doctor in 5 years and this has been going on for 3 years. So annoying! Don't freak out because people can get these from looking at words and screens too often :)
Thank you, I had been looking at my phone and computer a lot today, although I often do! Do you get the weird lights as well?
I had something a few months ago that I can only explain as an ocular migraine. I was driving home from work and my visions straight up doubled. I had to pull over for about 15 minutes and was freaked out, but it hasn't happened since. Thank goodness! I hope it's not a repeat occurrence for you!
oh yes, I had my first ocular migraine around 14 weeks pregnant. I was FREAKED OUT! I couldn't see the left side of things in both my eyes. At first, I thought I had something in my eyes (a bit of eyelid oil or something). But as I continued walking to work, I noticed that I couldn't read signs that normally I had no problems with. Anyway, ocular part lasted about 30 minutes and then I had a slight headache for the rest of the day.

I went to my doctor, they did BP, dopler etc but they chalked it up to ocular migraine. It's common during pregnancy (as are vision problems). I definitely have sensitivity to light sometimes and in the days following the migraine, I couldn't look at my phone or computer for too long.

Things I did when my vision 'felt' weird:
1. Turned down the brightness on my computer monitor at work and my ipad/phone.
2. Wore sunglasses while using my computer (lol, I look like an idiot in my office but it helps).
3. Take breaks from looking at my computer.
4. For me, I found going outside with my sunglasses on helpful. The natural light feels nicer on my eyes than artificial light.

Hope that helps!
I had one once about 2 years ago. I was just sitting on the couch watching TV, and suddenly a white spot appeared in the center of my vision. A migraine followed about 20 minutes later, when the spot went away. It was SUPER scary, I had no clue they existed before it happened to me. I haven't had one since. I say, unless it starts occurring over and over, it is nothing to worry about. It happens occasionally to many people and it certainly doesn't necessarily mean anything more serious is happening.
Please don't freak out lol. Iv had these for many years. Exactly what you have just explained. If you have never had one before it's most definatley your hormones that's caused it. I normally take beta blockers to stop mine because I have them so often but iv had to stop them in pregnancy. You have had a migraine with aura Hun. Xx
Yes, I have these often. It's normally nothing to worry about, but should be checked by a doctor. Especially if you see bright flashes which can mean that your retina is detaching. I don't want to scare you, but I also think you should have a doctor check to be sure. They can be caused by high blood pressure as well. Eyes aren't to be messed with. Hope you're doing ok!
Thanks, I have an appointment with the midwife tomorrow and the GP on Thursday next week so hopefully they can confirm that's what it was. I guess if the midwife considers it urgent she will advise me to get an emergency appointment on Friday which I should be able to do. Everything I have read about ocular migraines describes I exactly but it doesn't stop me freaking out!
I get these they start in one eye with a silver shimmering line the travel across to the other side followed by a horrendous headache mine are due to stress hope you get sorted and all is well . Xxx
Actually I'm glad to read this to know that I am not alone. I had this happen about 3 weeks ago and convinced myself I was having retinal detachment!I drove myself to my eye doctor so quickly but she assured me everything was fine
This exact thing happened to me a few weeks ago! Only lasted fifteen minutes or so and then got a splitting headache. It happened once in my last pregnancy and my ob didn't seem too concerned. Actually forgot to mention it at my last appointment. I'm not really concerned.
Yep, I used to get them maybe twice a week when I was a teenager. Mine were a lot more intense than yours by the sounds of it, although they're still the same thing. I thought I was having a stroke the first time I had one. I lost my vision, my tongue went numb, I couldn't feel my fingers or leg on the left side of my body, had the worst headache and then starting throwing up. I'd take a drug free birth over a migraine any day. Luckily they've calmed down as I've aged. Think I only had 2 of them in the whole of last year and I found out I was pregnant in May. My bp has always been fine too x
I have had two per menstrual cycle for 18 years now. They are bloody annoying.
Yep I get these with the numbness of the tongue, face and arm too but generally no headache. V scary at first but got checked by neurologist and just migraines. I just relax for a bit and they go.
I first got one of these when I was pregnant with my first. It happened at work and I couldn't see my computer screen for almost 20 minutes. I literally sat at my desk freaking out. I get them about once every couple months and for me I always get a terrible migraine that follows. I can only assume that pregnancy brought it on for me. So far it's happened twice with this pregnancy.
Thanks everyone. I saw the GP today who had a look in my eyes. He said it sounded like classic ocular migraine which can happen without headaches. I hope it doesn't happen again but if it does at least it won't be quite so scary.
I am not expecting and actually made an account solely due to your post, as I was trying to find others who have shared the terrifying experience I had today. Let me just say, you and I sound like the same person - I could have written that post, verbatim.

It happened out of no where while I was talking to my classmate today. She was wearing a polka dot top and when I glanced away from her, the polka dots remained in my field of vision, yet were blindingly bright. It was similar to the way your vision is immediately having your picture taken with a bright flash. I was waiting for the bright spots to dissipate, but things got worse instead. In my peripheral vision, appeared very prominent moving wavy lines. Moments later, I had a massive blind spot directly in my frontal eye field. I couldn't see a thing. I absolutely panicked and fled out of school like a disoriented fool. People down the hall tried talking to me and I couldn't even see their heads or who they were due to the overwhelming central blind spot and wavy lines. A few moments later as I was (stupidly) driving like an erratic dummy, I had additional small blind spots appear. Of the little vision that remained in that eye, colors seemed somewhat desaturated.

Nothing even remotely similar has ever happened to me before. Luckily, my vision reappeared within 30 minutes and I was able to see an ophthalmologist right away as an emergency patient, who reassured me things look fine. I will be seeing a retina specialist tomorrow to rule out any other serious causes, just in case! Like you, I'm a bit hypersensitive when it comes to my health. I'm in medical school, and sometimes the knowledge I've acquired about every disease known to man works against me. Of course, the first thing that came to mind at the time was, "omg, I've got a brain tumor or MS!" Nice to know I'm not the only one!

I had a really terrifying experience this evening. I was sitting on my bed looking at my phone when suddenly I had this blind spot that was like if you look at the sun directly. I thought it must have been caused by my phone at first but it got worse, then I got this sort of zig zag line of bright, dancing flashing lights in my vision, which seemed more in one eye than the other. During this time, I could not see the letters on my phone or in a book properly. I had no pain with it, just the weird lights and couldn't focus. The whole thing lasted less than 15 minutes then it faded.

I have health anxiety and am now freaking out that this is a sign of a brain tumour or something. I was monitored at the day unit over the weekend because of worries about reduced movement so I know my BP was OK and no protein in my urine.

I also got referred for a growth scan which I had yesterday, plus I have woken up with a cold so it's been a pretty stressful couple of days. I will try to book in with my Dr and I see my midwife on Thursday but would be reassured to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this, particularly for the first time during pregnancy.

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