Ariella Jazz! 39wk Induction Birth Story :)



I’m not very good at these things but luckily I kept a diary while I was in hospital to help me! It's SO long so you might just want to skip through!

I was induced 29th November at 39weeks because of SPD and depression.

Not a lot happened really! Went in for my induction at 11am, was on the monitor for an hour checking Ari’s heart rate and if I was having any tightenings. She was fine and I was having contractions coming in around 15 on the scale which shocked us all as I couldn’t actually feel it, and it was before the induction even started.
Had the first prostin inserted at 1:50pm. It was quite sore to be honest. Then I had to go back on the CTG monitor to make sure Ari didn’t freak out with the hormone. By 2:15pm just 25 mins later my contractions had gone up to 50 and they were pretty painful. 15 minutes later at 2:30pm the contractions had become very very painful. Can’t remember what they were measuring at that point though, but they were pain I never felt before!! The doctor was called for to check me over. He confirmed I was in early labour, and that my uterus had become over stimulated from the prostin. They tried to remove the prostin which hurt like hell because they were really worried about the contractions. They found it had already dissolved so couldn’t get it out. They hoped the strength of them would have dilated my cervix but I was only 1cm, apparently because the contractions weren’t staying at their peak, but they were going straight down then straight back up again. I was having 7 in a minute, so I basically wasn’t having a break from them and it was so painful. They said they would rather I was having 4 in a minute. Jamie was sent home at 9.45pm, and by 11.45 I was finding the contractions hard to breathe through and I was put on very strong painkillers (not sure what). They started easing off about midnight and I was able to sleep once the monitor was removed. I was so disappointed nothing had worked, and I’d been in pain all day long for nothing.

Woke up at 5am and was given more pain killers. Managed to get myself to the toilet through the pain and SPD and was put back on the monitor at 8.15am. I hated that monitor.. couldn’t get comfy when it was on and it got so itchy and pressed way to much onto my tummy! 8.40am I was only contracting once every 25 minutes. Majorly disappointed things were dragging to a stand still after being so mental yesterday. Jamie came back at 9am and I was told they didn’t want to check my dilation because the labour ward was full anyway. Gutted they wouldn’t even try and break my waters, was getting very fed up. Started contracting 2 in 10 minutes.. Things started looking up.. but then by 11.45 they had completely stopped again. So gutted. Yet again.

Had a second prostin put in at 12.20pm.. my cervix was still only 1cm and really high. I was so annoyed, getting really depressed because I felt like my body didn’t understand what it was supposed to be doing. Took a long walk (well.. hobble) round the hospital, bounced on the gym ball.. did everything I could think of to try and get this prostin working properly unlike yesterday.. but it didn’t even give me contractions. Fed. Up. Jamie went home at 4pm to walk the dogs, he got back about 6pm and I had just started getting contractions but they were very mild. They were gradually getting worse and worse, tried to tell the midwife but they didn’t think much of it. By 9pm they were excruciating. I was screaming at Jamie telling him I couldn’t do it and that I needed gas and air but they kept saying they couldn’t give it to me because I would be on it for too long! Nobody believed me! The woman in the bed next to me was talking to me through the curtains telling me I sound like I need to start my breathing but I couldn’t really listen. I felt like I was exaggerating and I genuinely remember thinking ‘fuck.. If I can’t cope with this how am I going to manage being in labour!’ The midwives finally decided to check me for dilation but I was in too much pain so they agreed to give me Entonox just while they checked me. And thank god! I wasn’t exaggerating! They checked me and I was 4cm! Jamie got really emotional because it was finally happening, but I had totally zoned out on the gas. The contractions had become insane, I was trying to puff on my gas but the pain took my breath away. I just remember Jamie saying over and over ‘nearly half way babe!’ and I was just like whaaaa. So drowsy, my eyes were clamped shut in pain. Was quite scary. The midwife started getting room sorted upstairs in the labour ward for me at 9.30. It was really full so I was told I’d have to wait for an hour or so. Time went in a massive blur from here for me as I was fully relying on the gas and totally out of it! I think it must have been about 10 to 10, and my waters broke. There was a LOT of water! I made Jamie move the covers so I could see it and it was a pinky colour. Almost immediately after my waters broke I felt like I was pushing. It was really scary because I was still in the antenatal ward and everyone around me was in there for complications in their pregnancy and there I was in full-blown labour! I started screaming at Jamie to go get the midwife because I was pushing, but also shouting at him telling him not to leave me. I just remember saying ‘I’M PUSHING I’M PUSHING PLEASE HELP ME I’M PUSHING’. It’s such a strange feeling, because you don’t really mean to be doing it but you feel like you have to push. They’re not wrong when they call it an ‘urge to push’ – it really is. I started straining like I was trying to poo, and the midwife rushed in and was like ‘oh crap’. She ran off and got people from the labour ward to come and get me asap. They tried to get me onto a wheelchair but it really wasn’t going to happen as I had already started pushing and my SPD would have made it impossible. I was just squirming around clinging to the gas and honestly thinking I was going to die! Jamie had to pack all my stuff up in a massive rush, he looked like a pack horse it was quite funny. I caught a glimpse of the monitor, which I was STILL on! It was reaching 120. That totally freaked me out as I had been watching it throughout the whole induction and getting excited and in pain when it was at 50! I swear a million midwives came to get me and I was wheeled out in the bed like some sort of medical emergency. They even had a woman wheeling my gas for me, apparently I thanked her an awful lot, but offered to wheel it myself. I remember being in the lift in the bed and seeing Jamie pressed up the edge of the lift literally carrying EVERYTHING and he looked so funny, but I was so glad that he was right there with me. The midwives were asking him if he was okay and he looked quite terrified. I was pushing in the lift and everyone was panicking I think!

Got into the labour suite and they had to roll me onto the delivery bed. I just gritted my teeth through my SPD pain and just did it. By now I was just thinking ‘fuck it.. GO GO GO’. I don’t even remember taking my trousers off through all this but once I was on the bed I was fully pushing. I had my head off the side of the bed leaning onto Jamie’s tummy. He was amazing. Literally the best birth partner I could have asked for, he held me up and was so reassuring. I love him even more :) Apparently I was quite sarcastic.. I don’t really remember though. Apparently they were asking if I wanted the bottom of the bed lowered to put gravity on my side and I was like ‘yeah! Go for it!’ Oh and I remember I did a poo :) but I wasn’t at all embarrassed I genuinely said ‘by the way I’m quite aware I just pooed but I don’t actually care.. Infact I’m probably going to do it again in a minute!’ The midwife was so nice she was just like that’s fine! Poo as much as you like! Hahaa. Oh god. I started begging for an epidural and they said there was honestly no point because by the time the guy got there to do it I would have given birth. I asked what the time was and it was 10.05 and I was like ‘am I going to have my baby tonight then?’ and they said ‘you’ll have your baby in about ten minutes if you keep pushing like this’ which proper terrified me! I then asked if I could get into the water bath and she said by the time she turns the taps on I would have my baby. At that point I just literally thought right lets go for it then. I was only on gas and air which was definitely not my birth plan but because there was no time for anything else I just got on with it. Pushing was honestly not that bad compared to the pain of the contractions. Pushing was a kind of relief, and unlike my contractions in between pushes there was very little pain so I had a rest. I remember feeling her head and saying it felt pointy. They told me she has lots of black hair and Jamie had a look too. It was all so calm. We were kind of just chatting, I was quite sarcastic and after a break when they asked me if I felt another push coming I was like ‘yep two secs.. Okay GO!’ There was no screaming like in the films, the room was pretty quiet. It was dark with just a lamp on. Quite romantic actually! Looking back on it I would totally do it again, it wasn’t that bad! She was born at 22.22, so I had been in the labour ward for 17 minutes! So pushing for probably about 20. So crazy how quickly it all happened, I was only in established labour for about an hour which is mad. I only remember it all in flashes, like photos not a movie. It’s so weird. They were asking me my birth plan while I was actually giving birth! They asked how I wanted to deliver the placenta and I was just like gimme that injection thingy, pop it out! Jamie cut the cord too :)

Once she was born I breast fed her and just lay there with her shivering and overwhelmed. They made me some toast and a coffee and then checked that I needed a stitch which I did but only one, but because of my SPD that was actually the most painful part of the whole labour!

My story is so long so congrats anyone who made it through! There just seem to be so many little bits that I remember and nothing really flows. But anyway.. Yeah. Ta da :)

Beautiful Ariella Jazz was born 30th November 2010 at 22.22 <3 she’s so perfect. :kiss:


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Amazing story, the best birth story i've read - i really enjoyed it! :thumbup: You went into alot of detail and i really appreaciated hearing all about it - so, thank you for taking the time to tell your story!

Huge congratulations on your beautiful little baby! Such an adorable little girl!

And a big well done to you, too!! :thumbup::thumbup:

:happydance: amazing story! even though i knew it all already :haha: Ari is bloody gorgeous!
Congratulations :hugs: She's so gorgeous!
I Love a good long birth story :thumbup: :haha:
Thank u everyone! I thought it was far too long considering how short my labour was! But I'm glad you enjoyed it :) thanks! xx
Wow what a labour! I think I need to stop reading birth stories though, they make me want to do it all again!
I actually laughed out loud when you described your OH in the lift carrying everything looking petrified, bless him!
You have a gorgeous daughter with a cool name :D
Great story! Scary and wonderful at the same time. I cried and laughed :+)
Congratulations, she's definitely a stunner :+) xx
I can't believe how similar our birth stories are. I was induced at 39+1 and I was in established labout for 1hr 5 minutes (makes it sound like you've had a right easy right when you say that doesn't it?! I was in pain for ages before though like you!) and everything happened very very quickly for me too! Loved reading your birth story. Ariella is absolutely stunning, huge congratulations x
what a birth story! glad you got to the labour ward on time, she's really adorable congrats :flower:
Congrats, beautiful little girl you've got there! Amazing birth story, sounds just perfect :)
lol the poo part made me laugh, i did exactly the same!
Well done, she's beautiful :thumbup:
I enjoyed reading that x
congrats hun, she is beautiful and well done xx
Big well done and congratulations! Great birth story, crazy how fast it went at the end! Sounds like your OH kept it together fantastically as well, bless him.

congratulations hun, shes absolutely stunning. xx

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