Arrival of our little girl - homebirth


Mum to 4 squishes
Jan 29, 2010
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Not sure how long this will end up so please bare with me ladies....

Due date was the 4th of April but that came and went without much ceremony or much sign of iminent labour, almost resigned myself to having to trek upto my midwife on the 8th for a sweep. But then again I thought to myself its supposed to be nice weather and if timing goes well me and the eldest two girls should be all done and dusted ready for the chippy to open and we can share some, feed the ducks and chickens and have a play in the park near there.

Around 2.30-3.30am on the 8th I woke up needing the loo (not really unusual) tried to get back to sleep but didn't get much luck as little lady was throwing my stomach all over the shop, sometime between 4 and 5 I gave up and got up again and took a trip again to the loo, my poor bladder was getting a battering. Noticed a little bit of blood on my knickers so stuck in a maternity pad to monitor it, gave up trying to con myself I was going to get any more sleep so went downstairs and booted up the computer and made a hot drink. Read updates on FB and saw one of my friends had had their little boy the evening before, made a joke about lucky her and being very much still pregnant. Couldn't have been long after that the contractions started, they were stong already and quite a shock, when the next one hit about 5-10 minutes later it was even more of a shock. Last time around before I had had Rosa I had had a few episodes like that with an irritated uterous so I took two paracetamols and continued on doing the morning routine. Make son his lunch, stick oven on so OH can make his lunch, wake household up, do breakfast for son while OH sorts girls out.

Among all that I was still getting pains and running back and forth to the loo, hunted out my phone at about 7-7.30 and got the contraction timer up and set off, contractions were averaging every 4 minuted but only lasting 30 seconds so decided to just carry on and get son to school. Told OH that it was a good idea to phone work and let them know there was a stong possibility that he was nt going to be in, he offered to take son down to bus stop but I was feeling stubborn and needed some fresh air so at 8am I took myself and son down the road to bus stop and lurked around until bus arrived etc got back home around 8.30 and told OH it was definately time the MW was called as per routine and the fact we were having a homebirth. First time tried phone was busy, got through on next try, bless OH as he tried to do the explaining for me as I hugged the sink as the contractions amped themselves up yet again. He apparently wasnt making enough sense so through a contraction I had to verify information and tell them length and streength of contractions. Was told midwife should be with me within 15 minutes, 20 minuted later (roughly now 9.10am) she arrived after getting a little lost finding our house, but in that time I had been busy LOL, swept the front room, OH had moved sofa further out of the way.

Being the gentleman he is he helped her bring all her equipment in the house and while she did a quick monitor on me ran and checked on the girls who were busy scoffing the breakfast he had made them and watching some cartoon about fish. Not sure what time the midwife asked if she could do a dilation check as she suspected it wouldn't be long at all, appologised for the fact I was on my back and promised she would have me out of that terrible position as soon as she could. She did check very quickly and well, and happily announced that all that was keeping baby in was my waters, she thn helped me up and went to phone her second to come. OH was busy during all this getting me water, a huge kneeling pad from his work van to have on the floor under all the rest of our stuff so comfy. Lost track of time after midwife arrived as it wasn't necessary anymore.

OH was settled on the sofa (well pointed at my me and directed LOL) I got myself settled between pains on the floor kneeling between his knees and squeezing the life out of his hands with the contractions, apparently I was very calm and if the midwife didn't know better she wouldn't have thought I was even in labour as I was very quiet (possibly the only time in my pregnancy I don't make a huge fuss :blush:) The second midwife arrived and was being shadowed by a student, so that was the 3rd student for my 3rd girl hhehehe (found out afterwards this was her first homebirth and first one that went completely smoothly) At some point after second MW and student arriving my waters went. Bore down when my body told me to, midwife just sat happily behind me keeping an eye on everything, (2nd/3rd stood on other side of the room I guess) I know more comment was made to the student about breathing and calmness but cnt really remember wasn't taking much notice.

Our 3rd daughter who is currently still nameless, bless her, was born then at 10.01am weighing 3320g (need to find out what that is in old weight lol) and looking very dinky.

Once everything was done and dusted LOL my lovely made me the best ever cup of tea in the world, sure there is bits I have forgotten but never mind


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Brill! Huge congrats! Byron was 6lb12 and about 3000 I think, or maybe 3200, I forget buy I guess maybe your nameless girl is around 7lb? Looking forward to hearing a name!
Awww sounds great hun, glad all went smoothly.
Amazing Abz!!! Well done. I really want mine to be as smooth. You did so great getting everything ready and kids off to school, making lunches - must hae been a good distraction!
Also what a wonderful birth for the student MW to attend as her first homebirth, she will never forget you.
I have been good for students it seems LOL

Mia - First birth ever attended for the student, up until me she had either not seen the end or could possibly just been all theory up until then, can't remember but I know she was soooo proud and tearful.

Rosa - Student that time was the actual delivering MW, the fully trained one worked along side her but let her have the honour of the actual delivery.

Morgan was the only one I didn't have a student there for as far as I know, but I did have what felt like the rest of the labour ward staff (docs and peadiatric staff too) so who knows
And doing everything was actually quite good, stopped me worrying too much that the contractions seemed to start at less than 5 minutes apart. I even did the school run pick up that afternoon LOL felt great to have the freedom of choice to do what I thought my body could do, though the other mums did think I was barking mad to be doing it after only giving birth 5 hours previously. But the look on my sons face when greeted by his newest little sister was priceless
Congratulations and well done! :hugs: I am amazed you were able to do the school run 5 hours later- go you! :thumbup:
I have been good for students it seems LOL

Mia - First birth ever attended for the student, up until me she had either not seen the end or could possibly just been all theory up until then, can't remember but I know she was soooo proud and tearful.

Rosa - Student that time was the actual delivering MW, the fully trained one worked along side her but let her have the honour of the actual delivery.
Morgan was the only one I didn't have a student there for as far as I know, but I did have what felt like the rest of the labour ward staff (docs and peadiatric staff too) so who knows

Just wondering if your delivering midwife with Rosa, was the same student I had during labour (as I know we were at the same hospital 3 days apart!). I only met a few students when I was there and only one of them was on L+D, and she was in with me. She was called Rachael and had blonde hair. Same one?
What a wonderful smooth home birth! Huge congratulations hun, she's gorgeous!! x

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