Hi mummaofthree, im really impressed with your editing! OH has photoshop elements 7 and has kindly asked me to ask you for a quick how to guide regarding the removal of stretch marks as he cant get the hang of it bless him! Any advice would be great
haha... im not sure there is such a thing as a 'QUICK' way to do anything on photoshop !!! unless you invest in some decent plug ins.....
yanno the pics i do where theyr bright n white n fresh.... like the one of me... where i put the before n after up.....
the way i got rid of the stretchmarks in that is to literally burn them out with exposure lol.... so try playing with the contrast and brightness.....
then u have to work on softening the pic and using the burn tool to salvage some of the detail and shadow that you just got rid of... lol
iv never learnt photoshop... so im sure i must the long way about everything.... tell him to keep playing around... he will get the hang of it.... n probly develop a method better than mine !! xx