Im posting this here in the hope someone reads it who has gone through it them selfs or knows someone who has had this problem.
When i was 18 and pregnant with my first child i took a bad pain on top of my tummy just under my breast bone the pain was so bad i went 2 hospital but they said it must be from the weight of the big baby i was carrying! so 6months after i give birth this pain came back i went 2 hospital and they took blood and said my amylaze was very high i had pancreatitis! they put me on a drip and give morphine for pain then sent me home!! to cut along story short i have been going in and out of hospital for 10years with this pain they thought i had gallstones which was casing the pancreatitis but mri has shown NO gallstones they have said they do not know wat is causing the pancreatitis! im really worried they are missing something any one any ideas?
When i was 18 and pregnant with my first child i took a bad pain on top of my tummy just under my breast bone the pain was so bad i went 2 hospital but they said it must be from the weight of the big baby i was carrying! so 6months after i give birth this pain came back i went 2 hospital and they took blood and said my amylaze was very high i had pancreatitis! they put me on a drip and give morphine for pain then sent me home!! to cut along story short i have been going in and out of hospital for 10years with this pain they thought i had gallstones which was casing the pancreatitis but mri has shown NO gallstones they have said they do not know wat is causing the pancreatitis! im really worried they are missing something any one any ideas?