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At what age is OK to leave a child in a car?


Mom of four monkey-moos
Aug 19, 2012
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The warning not to leave your children (or pets) in hot cars comes around every summer, and it is obviously very good advice. I read an online article about it, and one person commented that he/she would NEVER leave a child of ANY age alone in a car, EVER.

It got me thinking...

Assuming it is not boiling hot weather, at what age is it OK? Would you leave your 16 year old in the car by himself/herself? Conceivably the 16 year old could drive the car on their own; they might on one occasion drive a friend to the store and then wait in the car while the friend goes to buy something. So if the 16 year old is with the parent, isn't it kind of the same thing?

How about a 12 year old? Many 12 year olds are allowed to be at home by themselves. Should they be OK in a car by themselves?

Just wondered what you thought. This is news and debates so no right or wrong answers. Not sure if there is a magic age when it is OK, though I wouldn't feel at all guilty leaving a 16 year old in the car alone!
I am not sure, I've ran into pay for petrol with all three of mine in the car once or twice but I've never left them for more than two minutes. I remember being less than my oldest two's age (nine and eight) and being left in the car with my siblings whilst my parents did the Tesco shop, I would never dream of doing that now but it seemed normal back then (early 90's).
Not sure, probably around 8 or so
I think the key thing in the comment is the word child I know there are slightly different deffinitions of child/teenager but to me you stop being a child at about 10 then have preteen then teenager so to me saying 14,15,16 is ok doesn't come under the child specification.
Hubby as on a rare occasion left LO in the car to run in to pay for petrol but the car is a few feet outside the door and locked and never out of sight and takes about 2 minutes.
If there is a big que or he couldn't get near the door then he would take him with him.
These days though LO would never allow it, he would shout the place down that he wanted to come in and help :)
Like I say that was pretty rare though, anything like doing a actual shop or popping into someones house (anything out of sight or more then a minute or two or in a questionable area) then no I wouldn't leave them in a car on their own under about 10.
I only say 10 because I know some little sods between 7-10 and I wouldn't trust the little buggers not to fiddle :)
It depends on what you are leaving the car for.

I leave my two in the car to go and pay for petrol all the time. Or if I am popping into the local shop for some milk (If I can park outside, big glass window, can see car at all times). If I was going in for a couple of things, I bring them in (or can't park outside).

I would probably say 10+ for leaving them in the car longer (same local shop for a few things). I wouldn't leave them in there at that age to say going to supermarket for a big shop, maybe 14+ for that? Depending on their maturity I think. i.e. do they know what to do if they need me? (mind you no doubt they will have a mobile phone by the time they are 14 so they could ring me).

I can't remember at what age I was left in the car alone.
I remember being left in the car on my own from about 8, while my dad popped into B&Q or something.
I wouldn't leave mine in the car for any amount of time at the moment, my eldest is 9.

For me I think it would be at the same time I would leave them at home on their own, walk to the shops etc, for me that would be 11/12, probably the end of their last year at primary. :)
I don't like leaving mine in the car at all,I will usually try to fill up with petrol when I have another adult(husband or sister) with me.

I had to leave them in the car the other morning while I filled up,it was 6am though and I literally ran straight in and out,could see the car at all times.xx
I've seen many kids here being left in the car while their parents have popped into the shop/bank/whatever. These kids I have seen don't look very old either.

I probably won't leave my LO in the car until she about 14 or something like that. I can never just "pop in" to places.
I saw a little girl around 7 and a baby (well I saw the carseat, I assume the baby was in it) left in the car outside the corner shop. Didn't even cross my mind that it was wrong, just seemed ok (not that hot a country here so no worries about overheating), the only problem was that she was a rude little brat and stuck her middle finger up at me!
^ omg that's horrible!

I'd have said about 9 or 10 personally for anything other than nipping in to pay for petrol. For petrol I'm guessing I'll start leaving Oakley as long as I can see him with the doors locked at about 6 or 7... Hard to say right now but I'll wait until he's at an age where he can see me whilst I'm in there and understands that I'm coming back.
i don't really see the point tbh especially in the day of pay at pump for fuel

i mean if you go to all the effort of taking the kids with you why leave them in the car? what is the point in them being there at all?

its like when you see cars parked at the supermarket with dogs in them, why on earth not just leave the do at home
i don't really see the point tbh especially in the day of pay at pump for fuel

i mean if you go to all the effort of taking the kids with you why leave them in the car? what is the point in them being there at all?

its like when you see cars parked at the supermarket with dogs in them, why on earth not just leave the do at home

I don't use pay at pump because someone said they hold a fair amount to make sure you have the money to fill up???Otherwise I would...on a tuesday,I fill up and do my shopping,so can't afford for them to take millions.lol.x
i don't really see the point tbh especially in the day of pay at pump for fuel

i mean if you go to all the effort of taking the kids with you why leave them in the car? what is the point in them being there at all?

its like when you see cars parked at the supermarket with dogs in them, why on earth not just leave the do at home

A lot of places around where I live don't have pay at pump, and I'm always with my children when OH is at work. X
I'm not sure when I'd feel comfortable leaving my son in the car to fill up petrol. I just use the pay at pump.
I've got two different accounts with Halifax one has a visa debit card and one has a visa electron, the pay at pump at Tesco's doesn't accept the visa electron 9but it accepted inside) which is fine for me but if that is the only card you have, you have no choice but to go inside.

As for the why take them, I imagine most people don't just go to the petrol station, they've probably been to the shops got the things they need and then got petrol on their way home, so it isn't a specific trip out for that. Plus many people don't have the luxury of having someone to leave the kids at home with whilst they go fill up. And finally it is a right faff getting numerous children in and out of the car.
IMO children should never be left unattended in a car. (note children not teens).
IMO children should never be left unattended in a car. (note children not teens).

Surely if you are just nipping in for petrol,literally walk in,give them the money,walk out it's less dangerous?It would take me a good 5 mins to get them both out,walk across forecourt,into shop,out and then strap them both back in...I rarely do it,infact I've only done it that once.x
IMO children should never be left unattended in a car. (note children not teens).

Surely if you are just nipping in for petrol,literally walk in,give them the money,walk out it's less dangerous?It would take me a good 5 mins to get them both out,walk across forecourt,into shop,out and then strap them both back in...I rarely do it,infact I've only done it that once.x

I dont even have a car. And no. Wouldn't take the chance. I dont care who else does just giving my personal opinion.
I leave mine in the car when i pay for petrol. It takes less time to pay for it that it does to put the petrol in and obviously I dont take her out when im putting the petrol in.
I also leave her in the car when i return my trolley at the super market yet again safer than taking her with me and risking drivers not looking when reversing.
That are the only two times I do it, I have left her in the car asleep on my drive windows open etc and me watching her

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