Can't believe it's August tomorrow, so excited to see our babies arrive!!
We haven't even talked about a sweep with our OB, and I'm hoping we go into labor on our own before they even discuss it... During our last OB appt we were told that baby is Posterior... Not very happy about it, but it explains a lot. We have been having contractions like mad and have been back and forth to the hospital but according to my latest OB appt there has been only 30-40% effacement and no dilation... and he's a -3 in the pelvis, still very high but dropped in a little... but as long as he stays up there, dilation probably won't progress... and the doctors refused to help him a long every time we went in (break water/pitocin, etc) because they wanted to wait until we were 39 weeks... well today we're 39 weeks but I'm in no hurry to go back to the hospital, especially after hearing he's posterior because he has refused to turn.
I've gone to the spinningbabies website and tried everything I can think of but he' still settled in here feet in the front... It's so frustrating... and I was a posterior baby, my mother was in labor for 48 hours, they had to break her water and threatened her with c-section after being in all that pain for so long... (I turned around at the last minute, but she said she just wanted to die the pain was unbearable even with an epidural) Scares the crap out of me of what's going to happen during this labor with Logan, especially since we were pushing for the VBAC. I'm afraid that if things go wrong and I ask for a c-section, they won't listen.
I am very excited to have Logan here very soon, I just wish he'd turn around so my anxiety about labor would subside.