Morning ladies,
Well I've woken up in pain this morning, pain in my back
I had terrible back problems with my son in the last month as he was back to back and big. I'm hoping this is a one off and my problems aren't starting ridiculously early with this one - I'm worried he damaged me more than I realised and my back is just shot. It's just over half way up and on the right side. I had quite a few problems with right-sided back pain with him, hence why I'm concerned. It started in the night, so I'm hopeful I just pulled something in my sleep. We'll see over the next few days.
Back pain doesn't indicate ectopic usually, does it? I've double checked the NHS symptoms and it states shoulder pain at the tip is a concern, along with abdominal pain and bleeding. I haven't got any of these and my digital went up from 1-2 to 2-3 quite quickly and after tearing my tests apart seems to be progressing really well.... so I don't think it is ectopic, but I want to rule that out in my paranoid twitterings!
Last night we were at our friend's house for a massive fake-Christmas dinner. One of the girl's has just announced her pregnancy and everyone was talking about it. I totally didn't want to steal her thunder and it's too soon for us to say, but I had to bite my tongue several times to stop myself blabbering our secret
I'm sure people noticed though - I went to the loo probably about ten times
(frequent urination may have begun!) and I wasn't drinking alcohol. I also nearly fell asleep on the sofa and had to question what sort of cheese had been used in the starter (in case it wasn't pasteurised). Actually, I'm sure they were probably too focused on our other pregnant friend to notice! I also think I got a wave of nausea last night and this morning
we'll see if that continues!