Hi all, sorry I didn't update when I got home but I was absolutely shattered!! It was confirmed to be a bloody show, he only moved twice while being monitored and contractions stopped by themselves after just over 2hrs. His heartrate was stable though so they said I could come home, but if movement stays low I have to go back in. (Though this morning he's a right active lil monkey!!). I'm 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Had a really good midwife on L&D last night, very experienced. She said I do still have a chance of making it to the induction in just under 4wks, but that in her opinion I'm likely to labour and birth in around 3wks. She also set my mind at rest by telling us that with his size and previous condition of Ruby when she was born at 36wks, that even if I had him in the next few days, he would need minimal support as he is a good size and his lungs are now mature (she said lungs are actually mature before 34wks which is why they don't stop labour if it starts from that point but that inductions/sections etc are planned for later because baby needs to develop fat deposits to be able to regulate their temperature, however gestational diabetes causes the fat deposits to be formed earlier which is why they put on weight so quickly).
Welcome Kimber
I've added you to first post