Congratulations ladies!!! Ooh it's like a baby boom in here! lol
Have updated first post
Stef: I felt the same way when they decided I had to have section instead of inducing me for my vbac. I cried for almost 20mins right there in the hospital waiting room till a lovely midwife came and sat with me and calmed me down xx HUGS xx
Harrison currently weighs 7lbs 5oz and the midwife who weighed him yesterday said he couldn't have been more than 7lbs 9/10oz at birth given how lively he is and feeding well, good muscle tone, jaundice gone etc. She has contacted the hospital about it as apparently this has happened a few times lately...
Bf is getting well established. He still can't keep latched on for long due to his tongue tie so during the day I am expressing and feeding by cup/syringe then latching him on for the last bit. I also latch him on at night as he tends to fall asleep quite quickly at night and then just suckles automatically in his sleep so he doesn't lose the latch as much as he's not fretting about it then.
He is a very good sleeper, only wakes up once in the night to feed, usually at about 1am and then sleeps till gone 7am
wonder how long that will last? Can't possibly be blessed with TWO great sleepers in a row could I??? lol
Getting staples removed tomorrow YAY!!