I guess its hard to say, as I always thought Oss would. He's 5 and a half now and some what there. He's currently being toilet trained and although we take him every 2 hours he always goes. So its a start.
He isn't speaking normally like me and you would have a conversation about how our day has been, but we can have a conversation about what he's into, so normally bins and lots of bin facts he's memorised.
Reading we've just started. The school and us knew he wouldn't learn like a normal child but been teaching him whole words he has to read out to us and he matches with the pictures. Some days he knows them, sometimes he doesn't so we're getting there.
Writing we practice daily at home. We got one of those wipe board books of numbers and letters and do a page a day holding his hand for now. He also has a chalkboard we encourage him to write on and he's doing very big numbers by himself, no letters yet though.
My son is quite severe on the spectrum so this is actually a brilliant step for him to make. As long as your willing to put the effort in, he'll be working his hardest to achieve what you want. Some days he won't want to do it and that is also fine as to much can be discouraging so we reward him daily with a small sweet, seems to work for us.