Baby Blue Blue Oh So Blue Blues


Expecting #3
Mar 7, 2012
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Yup as the title says I have it bad :cry: I feel fat ugly useless tired weepy anxious and I'm so p****d off with myself that I feel this way ... I thought the blues came earlier than this ?! I'm on day 8 now ... Hoping they go away soon, I feel so miserable and fed up :cry::wacko:
Yup as the title says I have it bad :cry: I feel fat ugly useless tired weepy anxious and I'm so p****d off with myself that I feel this way ... I thought the blues came earlier than this ?! I'm on day 8 now ... Hoping they go away soon, I feel so miserable and fed up :cry::wacko:

oh no! are you feeling any better?

PM if you need a chat, I don't know how much help ill be but im a good listener. im sat here bf'ing this baby watching shows most of the time as of late.

Hey ,thankyou for messaging back. I'm ok had a bit of an emotional blip earlier , but generally I'm pretty good. How are you doing ?! X
got a midwife visit this aft. im guessing LO is going to weigh in at least 10 pounds. shes getting quite chunky already :haha: shes been eating nonstop the past week. im doing pretty well, only complaints are tiredness and sore back. woke up to feed LO in the nite and H heard us up and came in to change her diaper and I had an odd suspicion of him out of nowhere?? :shrug: just a random feeling of insecurity I guess. went back to sleep for a few hours and got up this morning and the feelings gone. gotta love the crazy hormones/lack of sleep eh :dohh: ive only had a few moments of tears/feeling overwhelmed so far so I feel ive been doing really well, had a lot of anxiety/depressedness in the past so wasn't so sure how id do postpartum. so far so good tho, just the odd moment here and there.

LO has taken to pitching a fit at bedtime lately, no matter how well she's napped during the day she fights going to sleep at night. she just has to have about a 20 min- half hour cry it seems. I offer her the boob and she gets all crazy and bounces on and off it and rubs her wee face. so I get H to take her out the room and carry her around so she can cry it out, then he settles her and she'll fall asleep for about 10 mins, then get up and fuss, then at that point she'll let me nurse her to sleep. yesterday we picked up an Ergo carrier with the infant insert, so going to figure that out at some point today.

how are you and LO?
got a midwife visit this aft. im guessing LO is going to weigh in at least 10 pounds. shes getting quite chunky already :haha: shes been eating nonstop the past week. im doing pretty well, only complaints are tiredness and sore back. woke up to feed LO in the nite and H heard us up and came in to change her diaper and I had an odd suspicion of him out of nowhere?? :shrug: just a random feeling of insecurity I guess. went back to sleep for a few hours and got up this morning and the feelings gone. gotta love the crazy hormones/lack of sleep eh :dohh: ive only had a few moments of tears/feeling overwhelmed so far so I feel ive been doing really well, had a lot of anxiety/depressedness in the past so wasn't so sure how id do postpartum. so far so good tho, just the odd moment here and there.

LO has taken to pitching a fit at bedtime lately, no matter how well she's napped during the day she fights going to sleep at night. she just has to have about a 20 min- half hour cry it seems. I offer her the boob and she gets all crazy and bounces on and off it and rubs her wee face. so I get H to take her out the room and carry her around so she can cry it out, then he settles her and she'll fall asleep for about 10 mins, then get up and fuss, then at that point she'll let me nurse her to sleep. yesterday we picked up an Ergo carrier with the infant insert, so going to figure that out at some point today.

how are you and LO?

Hey there ! Ahh it seems our little ladies are on the same page , my little miss done the same thing twice now lastnight she was WIDE awake at bedtime , but didn't want to nurse , but fussed when I took her off , fussed when I lay her close , fussed when I gave her space and generally just fussed at everything I tried :wacko: . In the end I found nursing her lying down helped , pulled my poor nipple a bit but she was happy :thumbup: besides I always find that any rough night is instantly forgotten when I see her little face staring at me adoringly in the mornings :cloud9:

i love morning time! love waking up to a little grunting piglet beside me :haha::haha: she'll lay there and smile and grunt away while I get dressed, put on coffee, get breakfast. then I scoop her up and change and feed her thenn we watch utube til she falls asleep, then I can drop her in the swing for a couple hours and get the stuff done around the house.

tested out the Ergo yesterday, its awesome! I had tried a wrap and was so discouraged as it was so awkward and uncomfortable for both of us. so glad I shelled out for the ergo, we'll use it everyday. went for a 40 min walk, she slept the whole time. got a lot of looks, NOBODY babywears around here. she's so cute in it :cloud9::cloud9:

i love morning time! love waking up to a little grunting piglet beside me :haha::haha: she'll lay there and smile and grunt away while I get dressed, put on coffee, get breakfast. then I scoop her up and change and feed her thenn we watch utube til she falls asleep, then I can drop her in the swing for a couple hours and get the stuff done around the house.

tested out the Ergo yesterday, its awesome! I had tried a wrap and was so discouraged as it was so awkward and uncomfortable for both of us. so glad I shelled out for the ergo, we'll use it everyday. went for a 40 min walk, she slept the whole time. got a lot of looks, NOBODY babywears around here. she's so cute in it :cloud9::cloud9:

Hey lovey , sorry had a crazy few days and family time over Easter ! How are you doing ? We are getting into more of a routine now . She tends to feed every 2hrs through the day and then at night we are now on 8pm , 12am , 4am , 8am. So that lets me rest after feeding so much through the day !! :wacko:

Ooh Islay has gone from dark hair to having a hint of auburn about her , it's only very slight and very cute . We are still waiting to see what the eyes will do , but I'm just going to be patient . My dd had blue eyes until 5/6 month and then they went green then grey then brown and now at 5yrs they are chocolate button brown!! Although I ave to admit I'm secretly hoping for a little blue eyed girl :blush:

Yay for baby wearing , I tried Islay in a babybag sling but she hated it and went mad with me . So I will look at the wrap slings as she likes the security of being held close ! :cloud9:

How long are you planning on breast feeding for ? I'm still doing pretty well I just need to keep up the fluid / calories as I tend to dry up early (7wk & 10wk). I'm also taking pregnacare breast feeding supplements so hopefully thy will help.:thumbup::hugs:
id like to bf until 2ish if possible.

had a full-on week, LO wanted to be held always and wouldn't nap anywhere but on me. this aft she napped in her swing and played happily in her bouncy chair (first time - has hated it up til now) so I was actually able to have a shower and get the cleaning and laundry caught up.

had a mw visit yesterday - she's almost 11 pounds. already in her 3-month onesies ! cant believe how fast shes growing and is more alert and changing each day.
id like to bf until 2ish if possible.

had a full-on week, LO wanted to be held always and wouldn't nap anywhere but on me. this aft she napped in her swing and played happily in her bouncy chair (first time - has hated it up til now) so I was actually able to have a shower and get the cleaning and laundry caught up.

had a mw visit yesterday - she's almost 11 pounds. already in her 3-month onesies ! cant believe how fast shes growing and is more alert and changing each day.

Aww , well I'm glad you got to catch up with stuff . . . I've been doing ok so far at keeping up with my household chores . Islay has been terrible at napping recently . She wants to stay awake and watch everything , but then ends up really grumpy !! :wacko:

Oh wow big girl ! I had my visit on Tuesday and Islay was 9lb11 , I nearly fell off my chair as she was 8lb10 ten days previously !! :haha:

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