Baby boy born at 35+6 due to severe IUGR and severe Oligohydramnios.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Hey ladies,

Just looking for a bit of support from other mummies who have been in a similar situation to me. So here's my story....

On Tuesday 9th august I had a consultant appointment to discuss possible induction due to me having gallstones, whilst there he measured my fundal height and was not happy so he got his assistant to schedule a growth scan. Luckily the lady doing the growth scan had a spare slot and they sent me across to the clinic. I went in the room and she started measuring him, I saw her measure his head and the measurement came up at 31 weeks, then she measured his tummy and it was 28 weeks, she kept going back to his heart and looking at it, eventually she turned to me and Adam my sons dad and said " I'm taking you straight to delivery suite, they will deliver him today" she explained that he was approximately 3lb6oz and that I had no amniotic fluid and his heart was starting to struggle. I just started crying and off we went to delivery where they hooked me up to a ctg machine to measure his heart rate and gave me my pre op meds and an iv. Within an hour and 20 mins we were in theatre sand they started the c section. Jenson was born at 15.41 and was born screaming! He was wrapped up, I got a quick look at him and he was whisked away to SCBU. I was wheeled to recovery and they told me he was 3lb 5oz and stable. He has been in SCBU for a week now and doing well, he is tolerating his feeds really well and is already 3lb 11oz. He is off all monitors now and only has a nasal gastric feeding tube in. I am giving him ebm by bottle as he can't latch on the breast, he is taking it well.

I just feel so overwhelmed! They are doing lots of tests to see what happened but all they know at the moment is that my placenta was failing for at least 6 weeks before he was born and he had stopped growing at about 30 weeks.

I just don't know how to cope, me and Adam broke up when I was 31 weeks pregnant and he has a new girlfriend, I am currently living with my mum and the council are not really helping much, and now my gorgeous boy is in the hospital. I just feel overwhelmed and emotional. I hate leaving him and feel so guilty everytime I am away from him. I don't feel like a mummy at all, I just want him home with me so I can feel like his mummy.

Any advice on how to cope ladies? X x x x
Hi and congratulations on the birth of your little boy :)

It's not easy being separated from your baby, and when you're pregnant, it's the last thing you expect to happen. When it all happens as fast as it did with you, it's a shock to your system as well.... one day you wake up pregnant, thinking everything is fine and then you're suddenly in the middle of all this stress and worry, and in your case, actually having your baby! I was 25 weeks along when they discovered there was a problem, and Sophie was delivered by emergency c-section at 27 weeks exactly. It was absolutely awful coming home without her, and having to visit the hospital day after day, not able to hold my baby or do very much for her at all at the beginning.

It took me a long time to feel really like a proper mummy, but I do now, and Sophie and I are really close. The first time she called me "mum mum" was the best day of my life! It wasn't till we got her home, when she was 12 weeks old, that I really started to feel like her mummy but once it was just me and DH looking after her and I was able to start BF her etc, everything started to feel better.

Hopefully your little man won't be in too long - it's great that he's off all his monitors already. The only advice I can give at the moment is to do everything you're allowed to do for him - is he in an open cot or an incubator? (Sophie had to be 4lbs before they put her in a heated cot) Also little things like taking his clothes home to wash them (if he's in clothes yet) help you feel like his mummy. I'm not sure what to say about the feelings of guilt - I still get those now - but just keep in mind that he's in the best place at the moment, and once you get him home, you'll be able to do absolutely everything for him and make up for all the lost time and cuddles.

I'm sorry you and your OH have split so recently as well.

I had a bad placenta as well, and my little man had quit growing at 30 weeks, he was born at 33+4 weighing 3 lbs 10 oz and is now a happy, healthy 5 month old!

Leaving the hospital before my baby was the hardest thing in the world. I called up there often to check on him, and made it to as many feedings as I could.

Your baby will be home with you before you know it, just know that he is in the best place for him to be right now.
I also had severe IUGR with my little girl, she was delivered by csection at 35+2. I knew the situation since week 20 or so and was monitored 3 times a week with us and nst waiting for the week when she would have to be delivered. She's been in the nicu for 23 days now, and it is so hard. I know exactly how you feel, I even started a thread here asking how others made it through.

Take each day as it comes, remember it's just a matter of time till LOcan come home. Having kangaroo or skin to skin every day helps me a ton. Taylor was born st 2lb 8 oz a nd is now 3lb 6.2 oz, so we're heading into the home stretch!
:hugs: Congratulations hun.

I know the feeling of my life being all over the place while baby was in NICU. Have you met your health visitor yet? They can help you in regards to the council.

Stay strong! x
Hi, i am not in your situation yet but have been diagnosed with oligohydramnios as well and IUGR
sorry the post was incomplete and got posted by mistake. well i have oligohydramnios measuring only 3.4 - 4 cm's at certain scans.. thats the amniotic fluid level ..and an IUGR baby they are planning to deliver me by c sec at 32 weeks.. so in the next two weeks or so, i dont have a date yet, but i know im in for a bumpy ride as well.. praying for you and your LO xxxxxxxxxx

so glad she is doing ok in nicu.. i am so worried about the next two weeks to come. x
Congratulations huni! Everything you are feeling is totally normal, but when you get LO home you will enjoy it even more.. As for the OH situation, I was in the same situation we split at 26 weeks and had LO at 30 weeks, it was hard but when LO came home, I was too occupied with making up lost time that they never crossed my mind! Chin up, hugs and well done xxx

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