Baby FINALLY decided to play ball!



At last!!!! My Hubby has felt the baby moving! And then LO gave us a bonus treat last night - I saw my belly move too! Not just once, but several times - I was trying to watch the x-factor, but I was absolutely captivated by my jumping bump! I'm so happy! It feels like we've waited forever to see it move!:cloud9:
Thats fantastic! I can't wait till I get to see my LO move, is it as weird as I imagine it is? :)
Yes same for me! after all them times of putting Darrens hand on my belly and baby completly stops moving I think I fooled it as he kept it there longer and got 3 thumps on his hand! i was delighted! its such a cool feeling when your other half can feel it to.
Congrats!! So exciting isnt it!!! Not long til u see ur baby either!!
Aww thats great!! I try getting my hubs to feel the baby move but everytime i have him come to feel she stops moving lol I feel it all the time I think she already luvs me :)
Thats great news Neecee! I cant wait for that xx
my oh felt it for the first time last night too :)

congrats thats great news :) xXx
Fab Neecee! Gosh all these 'i felt movement' threads are making me VEEEEEEEEEEERY jealous! :cry:
:rofl: I'm so impatient - bet I'll flip when it finally happens! :rofl:


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