I really hope that someone can help me with this, it's a huge problem. Since my dd was born (3 months ago) she has hated the car with a passion. This wouldn't be too bad but we are in the car a lot doing school and preschool runs. It's not viable to walk it as it would take at least an hour and a half/2 hours to walk it. It takes 20-30 minutes to drive it.
I think the main problem with it is that she has to be in her car seat and not attached to me. She is very much a mummy's girl, which is fine, we baby wear instead of using a pushchair as she's not a fan of that either. I hold her as much as she needs to be held and do not like to leave her to cry.
I feel like I've tried everything to help her and am now out of ideas. I'll list what I've tried and if anybody can think of anything else that I could try I would really appreciate it, especially if you've had experience of this before!
I've tried:
2 car seats - both infant seats, would a combination seat be better perhaps?
With and without the head support in the seat.
With and without a blanket around her to pad the seat out a bit.
She will not take a dummy, as soon as she realises that it's not a breast she pushes it out of her mouth!
We have a mirror up so that I can see her and to help her see more.
With and without toys for her to see.
No music, quiet music, loud music.
Pulling over when possible and taking her out, nursing her then putting her back in, she's ok until she goes back in.
Talking to her, singing to her.
White noise helps her go to sleep in the car, without it she I'll just scream instead of going to sleep. The white noise only helps if she's tired though, otherwise it does nothing.
I feel so awful for her because she gets so distraught and she is not usually left to cry so it must be traumatic for her. I just do not know what to do for the best, I just want my girl to be happy, and also I'm concerned that I'm getting distracted while I'm driving and it's not safe.
I think the main problem with it is that she has to be in her car seat and not attached to me. She is very much a mummy's girl, which is fine, we baby wear instead of using a pushchair as she's not a fan of that either. I hold her as much as she needs to be held and do not like to leave her to cry.
I feel like I've tried everything to help her and am now out of ideas. I'll list what I've tried and if anybody can think of anything else that I could try I would really appreciate it, especially if you've had experience of this before!
I've tried:
2 car seats - both infant seats, would a combination seat be better perhaps?
With and without the head support in the seat.
With and without a blanket around her to pad the seat out a bit.
She will not take a dummy, as soon as she realises that it's not a breast she pushes it out of her mouth!
We have a mirror up so that I can see her and to help her see more.
With and without toys for her to see.
No music, quiet music, loud music.
Pulling over when possible and taking her out, nursing her then putting her back in, she's ok until she goes back in.
Talking to her, singing to her.
White noise helps her go to sleep in the car, without it she I'll just scream instead of going to sleep. The white noise only helps if she's tired though, otherwise it does nothing.
I feel so awful for her because she gets so distraught and she is not usually left to cry so it must be traumatic for her. I just do not know what to do for the best, I just want my girl to be happy, and also I'm concerned that I'm getting distracted while I'm driving and it's not safe.