baby is big and told may have Gd will i have baby early?

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Great, now MrsQ is going for a while and nothing I say will make her stick around. NICE ONE.

That's a real shame...I can understand why she would want to leave but can you tell MrsQ that I hope she comes back...

I agree with you that there should be more sensitivity exercised in posts (albeit from a minority of posters).

If she decides to take some time out can you pass on my best wishes and tell her I hope all goes well. xx
I do want to chime in on the diet helping the BP well I do have GD and my diet has been very good since finding out all I eat is healthy (I dont like it much would rather the ice cream) but I have been doing good with it and my BP is spiking (170/107 last night) and I now have signs of Pre-eclampsia so there is no way that diet is gonna help her BP go down with pre-eclampsia you cant control it it is something that is only treated by delivering the baby but they put you on bedrest sometimes medicine to help until the baby is ready to deliver... the only thing that might help is to cut out high amounts of sodium but even that doesnt help me...

I dont think MrsQ asked for her diet and lifestyle to be attacked she just wanted advice and support so lets give her that instead of upsetting by attacking her for her diet... hell if I could Id have the biggest bowl of ice cream right now!!
Totally agree with the both of you.

She's had a hard enough pregnancy without people lecturing her on her diet & "pigging out" .

Its great news you havn't got GD, my GTT was negative also but my baby boy is measuring a few weeks ahead - got another scan on Wednesday and then the consultant will decide how much longer they are going to leave me.

I've also had real problems with my bp too, on meds for it now but its still all over the place.

I hope you do come back MrsQ and to the unhelpful poster(s) - keep you're snout out in future :growlmad:
Totally agree with the both of you.

She's had a hard enough pregnancy without people lecturing her on her diet & "pigging out" .

Its great news you havn't got GD, my GTT was negative also but my baby boy is measuring a few weeks ahead - got another scan on Wednesday and then the consultant will decide how much longer they are going to leave me.

I've also had real problems with my bp too, on meds for it now but its still all over the place.

I hope you do come back MrsQ and to the unhelpful poster(s) - keep you're snout out in future :growlmad:

I got attacked by the "unhelpful poster" last night as welll, because I got fed up and complained about the insensitive comments written on Boomerslady's thread about her mother in law. I got told I had a "chip on my shoulder". Clearly it's her that has a chip on her shoulder with all the rudeness and bitchiness that's going on. I'm getting a bit rude and bitchy msyelf now but I'm REALLY cross that MrsQ has been upset like this. First Purpledahlia, then Boomerslady and now MrsQ. It's not fair. This is a pissing pregnancy forum, pregnant women are wayyy more sensitive and vulnerable than usual not to mention hormonal and we all know how even one tiny little comment meant in jest can upset someone. I just don't see the need for it. Forgive me for being a moody cow about all this, I'm really peed off.
Ok can we please stop the personal attacks
I know you are fed up Katie, but this thread is really not the place for personal disputes, I'm more than sure Mrs Q does not want her thread ending up like this.

Anymore OT and I will close it as it is no use to anyone
Ok can we please stop the personal attacks
I know you are fed up Katie, but this thread is really not the place for personal disputes, I'm more than sure Mrs Q does not want her thread ending up like this.

Anymore OT and I will close it as it is no use to anyone

I apoligise, I'm letting my anger get the better of me.

I just want this forum to be a nice peaceful place for everyone. That's what makes it so addictive, the fact that everyone on here is SO LOVELY and understanding. I wouldn't have gotten through my pregnancy without it and that's a fact. I don't want Mrs Q to go :nope:

Sorry again. I'll shut my cake hole now :blush:
Its lovely you dont have GD and your blood pressure is normal...this is great especially as it means you can indulge every now and again...HOWEVER...I disagree that pregnancy is a time to "be pigs" for nine months. Anyone who is pregnant should be extremely aware of what they are eating, drinking and any "other" things they put in their body, such as medication. Ice cream is perfectly fine, in moderation. Most things are fine, in moderation.
Eating "like a pig" isnt a great idea when you have serious health concerns on top of pregnancy. Im actually suprised noone has spoken to you about diet considering you have hyperemesis, preeclampsia a blood clotting problem and several other health issues which arent easy to deal with when pregnant.
Im afraid I cant sit here and go "yeah its fine, eat like a pig...why not!" when it seems detrimental to your life and the babys health. Its important for you to be as healthy as possible for the sake of your child and for the sake of YOU because the health problems you have can be SERIOUS, preeclampsia especially can be very dangerous and diet (sensible eating) plays a very large part of keeping your blood pressure under control.
Really is there any need to be so rude to the OP?

She did not make this thread to have a lecture on how much ice cream she should or should not eat,also bring up things from other thread "eating like a pig" (which is generally a turn of phrase) in not great forum etiquette TBH

If she had got GD them i could understand it more, but she hasn't and even if she had you have in no way being caring in your posts, just very abrupt IMO.

You don't/didn't seem to be offering any advice as such to the OP just slating her which is really not on.

Do you have any idea what OP's diet is? have you asked her? she could be very healthy for all you know but just having a binge on icecream now and again and TBH if she was eating it 24/7 it would be nobodies business except hers.

Everyone is different in pregnancy and that is a vital thing to be remembered especially where diet is concerned

Thankyou for posting this. I was just about to write and say how disgusting I think it is that YET AGAIN I come on here and Anothersquish and FemmeEnciente have been rude and insensitive. I'm starting to believe that the pair of you actually enjoy attacking other people on here. I won't stand for it. MrsQ, myself and at least 3 others have been hurt, insulted or upset by your comments. MrsQ has been reduced to tears because of the way you've spoken to her Anothersquish, and now wants to leave bnb because of it.

Why can't you be a bit more kind with the way you word things? MrsQ is on blood clotting injections because of a brain tumour and you've insinuated that she's putting medication in her body that she doesn't need which could harm her baby!!! She can't help having hyperemesis and she's resting because of the pre eclampsia. If she wants to pig out on ice cream for a few days then she bloody well can! She doesn't need you sticking your oar in and telling her what a bad job she's doing at looking after herself and her baby!

ARGH I've had enough of it, I'm starting to get put off using this forum as well now. But why should a load of us piss off and not come back just because some people can't exercise a bit of sensitivity?

Actually Katieee you seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick. 1) what does this have to do with FemmeEnciente? She hasnt posted here, shes not my friend nor anything else, shes another forum member, why drag her into it?
Secondly, I was meaning nothing of the sort whatsoever about any medication MrsQ is on and it being bad, I am taking medication during pregnancy and as such am potentially more aware of how careful I need to be in other aspects to try and make my taking of essential medication safe. No need to make assumptions on my behalf.
I have hyperemesis too, I know how difficult it can be to find foods you can eat. I have lost over 5 stone in weight and am still sick half a dozen times a day...hence I can sympathise but also understand the importance of attempting to balance a diet badly affected by this debilitating gestational problem.
My comments, whilst possibly not hug friendly were not meant in a nasty way if MrsQ feels strongly she should contact me directly and say she feels upset. I would apologise to her for upsetting her as its never my intention to make a person upset. I word things strongly a lot of the time, this is a problem for some people and if thats the case does it make it right for them to attack me as you are doing?
Katie I know where it all came from don't worry, now shush ;)

Nobody wants MrsQ to leave and I hope she reconsiders, lets hope the emotions in this thread can make people look at how they post in future
Its lovely you dont have GD and your blood pressure is normal...this is great especially as it means you can indulge every now and again...HOWEVER...I disagree that pregnancy is a time to "be pigs" for nine months. Anyone who is pregnant should be extremely aware of what they are eating, drinking and any "other" things they put in their body, such as medication. Ice cream is perfectly fine, in moderation. Most things are fine, in moderation.
Eating "like a pig" isnt a great idea when you have serious health concerns on top of pregnancy. Im actually suprised noone has spoken to you about diet considering you have hyperemesis, preeclampsia a blood clotting problem and several other health issues which arent easy to deal with when pregnant.
Im afraid I cant sit here and go "yeah its fine, eat like a pig...why not!" when it seems detrimental to your life and the babys health. Its important for you to be as healthy as possible for the sake of your child and for the sake of YOU because the health problems you have can be SERIOUS, preeclampsia especially can be very dangerous and diet (sensible eating) plays a very large part of keeping your blood pressure under control.
Really is there any need to be so rude to the OP?

She did not make this thread to have a lecture on how much ice cream she should or should not eat,also bring up things from other thread "eating like a pig" (which is generally a turn of phrase) in not great forum etiquette TBH

If she had got GD them i could understand it more, but she hasn't and even if she had you have in no way being caring in your posts, just very abrupt IMO.

You don't/didn't seem to be offering any advice as such to the OP just slating her which is really not on.

Do you have any idea what OP's diet is? have you asked her? she could be very healthy for all you know but just having a binge on icecream now and again and TBH if she was eating it 24/7 it would be nobodies business except hers.

Everyone is different in pregnancy and that is a vital thing to be remembered especially where diet is concerned

Thankyou for posting this. I was just about to write and say how disgusting I think it is that YET AGAIN I come on here and Anothersquish and FemmeEnciente have been rude and insensitive. I'm starting to believe that the pair of you actually enjoy attacking other people on here. I won't stand for it. MrsQ, myself and at least 3 others have been hurt, insulted or upset by your comments. MrsQ has been reduced to tears because of the way you've spoken to her Anothersquish, and now wants to leave bnb because of it.

Why can't you be a bit more kind with the way you word things? MrsQ is on blood clotting injections because of a brain tumour and you've insinuated that she's putting medication in her body that she doesn't need which could harm her baby!!! She can't help having hyperemesis and she's resting because of the pre eclampsia. If she wants to pig out on ice cream for a few days then she bloody well can! She doesn't need you sticking your oar in and telling her what a bad job she's doing at looking after herself and her baby!

ARGH I've had enough of it, I'm starting to get put off using this forum as well now. But why should a load of us piss off and not come back just because some people can't exercise a bit of sensitivity?

Actually Katieee you seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick. 1) what does this have to do with FemmeEnciente? She hasnt posted here, shes not my friend nor anything else, shes another forum member, why drag her into it?
Secondly, I was meaning nothing of the sort whatsoever about any medication MrsQ is on and it being bad, I am taking medication during pregnancy and as such am potentially more aware of how careful I need to be in other aspects to try and make my taking of essential medication safe. No need to make assumptions on my behalf.
I have hyperemesis too, I know how difficult it can be to find foods you can eat. I have lost over 5 stone in weight and am still sick half a dozen times a day...hence I can sympathise but also understand the importance of attempting to balance a diet badly affected by this debilitating gestational problem.
My comments, whilst possibly not hug friendly were not meant in a nasty way if MrsQ feels strongly she should contact me directly and say she feels upset. I would apologise to her for upsetting her as its never my intention to make a person upset. I word things strongly a lot of the time, this is a problem for some people and if thats the case does it make it right for them to attack me as you are doing?

I'm not even gonna bother answering back to any of this. Clearly the fact that I'm not the ONLY ONE HERE who has found you to be insensitive and rude proves that I'm not imagining things.

All i'm asking is for you to be nicer and to word things in a kinder way.

And no, why should MrsQ approach you? Why don't you PM her and apologise rather than her have to PM you? it's the least you can do.
Sorry, but what on earth has any of this got to do with me? I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have something to say Katie do it in a PM instead of ruining other people's threads.

I gave good, positive advice on this thread and apart from refuting that her baby is even big (from measurements she gave herself) I've been bang on topic.

Let's leave it at that.
Not helpful. You should also PM whoever your issue is with and resolve it properly. Admin/Mods have enough to do.
lol. *sigh*
Simply correcting your wrong accusation of katie ''ruining the thread'' when infact it wasnt her. Whoever reads it can see for themselves who ''ruined the thread''
Theres nothing to resolve, you made an accusation which wasnt true so i told you it wasnt true. End of!
Ladies youve now been asked politley more than once by another moderator to take your private disuputes to PM and not air them across someone elses thread, however unintentionally it may have started out

Im locking this thread now since Jo's request has been ignored
Theres wording things strongly and wording things RUDELY ...people will bite when you speak to them like crap. The forum should be treated with slight sensitivity

I do agree however that although FemmeEnciente had replied to this thread she didn't say anything out of line at all and issues from other threads should not be dragged on to another.

I'm keeping the thread locked and hope MrsQ does come back and can repost her question to others without this happening again. I do hope you continue to use the forum for support MrsQ. Anyone who may have some helpful advice in the mean time can I suggest poping her a little PM.

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