Mummy to lil J, Preggo #2
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My little munchkin was born on the 18th March at 2:03am weighing in at 8lb 14oz.
I was booked in for an induction on Monday the 17th due to my size and the babys estimated size. They were worried he was getting too big for me as im quite small and his head circumference was measuring 97 percentile. So they booked me in for when I would have been 40+3. They told me to ring at 7am to arrange a time for me to come in. So I called and they were too busy and told me to ring back at 12. I called at 12 and surprise, still didn't have any beds so didn't want to give me a time and said they'd call me. It got to about 2pm and I kinda accepted the fact id be asked to come the day after instead. By quarter to 3 I told OH we were going out as it was really stressing me out not hearing anything because the longer I didn't hear anything for the more nervous I got. We were getting ready and the phone rang. Typical! They asked me to come in for 4. So me and OH rushed to KFC he was so nervous he kept driving the wrong way
We got to the hospital at 4, they set me up in a bed. They hooked me up to a monitor for half hour at about 5 and baby was all good. At quarter to 6 they put the pessary? in. I was gutted as I was closed, cervix really far back and baby very high. So I figured I was in for a long haul. The woman in the bed next to me had just had hers taken out after 24hrs and had only gone from 2-4cm so I was expecting to be there forever, how wrong was I! I was on the monitor for half hour after pessary In and by about half 6 was taken off. So I got up and went to the toilet and had the worst pain in my back. Thought baby was just in awkward position after examination or something. Walked back to bed and had another one. I didn't say anything to OH because I just thought it was nothing. By about 7 he knew something was up because I kept going quiet. He told me to get midwife but I didn't want to yet. He started timing them at every 2 minutes and they were getting stronger and stronger with every one to the point I couldn't sit down because it hurt so bad. So I called in midwife who came pottering in with paracetemol, HA! she put me onto the monitor again to see what was happening and the contraction bit hit 104. By this point I was getting them every minute and a half. She stayed with me for a while and kept me on the monitor. By 8 I was crying because they kept getting stronger, by 830 they were so strong I was throwing up so they examined me and baby was very low, cervix right there and was 2cm. They had to take the pessary out as they were now every 30 seconds. They were moving people around in l&d to fit me in. Much to the horror of the woman next to me who was still waiting to be taken down to have her waters broken, she wasn't a happy bunny.
9pm someone came and took me to l&d where they gave me gas an air and I changed into a completely different person. Was laughing and off my nut so my dear OH filmed me! The midwife said I could come in every night I was an embarrassment , also scared OH by saying he could only have another baby if he married me My contractions went down to every 45 minutes, I had a drip ready just incase they needed to slow them down if baby wasn't happy but he was fine. They examined me at 10:30 ish? idk and I was 5cm. At about 11:30 I couldn't cope and had some pethadine. They examined me again and I was 8cm. At 1230 it wasn't going any further so they broke my waters. They pain kicked up massively and from that point I was awful. I was screaming, I was crying. Every break between contractions I was apologising then they'd come back and id turn into a demon again 1am I had the worst urge to push but there was still a lip of cervix. I couldn't help but push when they told me not to but I just had too. They managed to push it back with their fingers which hurt soooo bad! I was getting contractions on top of eachother now, they were telling me how well I was doing coping with the amount of contractions I had. I thought I was dying! im not even joking. By 130 am nothing was happening and baby was getting distressed. Exact same thing happened with my first. Doctors came in, told me I had to go to theatre which OH nearly had a heartattack at. Told me baby was facing the wrong way which was why he wasn't coming out so they had to turn him so I need a spinal block. Cant really remember much just that I was screaming for the guy to hurry up and give me the spinal. They got me down to theatre after an eternity they guy finally gave me the spinal block. They couldn't do it when I had a contraction so it was difficult when they were every 15 seconds! But I can say it was heaven. I always said I didn't want an epidural or anything but I will if I ever have another baby! They turned baby with ventouse and got him out by 2:03am. Only needed 1 stitch and baby came out happy. OH was so happy bless him. It didn't go as smooth as it could but id do it all over again.
I was booked in for an induction on Monday the 17th due to my size and the babys estimated size. They were worried he was getting too big for me as im quite small and his head circumference was measuring 97 percentile. So they booked me in for when I would have been 40+3. They told me to ring at 7am to arrange a time for me to come in. So I called and they were too busy and told me to ring back at 12. I called at 12 and surprise, still didn't have any beds so didn't want to give me a time and said they'd call me. It got to about 2pm and I kinda accepted the fact id be asked to come the day after instead. By quarter to 3 I told OH we were going out as it was really stressing me out not hearing anything because the longer I didn't hear anything for the more nervous I got. We were getting ready and the phone rang. Typical! They asked me to come in for 4. So me and OH rushed to KFC he was so nervous he kept driving the wrong way
We got to the hospital at 4, they set me up in a bed. They hooked me up to a monitor for half hour at about 5 and baby was all good. At quarter to 6 they put the pessary? in. I was gutted as I was closed, cervix really far back and baby very high. So I figured I was in for a long haul. The woman in the bed next to me had just had hers taken out after 24hrs and had only gone from 2-4cm so I was expecting to be there forever, how wrong was I! I was on the monitor for half hour after pessary In and by about half 6 was taken off. So I got up and went to the toilet and had the worst pain in my back. Thought baby was just in awkward position after examination or something. Walked back to bed and had another one. I didn't say anything to OH because I just thought it was nothing. By about 7 he knew something was up because I kept going quiet. He told me to get midwife but I didn't want to yet. He started timing them at every 2 minutes and they were getting stronger and stronger with every one to the point I couldn't sit down because it hurt so bad. So I called in midwife who came pottering in with paracetemol, HA! she put me onto the monitor again to see what was happening and the contraction bit hit 104. By this point I was getting them every minute and a half. She stayed with me for a while and kept me on the monitor. By 8 I was crying because they kept getting stronger, by 830 they were so strong I was throwing up so they examined me and baby was very low, cervix right there and was 2cm. They had to take the pessary out as they were now every 30 seconds. They were moving people around in l&d to fit me in. Much to the horror of the woman next to me who was still waiting to be taken down to have her waters broken, she wasn't a happy bunny.
9pm someone came and took me to l&d where they gave me gas an air and I changed into a completely different person. Was laughing and off my nut so my dear OH filmed me! The midwife said I could come in every night I was an embarrassment , also scared OH by saying he could only have another baby if he married me My contractions went down to every 45 minutes, I had a drip ready just incase they needed to slow them down if baby wasn't happy but he was fine. They examined me at 10:30 ish? idk and I was 5cm. At about 11:30 I couldn't cope and had some pethadine. They examined me again and I was 8cm. At 1230 it wasn't going any further so they broke my waters. They pain kicked up massively and from that point I was awful. I was screaming, I was crying. Every break between contractions I was apologising then they'd come back and id turn into a demon again 1am I had the worst urge to push but there was still a lip of cervix. I couldn't help but push when they told me not to but I just had too. They managed to push it back with their fingers which hurt soooo bad! I was getting contractions on top of eachother now, they were telling me how well I was doing coping with the amount of contractions I had. I thought I was dying! im not even joking. By 130 am nothing was happening and baby was getting distressed. Exact same thing happened with my first. Doctors came in, told me I had to go to theatre which OH nearly had a heartattack at. Told me baby was facing the wrong way which was why he wasn't coming out so they had to turn him so I need a spinal block. Cant really remember much just that I was screaming for the guy to hurry up and give me the spinal. They got me down to theatre after an eternity they guy finally gave me the spinal block. They couldn't do it when I had a contraction so it was difficult when they were every 15 seconds! But I can say it was heaven. I always said I didn't want an epidural or anything but I will if I ever have another baby! They turned baby with ventouse and got him out by 2:03am. Only needed 1 stitch and baby came out happy. OH was so happy bless him. It didn't go as smooth as it could but id do it all over again.