back to back arrival of Martha Louise. 4 sweeps later !


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2008
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Toward the end of my pregnancy I was getting increasingly unfortable, with SPD and back ache due to back to back baby, I found it so hard to look after my little boy and had great support from my mum who basically took joint care of my DS.

I had my midwife appointment on thursday 13th October, after having a quick chat I broke down in tears, due to tiredness and just completly fed up. She said that she would call the hospital to see if they would see me to think about doing an early induction as she couldnt see how I was gonna last much longer.

She couldnt get through straight away and so said she would call me when she had got through, I get home and half an hour later she called and said could I go in to the hospital straight away as they were quiet, so me and hubby went in. They explained that they didnt want to do an induction as it would mean they would have to carry through to delivery what ever happens once they start, even if that meant cesarian.. so they decided to do a sweep. She said I was 2cm dialated and that I was very favourable, She did the sweep there and then, it was uncomfortable. We went home to wait to see what would happen.

That evening I began loosing my plug and got really excited but nothing came of it, I had been told to book in with my midwife for Monday morning for another sweep if nothing had happened. Nothing happened... Monday came and I had another sweep, again was told I was 2cm and nearly fully effaced.

That evening I had a few contractions and lost loads more plug.. I thought it was the start of things, but again nothing happened. My midwife booked me in for a consultant appointment to again discuss early induction. So on the wedneday me and my mum went to the hospital the doctor had a look and said that my cervix was still thick !!!I was so dissapointed as everyone else had said it was paper thin!
He decided to do another sweep and that induction wasnt suitable !

We went home and I got an early night. I started having stronger contrations but they were very irregular, after a few hours of this I phoned Labour ward for some advice, they said that I could go in, But having my DS to orgainise childcare for and it being the night time, I said I would give it an hour and see how I went.. I didnt get another contraction. I was so fed up!

next day had a few contrations throughout the day... by the evening they starting to become more frequent. after 2 hours of contractions 5 mins apart we called labour ward again. My mum came to look after my DS and we made our way into hopsital. The contractions continued to get more painful and intense I was so happy I was gonna meet my baby girl soon, I was examined by the midwife and was still 2cm. She got me some food and said that she would sort me out a bed. While she was gone. I noticed that I missed a contraction.. then another, then another, by the time she got back I think I'd only had one or two. I was in such a state I was so tired and didnt want hubby to leave me. She managed to get me a side room and arranged for me to have some diamorphine for the pain and to help me sleep.

I managed to get a few hours kip and hubby slept in the chair next to me. I woke up to each contraction but the diamorphine meant I went back off pretty quick.

Next day (Friday) Contractions were still very infrequent but still painfull. They said it was because of baby being back to back. Then a stuuuuuupid midwife came in and told me that it could be another two weeks of this yet ! Well that just sent me over the edge, I was hysetrical, I was so tired and just wanted my baby out.
They gave me more diamorphine and decided they needed my room for someone else so I got taken to a ward. I sent hubby home to get some sleep. After a few hours my contractions began to pick up again and I called him to come back. I called to ask for more pain relief and they decided to examine me and trace the babies heart for a while. They took us to another room where she led me on my back (ooooouch) and rigged me up to this machine to listen in. 40mins later ! I sent hubby to find her as I couldnt bear being on my back anymore, and she said oh I forgot about you ! doh ! she examined me and I was 3cm she did ANOTHER sweep! ! hooray and she said baby was fine and that contractions were strong so I could go to delivery, YAY ! I was still pesamistic and thought it would all stop.

We got wheeled round to delivery at about 9pm. I started on the gas and air straight away, and kept asking what the liklihood of it all stopping again would be.. and they said they didnt think it would. I had another shot of diamorphine.
4h.30 mins later....

Martha Louise was born at 1.07 on 22nd October after 12 mins of pushing. She didnt turn so was born back to back ! ouch ! she weighed 7lb 8 and is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen !!!!



Thanks for sharing K8y! She's gorgeous.

Pip x
congratulations, i love your name choice x
Thank you for sharing K8y! Martha is beautiful!!
k8y, martha is adorable, and even though your last bit of pregnancy was long and drawn out, she made it into the world safely and you have finally got to meet your wonderful lil girl
congrats hun!! sorry you had a rough go of it…but she is precious, love the pic of you with your son and her! the back labor sounds awful, but its awesome that you didn't have to push for long with her sunny side up and all!!
thank you everyone. xx
Beautiful family. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad she finally decided to join you. hehe
HUGE congratulations and well done you :D Martha is beautiful :cloud9: xx

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