DW and I have been trying unsuccessfully for the last ten months to get pregnant. Our youngest is nine yrs old and we wanted one more. She is 37, I am 38. Just as a first step in attempting to figure out why nothing is happening, I went in for a sperm analysis this morning...not good.
The number that jumped out as abnormal was motility of 20-30A% when 50% or greater is normal. Most of the others were on the low side of normal:
Volume 2.0 2.0-5.0 normal
Semen Concentration 25,000 >20,000 normal
Total Count 50,000 >40,000 normal
Can any of you amateur doctors help interpret these for us? I did the test now so that she could take it to her OB visit next week where she was going to discuss why things weren't working out. Like probably most people on this forum, I'm not big on waiting.
Any insight on what these numbers mean or clarification on the possibility of a natural pregnancy would be appreciated. We decided going into this that we would let things be if there was a problem. We aren't interested in high tech methods of getting pregnant. We figure that it just wasn't meant to be. Is time to throw in the towel?

Volume 2.0 2.0-5.0 normal
Semen Concentration 25,000 >20,000 normal
Total Count 50,000 >40,000 normal
Can any of you amateur doctors help interpret these for us? I did the test now so that she could take it to her OB visit next week where she was going to discuss why things weren't working out. Like probably most people on this forum, I'm not big on waiting.