baileys 5 stone weightloss to ttc bb3


Pregnant with number 3
Jul 28, 2009
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Hi Girls,

Ive decided that its now time to face the weight demons and thought this would be a great place to start. This is more a journal for myself so i have somewhere i can rant and rave about how bad/good ive been. But it would be great if i could have some friends/stalkers on here. I think i will share my story with you. Ive always been overweight but about 3 years ago i found a happy medium of 14 stone (bmi 34) and a size 16 i know to some this will seem huge but i had been 18 stone at my worse so as i could buy clothes in any shop i decided that id would just be happy myself.

I then fell pregnant with my 1st baby in summer 07 it was a complete surprise as i had tried for years when i was in my early 20s and with my ex but we had never had any luck didnt have any tests as we split up so i put ttc to the back of my mind but felt like it probably wouldnt happen for me. Fast forward 5 years and just about to hit the big 30 and id only been with my current bf for 6 months but we were very happy it was short lived though as when i had a scan at 13 weeks there was no heartbeat and the baby had died around 11 weeks i was devastatd and once again felt like i would never be a mum all i did for the next 3 months was to eat and put on 2 and a half stone. I then found out i was pregnant again and by this point my weight was 16s 7lb (bmi 40). My pregnancy with my son was very difficult and i put on 4 stone over the next year i lost 2 stone of the baby weight and then got pregnant with my daughter by this point my weight was 18s 7lb (bmi 45) I tried really hard over my pregnancy and only put on 16lb. I weighed myself for the first time today 5 weeks after having her and my weight is 18s 6lb so im back to what i was before i got pregnant. I would love another baby but as ive had 2 emergency c-sections the 1st was because of a placental abruption and the second was because of another problem with the placenta and the baby wouldnt tolerate labour. I have been told future pregnancy will be c-sections and i dont want another c-section until my bmi is under 35 so i have to lose 5 stone. Im really determined to change my lifestyle for the sake of my children as if i carry on this way i wont be able to run around with them.

I really dont eat huge portions of food but i do eat totally wrong foods. I hate vegetable and salads believe me ive tried them but they make me gag. So im gonna try really hard to eat better and excersise more now that my c-section is almost healed im gonna start by walking my son to nursery everyday its about a 20 min walk so a 40 minute round trip if i do that twice a day and take the dogs for longer walks this should really help. I will try and update everyday and i will be very honest. Im due back to work in march 11 so i would love to have lost a lot of weight by the time i go back as i hate my job and would like to be trying for a baby within the next year

Join me on my journey and good luck to everyone else trying to lose weight!
I wont be starting today as i had a magnum icecream for breakfast but i will start 2mor!! I usually say i will start on mondays lol but this time as im serious it dosent matter what day i start. xx
Good luck! I ideally have about 5st to go to, I've lost 4st already so stick with it, it will happen x

best of luck to you!

i started at 17st 2lbs, want be back to my pre-pregnancy weight before firstbaby 10st. 14st isn't huge, as long as you feel happy all that matters :)
well its been a tough few days. Beths got colic and has been screaming for 4-5 hours a night then when she does finally sleep shes been up every 2 hours. My oh works 50 hours a week mon-sat 8.30 till 5.30 so i cant really ask him to help with night times when hes got to work then i feel guilty for asking him to help on his only day off. Luckily matthews been sleeping well but im just so tired and also when you are hardly getting any sleep and are awake all the time there is more time to eat!!!

As you can probably tell by the above comments my diet is not going well. What i dont understand is that i used to know a woman who was really big and i remember saying to myself how did she let herself get to that point and now that she is why isnt she doing anything about it. Now ive realised i am that person how did i get to this point?? And more importantly why cant i stop myself from eating?

I never thought i would be lucky enough to have 2 kids and be in a good relationship but i know i am on self destruct at the moment as i cant bear him being near me and i know this is because i feel crap about what i look like as when im this big i dont bother to make myself look good just wear comfy clothes no make up etc.. (i know my baby is only 5 weeks so a lot of people dont make a lot of effort at the point). My oh is really good but i think its because he sees me all the time he dosent realise how big ive got which i know is a good thing i think i just keep waiting for him to turn round as notice how bad ive got.

I keep thinking tomorrow is another day but i really need to do this now for my health and for the quality of life for my kids. just keep thinking that do my kids mean that little to me that i would rather keep putting food in my mouth than get healthy for them? I really want more kids but i know that i cant put myself through another pregnancy at this weight i just hope i will wake in the morning and feel motivated xxx
I did it!! It may only be 1 day but it was dominoes day lol! I so much wanted to eat especially as beth was an absolute nightmare again and screamed from 6-12pm. My oh is off today so hes just dropping matthew off at nursery and then hes having beth for the morning, i was going to get some sleep but i think i will go and have a bath and then start on the cleaning think i will feel much better when the house is a bit cleaner! (believe me it is awful and i cant believe it has got this bad) So day 2 i wonder how it will go?
its been a bit of a stop and start few weeks one day good the next day bad! Ive woken up feeling really positive today spurred on by the fact i just walked past a full length mirror in asda and saw the size of my stomach i dont know why it shocks me so much i know how big it is lol!!

Ive been sorting out my clothes from a few years ago before i had the babies and if i could lose even 2 stone ive got some great stuff i could wear and i know that would make me feel so much better im determined im not buying anymore clothes in this size so im gonna have to make do with the rubbish and maternity clothes ive still got.

Matthews at nursery ive already done the shopping and fed beth so im just hoping she has a kip soon and i get get on with the house work!

Its a new dawn its a new day its a new life for me and im feeling good!!
good luck with losing the weight i am also trying to lose the weight after having my fourth baby last year i need to lose about 42lb to have healthy weight again

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