Belated trumatic birth story


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2008
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This is very belated 8 months, but I havent been able to write it down till now, what happened still bothers me now, but im slowly getting over it, im at a point now where im willing to try for another natural birth, but I will go private next time lost all faith in the NHS as came so close to losing my Noah and I suffered hours of pain due to staffing problems, warning its very long :)
Woke up 5am on the 18th May 2009, this wasn’t a unusual occurrence as I hadn’t slept well for weeks since I had awful rib pain which was awful at night, as well as heartburn which when laying flat meant acid would come up my throat causing me to vomit in the early mornings. But this was different, I had a burning feeling in my back, I laid there for a short while and waited to see if it would ease off, it did but was soon back again. This is when I started thinking it was actually happening. I went into my Mums room and woke her up, she leapt out of bed when I said I thought I might be in labour, we went down stairs and I started timing my contractions. After a couple of hours we established that this was not Braxton hicks. I called Sam (OH) who was at uni in Swansea and told him that I was in labour; he said he was on his way, despite having an exam the next day. By this point I was in quite a lot of pain and Mum rang hosp, they said I should come in, so we went to the hosp, when we got there, they examined me and found despite the pain, I was only 2cm’s dilated. She told me to go shopping, nearly smacked her one. So back home we go, strapped TENS machine on, this helped by taking my mind off the pain and on the tingly, buzzing feeling instead. By this point I had receded into my own little bubble and had eyes closed, wouldn’t talk to anyone or eat/drink. Sam arrived at about 2pm; he took over from my Mum in supporting me, mainly holding a glass of water or cup of tea so I could sip through a straw. I went to the toilet and had a large bloody show, went upstairs, just trying to ease the agony, was at this point that I really wanted to go to the hospital. My Mum started loading the car and fitting the car seat in the car. We c called and said we were on our way back, arrived at 4pm. When arrived they took a urine sample and sent it off as lots of blood in urine. They took BP and temp, BP was high as was temp, I was admitted at that point. Asked for pain relief, after being checked I was 4cm so was allowed G&A , was fantastic, helped immensely. A couple of hours later I started to feel the urge to push on contractions, told midwife, she checked and I was only 6 cms, told me I mustn’t push, easier said than done, at this point I felt damp, I announced I’d wet myself, midwife said it was probably my waters leaking, next thing I know I had a contraction, pushed and pop went my waters, they continued to monitor me and my temp and BP stayed up, fingers and feet started to swell up, so was moved us to a close observation room and was told I had to stay on monitors for rest of my labour as babies heart rate was dipping with contractions, also put on saline drip as was extremely reluctant to drink and dehydration wasn’t helping BP. Checked at 10pm was 8cm’s, so told not long now, 2 hours later no progress, had petherdine shot. They said I should go to the toilet as they could feel my bladder was full, I had no urge to go though, my Mum took me, Sam was revising/ sleeping and popping in and out by this point as had an exam 2pm on the 19th. Got to the toilet with help and the G&A canaster, wasn’t able to go. So had a temporary catheter to drain bladder. Another petherdine shot at 2am, still at 8cm’s and contractions had petered out, weren’t strong or regular, just constant pain in back that intensified randomly, no pattern at all. Hospital very busy at this point, turning women away to other hospitals. The machine that measured babies heart rate didn’t work properly so kept losing his heart rate, very annoying. At this point they said they were going to have to put me on a drip to get contractions going properly, omnitoxin. They said the pain was going to be about 3 times worse than it already is and I couldn’t have more petherdine. Asked for an epidural, they agreed. Checked, still 8 cm’s anaesthetist was surprised to be putting an epidural in so late, midwife explained I’d been 8cm for about 7 hours by this point. Epidural helped a lot, but still using G&A as still had pain on one side, topped up the epidural and straightened me out and pain was totally gone, just started to feel tightening happening as drip was kicking in, drip was steadily turned up as not working as well as they would have liked, checked at 8 am on the 19th May, babies due date and still 8cm’s. Drip turned up to maximum, contractions one on top of the other, tightening were uncomfortable but not painful. At this point was decided Sam should go back to Swansea for his exam, so he reluctantly had to leave after driving all that way without seeing his first son born. Doctor checked me at 9am, they did an ultrasound scan to check that there was no reason that baby wasn’t coming, baby was back to back and back of head was presenting first, this was why dilation wasn’t progressing properly as my body wasn’t entirely sure I was in labour. Was still 8cm’s drip was turned down as baby was getting distressed, told I would be pushing in an hour, fully dilated or not as baby needed to come out, told couldn’t section me now as I would probably bleed out, never found out why this was. An hour later I was totally exhausted had been in labour for 30 hours and pushing was the last thing I wanted to do, I wasn’t even having proper contractions still, had no idea when they were, monitor wasn’t working properly so not picking them up either, so they couldn’t even tell me when to push, so randonmly pushed for about 15 mins, baby heart rate dipping with every push, finally babies heart rate was undectable even with Doppler, was told forceps delivery was necessary, suddenly the room was full of people, Doctor said she was going to cut me, I suddenly for the first time got upset, I said I would feel it, she said I wouldn’t because of epidural, I insisted it was wearing off and when she touched me I could feel it, she gave me some local and did the episiotomy, put the forceps in, weird feeling and on a so called contraction told me to push. The head was very stuck, they wiggled his head out and found the cord wrapped tightly round his neck, they cut it then and there. They then tried to pull him out, but his shoulders were stuck as well, the junior doctor was pulling so hard the doctor had to yell at her to stop as she was going to injure the baby, the doctor took over and told me she would have to cut again,she cut me again and after more pulling, finally got him out, biggest relief ever. They immediately put him on my chest, but he was quiet, blue and floppy. The midwife took him off me and took him away, out of the room. The doctor told me unfortunately I had badly torn and would need to go to surgery to repair the extensive damage. Just then I heard a baby crying, I asked if it was my baby and they said it was, I was so thankful to hear that sound. Next I was given the injection to delivery my placenta as it hadn’t arrived naturally, it didn’t work and so after the junior doctor had a good go at tugging it out, the consultant again had to tell her to stop a\s it definitely wasn’t going to come out like that. It would have to be manually removed in surgery, I still hadn’t seen my baby, he was being given oxygen to help him breath. I was taken to surgery, epidural resited higher up and topped up also. Placenta was removed, by pretty much scraping it from the wall of my uterus, not a pleasant feeling. Was then stitched up had a 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree tear as well as grazing and the 2 episiotomy cuts. A Midwife came in and announced that baby weighed a huge 8lb 13oz’s and was having cuddles with his Nanny. I was then taken back to the room where I got my first look at my bruised, battered little baby and got to hold him for the first time. So although not a perfect birth by any form of imagination, it was all worth it in the end.
Jesus Christ, im so sorry the NHS didnt do there best for you.

Im so glad your wee man is here safe and sound.

V xxxx
Oh you poor thing. It sounds like you really went through the lot there,but im glad your little boy was finally delivered alive and well!!
Its good that it hasnt put you off natural births though,even if it has put you off the NHS forever!!
You poor thing, it sounds like one hell of a labour hun.
Congratulations on your baby boy xx
Awww poor you hunni... well done and congratulatios :)

Thank you for sharing your story with us x x x

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