Benjamin Francis 14 days overdue Waterbirth Story! :)


Mummy of a little boy.
Oct 18, 2010
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I am happy to announce the arrival of my yellow bump which turned blue on 21st september 14 days

overdue. Benjamin Francis weighed 9lb 2oz.

The past week has been abit of a blur. So trying to remember the details as best as possible.

On sunday 18th september I had started with the bloody show but was concerned by how heavy it

was so went to birth centre and had checkup and was told everything was fine.

On monday 19th september started getting pains but were irregular and bleeding had got worse and

lost mucus plug. Pains were really intense so went back to birth centre and was checked over

again but still did not have an internal and was told it was prelabour and sent home. Went home

feeling rather fed up because I was having pains that was apparently nothing. Went home and put

the tens machine on to take edge of the pains they were coming every 5-7-10 minutes so quite

irregular but getting stronger in intensity.

Monday night spent the entire night in agony on the toilet rocking from side to side with pain

and using the tens machine I was so tired I would fall asleep between the pains and wake up in

agony and the tens machine was set to boost and I would forget to turn it off so it was

continously on boost. Ended up breaking the toilet seat from rocking on it all night

:blush::haha: Still was thinking I was in this prelabour stage because they were still irregular

and all my pain was in my thighs,bum and under my bump just as when I went to the birth centre

but alot stronger.

I was due to be induced on the wednesday so on the tuesday despite the pain I thought I would

just cope through with it as didnt want to be told that I was in prelabour again and be sent

home. At this point I thought if this is prelabour then I want an epidural as I wouldn't be able

to cope with real labour. Around 2-3pm I was having these really strong pains slightly more

together roughly every 5 minutes but still irregular and still in my thighs, and under my bump.
My partner was on about ringing up and seeing if they would induce me a day early because of the

pain I was in but I told him they wouldn't so I would just deal with it. Then with one strong

pain I had a gush of warm liquid run down my legs whilst I was having a pain leaning over the

bed. This happened two more times with the next two pains so I said to my partner I think my

waters have gone or ive just wet myself three times. We then went phoned up the birth centre and

was told to come in. My partner wanted to park outside the hospital on a street to avoid

expensive parking so he dropped me off at the door whilst I waited for him to walk to me.

Although normally only a few minutes walk it felt like an eternity waiting for him to walk to me

and my water were still running down my leg. I had the tens strapped to me the entire time.

Anyway finally we got in the birth centre and I was checked internally and found to be between

6-7cm. I was so shocked but so pleased as it meant that I didn't have to be induced afterall and

I'd made loads of progress on just the tens alone. I was then offered the gas and air whilst

they went to sort me out the birth pool. Finally the pool was ready and this was the most

soothing sensation being able to float my body in the warm water and I was still able to use the

gas and air whilst in it. Then somehow my grandma had got the number of the birth centre and

rang to ask how I was doing and the midwife asked me what I had to say and for some reason I

came out with "Tell her the pool is nice!" I blame the gas and air haha. In the pool I lost all

sensation of time and the hours must of just passed by. I coped with each contraction sucking on

the gas and air and making walking motions in the water (pain was in thighs so this helped). The

contractions intensified and it felt like I was on a rollarcoaster being dragged up the hill and

then down again with the pain. I got out the pool to be checked and was found to be 9cm dilated.

Finally started feeling like I needed to push but the sensation made me feel like I was to poo

and I was scared of pooing myself so I hesitated for quite a while and kept getting out to go to

the toilet. I went from saying "I need to have a number 2" to " I need a poo" haha as the

sensation got stronger *cringe*. Anyway I finally tried to push and ignored the pooing sensation

and felt the head started to crown. I found this the most scary part and it stung. I hated that

it kept going back in again after each push. I just pushed in the end even if I didnt have a

contraction and eventually got the head out. It felt like it was there for ages until finally I

was able to push the rest of the body out. It was the most surreal experience. I was asked if I

wanted to catch my baby but I preferred the midwife to do this as I was just overwhelmed and

then Benjamin was placed in my arms. I had asked for the cord to stop pulsating before my

partner cut it so I got to hold Benjamin in my arms for a while. At this point we didn't know

the sex so my partner checked and found out we had a baby boy. After the cord was cut Benjamin

was passed to his dad whilst I stayed in the pool to see if the placenta would come away

naturally. Unfortunatly despite waiting for over an hour it didnt come away so I then opted for

the injection and it still wouldn't come away. They started discussing more interventions but

then I asked to go to the loo again as I felt the urge to poo again and typically I was wrong it

was the placenta which then fell into the toilet *cringe* :blush:. Ironically despite the entire time me

feeling like I needed a poo I never pooed myself although benjamin did after he was born.
I was then transferred to another room as they wanted to free up the pool room. Overall I had a

really good birth experience Benjamin weighed 9lb 2oz and I didn't tear just had a couple of

grazes. Benjamin was born at 2.55am on the day I was due to be induced so I was very glad he

turned up when he did and I would whole heartedly recommend a water birth to anyone considering

one as it was an amazing experience. :)


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Great birth story hun, congratulations on the birth of your little boy :flower:
Congratulations that's my brothers name :thumbup:
Thank you for the comments. :) Can't believe how fast time is flying now. My little boy is growing so much already!
Aww congrats, lovely big boy. I'm so jealous I really want a water birth, just hope I don't get induced again so I can experience it! xxx
hey just read story awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

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