Best baby buys


Connor, Saskia, OH & Me
Oct 25, 2010
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Just a nosey post :flower:

Which baby buys were the best? And the worst?

Our best was the bouncer chair, she's always in it, and she loves the detachable toys, and the baba sling.

Our worst was the baby bath - we never used it! And muslin squares, we never used them either x
Fun thread!

Best- Boba wrap, ergo carrier, muslin blankets, and wooden blocks.

Worst- bumbo! We hardly used the bouncer or exusaucer either. The exusaucer has actually now come in handy in the basement to have somewhere to put him while I do laundry.
Best: stretchy wrap when she was newborn, woven wrap now that she's bigger, jumperoo, chicco next 2 me bedside crib.

Worst: nursing cushion - I found it harder to nurse using it, dummy - she will not take one and Moses basket.
Best buy- small crib, long outlasting the Moses, bouncer that reclines almost horizontal, Muslim squares, perfect prep machine, cot top changer.
Worst buys-bibs, tummy time cushion thing that's too small to do anything, Moses basket.
Best buys: Chicco next2me crib, bouncy chair, woven wrap, backpack changing bag (this one might actually be the one!), ikea baby gym

Worst: lots of newborn clothes because DS was only 6lb 14 so this one is bound to be small as well! Dummies.
Best buys: muslins, bouncer, playmat, my wrap when he wanted to be held all the time. Baby bath he loves.

Worst: crib bedding he is never in it! Nursing pillow I find it much more comfy just using a cushion.
Best buys: Perfect prep machine, muslins, bouncer chair, pink lining changing bag

Worst buys: Graco sweetpeace swing, tommee tippee nappy bin, baby bath (then again DS1 loves playing with his dinosaurs in it so not a complete waste!!)
Dd1 Best buy was her bouncer definitely!
Worst buy WS probably the bumbo that she never used

Dd2 best buy was her activity table she used it from about 5 months and my youngest likes to play with it too.
Worst was the bouncer, she hated it from day one and always preferred to be on the floor

Dd3 haven't got a best buy has she had all her sisters things.
Worst buy was the Jumperoo that I bought second hand but she never liked it at all
Great thread! :)

Best buys: twilight turtle (we got it around 3mo), bouncy chair, pack and play, baby gym, Medela calma bottles

Worst buys: bottles that did not match pump's system, mountain buggy stroller (it was a gift and ended up being a bit of a lemon and not worth the money... Should have gotten a cheaper jogging stroller)
Great thread!
So far for me..
Best: Bonds wondersuits (got on sale) - being able to just unzip the bottom is so easy and painless during the night.
Fisher & Price swing.
Sleep time sheep (plays soothing sounds that appear to help our LO to sleep).
'Love to Dream' swaddles - great for my LO as he likes his hands by face (also allows you to just unzip the bottom to change diapers in the night without taking them out of it).
Orica baby monitor - I LOVE that it only comes on (notifies you) when baby is crying. You don't have to listen to any static noises or cooing sounds.
Avent bottles - I tried Medela and Closer to Nature and Avent have been the best!
Ergo 360 carrier.

Worst: Closer to Nature breast pump (couldn't work out how to use it and went and hired a Medela symphony instead).
Pants/jeans/leggings - my LO has to wear a hip brace so I can't get pants on him :(.
Hug-a-Bub wrap - fantastic to use once you follow the 21 steps to actually assemble it (aka: fook that).
Square swaddles/wrap blankets (have wayyy too many and zip ups are so much easier).
Closer to Nature bottles (teat was too soft for my Bub and he literally crush the test in his mouth while feeding).
Best: Our moby wrap (and then our woven wrap after that). Lifesaver and just made everything so much easier.

Worst: Moses basket. We used the stupid thing once for 20 minutes and never again. Our daughter hated it. The handles were always flapping around in the way. We planned to co-sleep anyway, but I still thought it would be a good thing to have for the daytime. Wrap or pushchair or the bed worked so much better.
Rock N Play-she sleeps in it and when she's in the "I don't want to be held but also don't want to be put down" mood it's the only thing that works,
comotomo bottle-we have a picky bottle girl and this is the only one she would take (we tried tons)
k'tan wrap carrier-there was a few week phase where we didn't use it at all but she slept in it a ton early on and now loves it for facing out
boppy-for baby propping not nursing...worthless for nursing
skip hop baby gym
white noise machine
summer infant swaddleme swaddles

muslin blankets (cute but what do people use these for?Impossible to use as a swaddle)
cosleeper bassinet - she just didn't like it
Best: stretchy wrap, ergo, bouncy chair, padded floor mat

Worst: Nappy disposal system (had this with DD1, never used it with the other two as it's such a faff)
Dummies (never used them)
Swaddle blankets
Metal frame back carrier (bought for DS but soooo heavy and uncomfortable, SSC is soo much better)
Best -
• Cot mobile
• Swing
• Carrier
• Nursing cushion, for propping him up.
• Pram organiser.

Worst -
• Shoes (what was I thinking!)
• Baby bath
• Tshirts, they just ride up and I get fed up of pulling them down. Much prefer ones that fasten like a vest.
• Clip for the bags to hang onto the pram, worst thing ever as you just end up with bags scraping against the wheels
muslin blankets (cute but what do people use these for?Impossible to use as a swaddle)

My little boy uses them as a comfort blanket. We also have some big 1.5 meter ones which would have made great swaddles if only I'd bought them when he was still little enough to want to be swaddled. They make nice cool blankets though when it's hot.

Can see why they'd be totally useless to some people though.
Best buys - Tommeetippee perfect prep bottle machine. I really couldn't be with it.
- 3 in 1 rocker napper.

Worst buys - baby bath, used it 3-4 times after my c section cause it was easier than bending into the bath.
- bouncer chair - my daughter hated it so we bought the 3 in 1 rocker
- ickle bubba stomp travel system - I am still using this at present and I've never used another pram but this has to be one of the worst prams out there. I absolutely hate it but can't afford to buy a new one right now :( I do not recommend it.
Best: boppy (loved to sit in it more than the bouncer), wipe warmer, bottle drying rack, bath tub, her little lovey that she sleeps with, exersaucer we got good use for a couple months, convertible car seat, cart cover, play mat

Worst: swing, bumbo, walker, diaper genie, Jeep stroller, Cosco infant seat and stroller, pack n play
Going back quite a long way as my DD isn't here yet but with my DS..

Best buys
- Bouncer - he used to take his naps in it once he was a couple of months old and loved staring at all the hanging toys and batting them.
- Bumbo - Once he was 3/4 months old he enjoyed sitting up for short periods of time in it and playing with his toys upright.
- Baby bath - I was all fingers and thumbs when bathing him so a small baby bath was a godsend, I wouldn't have felt safe/comfortable bathing him in the big bath unless I got in with him which wasn't always practical.

Worst buys
- Moses basket - he was huge and had completely outgrown it within a couple of weeks and his crib only lasted until he was 7 weeks before moving on to the cot (for barely any time at all because we co-slept in the end!) Still bought moses basket and crib this time though :dohh:
- Cot - we ended up co-sleeping so was a bit of a waste just sitting there
- Play mat - He didn't do anything with it, just laid on it and never bothered playing with the toys on it (still bought another this time!!)
muslin blankets (cute but what do people use these for?Impossible to use as a swaddle)

We use them for:
Putting on shoulder/under baby's chin to catch any sickyness
Wiping baby's mouth from milk or dribble
As a light blanket if its quite hot
Keep sun out of his face when in the car or in the pram
For baby to hold as a comfort sometimes

My DD (5) still has a couple that are now called nose cloths for when she has a cold they are a lot softer then tissue & I don't end up with snotty tissues all over the place!
Best- Ergo, Swing, play mat, bath tub CLOTH DIAPERS. I never knew I would fall in love with them, I wish I had used them from the beginning!

Worst- Crib, he has been in it maybe twice and not even to sleep just to sit for a minute while I grabsomething.... he hated it. Changing table, we use the one on the playpen I like that with that one he faces me so it's 1000x easier to use. Bottle warmer... it's a decoration. And last but certainly not least binkys! I bought a ton as DS1 loved them but DS2 hates them with a passion he just looks at me like I'm crazy whenever I've tried pushes them out and goes for his hand instead. He has become quite the pro at thumb sucking. Oh and one more! Burp clothes, I really should have remembered from my first that they never got used it was just a grab whatever it closest (usually my own shirt!)

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