Dobby!!! I've been thinking about you

I'm so glad you popped in, even with a short update. I miss hearing your life updates. I'm so sorry to hear about the "menty b" (isn't that what the youth call it these days?) but really happy to see your seeking help. I hope nothing but the best for you and hope to see you on again soon, when you're ready
Jules glad you're not moving too, too far but that's too bad about the school change for the kids. With it being so close, could the school just add a stop temporarily? I suppose that's asking a lot though...When do you have to officially be out of the old place and into the new one? Glad you have some time to transition slow-ish. When we moved into our house we had rent overlap by a month and that was much nicer (vs. our last move where we had to move 2 hours away in a weekend....that was rough!)
Shae, that husband of yours needs a confidence boost! I'm sure if they contract with him, it's because they believe in his capabilities. He needs to believe in them, too! I am so excited that you may just get to ttc in 2025 ahhhhh that's so exciting!! And yay for not having the genetic issue! I know that was weighing on you. Would you still be able to pass it along to offspring or no?
Afm...I had my last ob appointment the other day and it was rough. Despite trying to improve my diet, I gained another whopping 10lbs since the last appointment. This is the first time the ob brought it to my attention (a different ob this time because it's a group practice, but still). I had my GD test but haven't gotten results back. Anyway I have no idea why I'm gaining at such an alarming rate, despite trying to not be super horrible about eating. I'm still eating junk here and there though so now it's time to seriously cut it all out. I'm keeping a food journal now as well. On top of all this I'm measuring about weeks ahead. Ob set me up with a growth scan in 2 weeks to see how big baby is...I suppose this information may be useful to surgeons for a c-section so they know if they are going to be expecting a larger baby or not. I mean a larger baby isn't unexpected (my first two were 9+lbs) but I guess it's information they'd like to have. So if I'm up another 5lbs by next appointment despite really dialing in my food, I don't know what I'll do except just ride it out and deal with the weight after baby's born. Wouldn't be the first time (I gained 60lbs with ds1) so this may just be a thing my body's doing against my will and efforts. But it sure is depressing. I feel and look huge. My face has gotten so pudgy. I think on the whole I'm up about 35lbs and still have, what, 11 weeks to go or so?
crazy though...11 weeks!! time is FLYING. I am so not mentally there yet to have a baby lol. I get there some days but most days I'm panicking about how the heck I'm going to manage life. We're always so busy as it is...although I do it to myself really. Especially with all the fish. I have too many animals lol