Best pregnancy flip outs!!


Mum & Dad + 1
Jul 29, 2008
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Okay ladies let's have your best angry flip outs! Whatever the situation, share it!!

Today I was walking down my street to go to the bus stop so I could catch the bus to work (I didn't want to dig my car out of the snow, serves me right for being lazy I guess!!).. I live really close to a high school and these 3 f*cking morons were having a snowball fight. Whatever, boys will be boys, right..

WELL one of them wailed a snowball at me.. I turned around, shot them a death look, and none apologized, so I walked over, screamed "I'm 7 f*cking months pregnant and you're f*cking throwing snowballs at me? What the hell is wrong with you? What if I fell down? No one shovels in this god damn city and there's ice everywhere!! Grow the f*ck up and go home.. fucking a**holes!!"

I guess I was scary because I'm probably only 2 or 3 years older than them and they said "sorry miss" to me :rofl:.. so maybe I exaggerated, I'm not quite 7 months.. but it sounded better than saying "I am over nearly 27 weeks pregnant you assholesssss"

I know I'm not the only one.. come onnn!! :witch:
lol go girl

i must give about 5 people a day the death stare lol. From pushing in a queue to parking in my spot
haha go tasha.

I think one of mine was when i was pregnant with my 1st. They were refurbishing my local supermarket and for weeks on end when we went shopping (at a perfectly normal time!) they would have no basics like bread, milk, mince etc. One day i asked the lad if there was any bread and he said no. So i started asking why not, why are they not ordering enough in, this has been going for weeks etc. Anyway he started giving me attitude and i totally lost it. Was shouting how crap the store was they couldnn't keep up with basic supply and demand etc. Another bloke came over to see what was up so i had a go and him and demanded they gave me the money for my trolley (one of the ones you have to £1 in to use) as i was off to my shopping at tesco where they actually stocked up! Dh looked highly embarrased bless him lol.

Ooo or there was the time i was preg with ds and had a row with some woman who parked in a mother and baby space with no kids. I made dh stop, got out, asked her to move, she claimed she was disabled, yet had no disable sticker and suggested we take it inside to security! She looked a little unamused when i agreed. So she legged it across the car park (despite the fact she had told me she could hardly walk!) and i struggled to keep up! When we got in she rudely interrupted a staff member who was talking to someone else to explain. I explained she had no disabled sticker and if she was disabled she could park in one of the many empty disabled spots. I was most gratified when they told her she should not of parked there HA!

I get people rage at the best of times let alone when theres all those extra hormones raging around!

Nutmeg, can I bring you shopping with me? The parking spot issue is a big one over here :gun:
We have several stores here that have parking for "new or expectant mothers". I get so pissed when I see people parking there who don't have kids, aren't pregnant or are old. I don't care if they are disabled or not. I don't park in the HC spaces, they shouldn't park in mine. I don't like to make a fuss over it but my DH certainly will.
We have several stores here that have parking for "new or expectant mothers". I get so pissed when I see people parking there who don't have kids, aren't pregnant or are old. I don't care if they are disabled or not. I don't park in the HC spaces, they shouldn't park in mine. I don't like to make a fuss over it but my DH certainly will.

If all the handicapped spaces are taken and they park there, whatever, I'm sure they need to be closer than I do sometimes.. but I hate when old people do it. I'm such a bad person I know, but I always call my boyfriend and b*tch, "this woman is clearly past the age in her life where she can make a baby and she doesn't have her grandkids with her so I don't know WTF she's thinking".. especially now that I am starting to experience the unpleasant/painful parts of pregnancy.. urghh.

** also grinds my gears when people just nip into these spaces, it's like they don't appreciate what I'm going through and have no respect for pregnant ladies.. I want to KEY all of their cars haha
We have several stores here that have parking for "new or expectant mothers". I get so pissed when I see people parking there who don't have kids, aren't pregnant or are old. I don't care if they are disabled or not. I don't park in the HC spaces, they shouldn't park in mine. I don't like to make a fuss over it but my DH certainly will.

Oh man don't even get me started on this topic!! DRIVES ME NUTS!! I find the Walmart here is the worst!! ALWAYS someone who pulls into the new/expectant mothers spot, get out and are like 110lbs, with NO kid or belly! ok so you may be 4 weeks pregnant but do you HONESTLY need that spot when there are bigger and more waddling (ahem ME) women who could use that spot!!!!
we have some expectant mums spots here i dont use them myself but i have seem OLD OLD people and once i saw a very very overweight man by him self use one
Checkout woman came close to getting lamped around the head with a 6 pint bottle of milk the other day.
I dont just flip for the hell of it and I dont expect special treatment, but it seems some people subconsciously regard pregnant women either a nuisance or a pushover totally the opposite of what we actually are!.
The minute people start taking the piss, pushing, shoving or in that silly bitches case, totally ignoring me turning white as a sheet, clutching my cramping stomach in a near feint while she chit chats to a mate I get the red mist. She got two options, either do her job or get the bottle round her head or shoved up her arse!

I dont mind pushers and shovers too much, especially if I'm feeling well.. I lurk around and wait for them to walk past me again and casually trip them up.

REVENGE IS MINE!!!!!!!:rofl:
I had a "moment" the other week at work...

I went for my 15 minute coffee break and couldnt find my cup in the drawer where I keep it...I then spotted it on the dryer so someone had used it and washed it.

I went the point 2 medical students standing making a coffee stoped and stood still afraid to look my way whist I was cursing and swear and gonna hunt down whoever used my mug! I was so angry I almost threw it across the room so had to sit down for a few mins to breath before making my coffee...



P.S my mug has my name on it twice(its printed!) and the logo of my football club....grrrrrrr
it annoys me how selfish people are today, what happened to the days where people gave up there seat on bus/train to elderly or preg women? when i was heavy pregnant with my daughter and got on the busy ftain in the morning people would avoid eye contact with me so they did not have to offer there seat. at least once a week i would pass out on the train and people who get on the train everyday know that so why not ask? the train journey was only 15mins so its not that long ov a journey. that used to get my blood boiling.
The thing I do most is shout "EX-CUUUUSE ME!" in a sarcastic manner at people when they bump into me or brush past, or are rude about giving way/holding doors etc when out shopping. Is it just me or are people becoming ruder and worse mannered as the years go by??!!! I just find 95% of the population so oblivious to anyone but themselves these days. Also another thing that makes me MAD is the personal space thing, like when you're in a queue and the person behind you is so close they are literally standing on the back of your shoes, and keep brushing your back or bag, it's SOOO bloody rude, it makes me FUME! :growlmad:
Oh yeah and when I give way to other drivers and they don't say thanks (which is about 50% of the time round here) I honk my horn at them! However most of the time they are so oblivious that they don't even notice!
I use a wheelchair and have no choice but to use a lift. The other 20 people in the queue however (minus a few on crutches) look perfectly healthy to me...
I was with my mum and my carer in above situation, so I very loudly said "I'm sure some of these people can walk down steps." Suddenly there's 3 people left in the queue! My mum and carer found it highly amusing!

I've also been known to sit in the carpark while the people with me are putting shopping in the car and comment on all the able-bodied people using disabled spaces. My favourite is "Awwww look at that poor disabled woman who can barely walk!" (When really its someone who's totally healthy.) The look on their faces is soooo funny!
You go girl ...

My worst was anouther Parking Rant , Some stupid Blonde skinny size 8 woman with a sports car , And no Child Parked in the Mother and Toddler parking space (The only mother and toddler space left) .
Now normally i would be very calm , But i had 2 screaming kids in the back of the car and baby bump was kiscking my ribs for fun ! , So i jumped out of my car (Left the engine running) Shouted " Oiiiii You , Do you have a kid NO, Do you need that space NO, Your young enough and skinny enough to park further down and walk your lazy ass in to the shop !! " .
She Just snubbed a snotty look and walked off ! , So i parked further away ! , On the way out i noticed she was waiting to come out of her space ... So i purposley waited right in front of her car for ages ! so blocking her in .. She wont piss a pregnant mummy off again lol lol . xx .
Angel2 fire, that gets to me too, Im disabled and it really annoys me at our shopping centre, I can't have anyone touch my leg so leave space around me near the lifts, the queue builds up and yep youv'e got it, the lift opens and all the able body people push straight in leaving us to wait for another one which takes ages, if only people thought and used their legs :rofl:. The look and comments we get using a disabled spot as well is great my DH likes nothing better than showing my bagde to them.

As for car parking, I don't think once the babies here I will use parent and child spots, I will continue using disabled so that other ladies can use them. I would feel wrong.

Take care :hugs: XX
You go girl ...

My worst was anouther Parking Rant , Some stupid Blonde skinny size 8 woman with a sports car , And no Child Parked in the Mother and Toddler parking space (The only mother and toddler space left) .
Now normally i would be very calm , But i had 2 screaming kids in the back of the car and baby bump was kiscking my ribs for fun ! , So i jumped out of my car (Left the engine running) Shouted " Oiiiii You , Do you have a kid NO, Do you need that space NO, Your young enough and skinny enough to park further down and walk your lazy ass in to the shop !! " .
She Just snubbed a snotty look and walked off ! , So i parked further away ! , On the way out i noticed she was waiting to come out of her space ... So i purposley waited right in front of her car for ages ! so blocking her in .. She wont piss a pregnant mummy off again lol lol . xx .


I'm usually a polite person but for some reason pregnancy has made me soo intolerant of peoples' attitudes and rude behaviours.. I do it back or call them on it and embarrass them hehe.
I think people are becoming ruder, and what gets me is the older generation who go on about the youth of today, when it's the older ones who seem to be getting ruder and ruder. I had an older really bash me the other day in sainsburys cos she was worried i was gonna pick up the reduced packet of sausages she was after. I am only just coming up for 12 weeks but am huge, 2nd pregnancy in 12 months, and she just rammed her trolley straight into me! She didn't even say sorry, i was SO pissed off, didn't know till we got home my mum accidentally on purpose caught biddys ankle with her walking stick.
We use the disabled spaces if my mum is in the car, she has a badge, but i go back to the car ahead to open the boot and her door so she can get straight in, she follows holding herself up on the trolley, and the amount of looks i get from able bodied people who have parked in disbaled bay is unreal, then they see my mum and kinda do this guilty look and you just think, yeah i cn see how working in an office makes you needy of that disabled space, not! If i see old people in parent and baby bays with no disbaled badge or grandchild i tell security at our local asda, think so far have got 3 people a £50 fine, but what really gets me is they are usually moving along better than me, and i am struggling with sciatica and a wriggling toddler, so i really don't feel bad about that. Sorry, rant over!
We were in Wilkinsons the other week, getting some pick-n-mix and I'd just finished, weighed and stickered my bag, and this girl (about 13/14) barged into me and went scuse me after she'd barged past me.

To which I shouted after "PLEASE and yeah walk into the pregnant one" She turned round and smurked at me so I shouted "f*cking bitch" after her and this old lady clapped and I felt really proud.

OH was mortified that I'd embarrassed him in the middle of a shop...but I didn't care I was on a roll lol

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