Better late than never!


Proud single Mummy of 5!
Aug 15, 2008
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Sorry for the delay, I know a few people were eagerly awaiting my story!

So it all started 2 weeks before she arrived, when I had to go to hospital in the early hours due to contractions, they were being monitored at 5 minutes apart, and the midwife was preparing to be delivering a baby soon!But, when I was examined they realised I hadn't even started to dialte, which was great news to me as I'd planned a home birth and wasn't 37 weeks yet! The midwife and doctor couldn't believe how low babies head was, and were both sure I'd be back before the week was out! But.. no!

Mild contractions continued for the next 2 weeks on and off, they even got to 2 minutes apart for several hours at one point, but they weren't getting much stronger, so it was the longest 2 weeks of my life!

I woke up on the 19th Dec at 8am, contractions were back once again, this time back to 10 mins apart, they stuck around for an hour or so until I got out of bed and then they decided they were going to come anywhere between 5-20 minutes apart - great i though, another day of irregular contractions and not knowing whether to call midwife just to have her go home an hour later! I went to the loo and realised that I was bleeding mildly, then I got a little bit excited and wondered if it was actually the start of things, I called the midwife explained what was happening and she said it sounded like it could be a watery show and did I want her to come out, I said no as the contractions weren't regular and I'd call her back if anything happened.

I plodded around the house for the next few hours, still having contractions anywhere from 2 - 20 minutes apart, not particularly painful, just uncomfortable, I have no idea what was different about them that day, it was the same thing I'd been having on and off for 2 weeks, but I insisted that my sister come over (as she was my birth phoographer) and that OH was to get the birth pool prepared, 'just incase' it turned into labour!

My sister arrived at about 12.30, we had a cup of tea, and I informed her that she may be in for a loooong, boring wait even IF anything was going to happen. Me, OH and my sister then sat around chatting as normal while the pool filled up, which I was still thinking was a bit pointless, but it put my mind at ease! I was still wondering if I should call the midwife, knowing that if things did get going, they really would get going, and fast! My last labour was about 20 minsutes from first contraction to birth!

we got to about 1.00pm, still timing contractions - still varying from a couple of minutes to 10 minutes apart, and not really getting any stronger, they hurt a bit, but not even enough to feel the need for a paracetamol! I got a bit peckish, and asked OH to make me a bowl of cereal while I went upstairs for a wee - this is where it all got a bit scary! I sat on the loo, had a wee and along came another contraction - I actually had to breath through this one and use all my power to stop the huuuge urge to push!!! It eased off and I tried to get up to get downstairs, and instantly along came another, I tried calling to OH, but couldn't shout out coz I was trying so hard not to push! a 3rd one came straight after, then they eased off completely and off I popped back downstairs to laugh and joke with OH and my sister about how I just got stuck on the loo and thought baby was coming!!!

I was considering getting OH to call the midwife at this point, It was about 1.20pm by now, but I'd just sat here for 10 minutes telling them about my loo experience without even a twinge!!

I had a couple more contractions, again completely varying in time apart, about 2-6 minutes apart, I was having to breath more deeply through them now, so at 1.30 I decided that OH should call the midwife. I still wasn't in the pool yet, as I was wanting to wait until the midwife got here incase she needed to examine me or whatever, and didn't want to have to get out again - she'd told me at my last anti natal that its best to wait til 7cm dilated to get in, or it may slow things down, so I wanted to know how dilated I was before getting in!

It felt like OH was on the phone forever waiting to get through to the midwife, I'm sure it must have only been a few minutes, but.. I'm that few minutes my next contraction suddenly stepped up several gears and I was now desperately squirming and trying to find a position that eased the unbearable urge to push! The midwife asked OH on the phone how long and far apart my contraction were, I was in the middle of a contraction so I threw his Iphone at him ( I was using a timing app on it) they still weren't hugely regular, anywhere from 1-5 minutes apart, but when they did come, they lasted forever (1-2minutes lol) and were unbareable now.

it was about 1.40 when OH got on the phone and the midwife was on her way! I was now trying as hard as I possibly could not to push, 5 minutes later I can remember saying "fuck it, I'm getting in the pool - midwife or not!!" and off I jumped into the pool after my next contraction! as I got in, all I can remember thinking was - actually I'm pretty sure I said it aloud - "omg that is the best feeling I have ever felt!" I really couldn't believed how easing the water was, now I regretted not getting in a lot earier!!

I was kneeling in the pool, leaning on the side trying to act as calm as possible, I was now 'moaning' loudly as I breathed through them, and I can see OH was getting more and more nervous about no midwife being here!

The pressure and need to push was stupidly unbareable now, but all I could think of was reading about how you can tear your cervix if you push before you're fully dilated - this is what had stopped me pushing for the last half an hour, I'm sure she could have been here by now if I just pushed! So as I leaned over the side of the pool, I decided when this contraction eased off that I was going to see if I could feel my cervix! :haha: I got my hand down there, and litrally got about half my finger in before I announced to OH and my sister that I could feel her head! I was now very madly asking OH "where the hell is this midwife - I want the bloody G&A!"

That was it, she was IN my foofoo, midwife or not, I decide I'm not holding her in anymore, so when the next contraction came instead of desperately holding her in, I let the contraction push, and I panted like mad as I eased her head out, I was desperately holding my perineum with my finger at the time - petrified of tearing and needing stitches.. I'm not sure what I thought holding it would do :haha:

i think I realised now that I hadn't prepared OH at all, I think all my panting may have scared him, he didn't have any idea why I was panting!!! I looked at him and told him her heads out as i swiveled round into a sitting position - i'm not sure who was more scared now, me, OH or my sister! They'd never attended a birth before, I had been at 3 of my own... 2 of them envolved a rush to get cords from around necks - this was scaring me!

As I sat there with my hand cupping her head - still in the amniotic sac - it felt like forever waiting for the next contraction! I'm not sure how long it was but eventually it came and with it came my beautiful little princess, still in her intact sac which didn't break until I lifted her out of the water! She snuggled into my chest, and took her first breath with a cry as I checked her mouth was clear - most amazing sound in the world!

5 minutes later, the midwife rushes in with her 2 tanks of gas and air! :haha:

Imogen Grace entered our world at 1.55PM on 19/12/10 weighing 5lb 12oz at 37+5 wks:cloud9:

Proud mum and dad an hour later
I have been waiting for your story!! It sounds just brilliant and Imogen is totally gorgeous. Congratulations and well done xx
What an amazing birth. Congratulations Beautiful photos
What a fantastic story - congratulations she is beautiful xx
Congrats great to see you got your happy ever after u deserve this so much after all whats been thrown at you :hugs: xxx

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