I'm 21 and didn't even acknowledge FFing as an option.
To be honest, prior to getting onto B'n'B and actually posting a thread asking why woman FF I didn't entirely believe that woman actually CHOSE to FF... I assumed FF was for woman who COULDN'T BF!
Shows what I know!
But thats just how I was brought up, plain and simple. Boobies = baby food!
I personally think its quite sad that younger mothers feel they shouldn't/cant/wont BF based on what I believe are some pretty ridiculas thoughts. I think its really sad if someone chooses to FF because they're afraid of what others think, or they dont want their boobs to sag (seriously, boobs are MADE for babies, they have no other significant purpose - and I'm coming from a point of veiw of loving my breasts, they've been my main selling feature all my life!!!) or they're shy in public, or its the sexual sensaton, or even simply the fear of failing. I think if that is happening in abig way then we need to put further effort and enphasis on educating woman - particularly young woman - on breast feeding.
I know in sex-ed in schools in australia they bang on about drugs, and sex will absolutely get you pregnant, each and every time! and pretty much your life as you know it will end if you drink even a glass of alcohol.... they also briefly mention periods and reproduction, but I think they should put some energy into educating both boys and girls on Bfing, make it less of an uncomfortable topic, make it more PC to say 'breast is best' without fearing you'll offend someone who FFs.
I love sitting around with my friends from my mothers group, at a Cafe, on a busy steet, with out babies and at any given time, someone is always breast feeding! its a great way to be. I realise that I'm the youngest mother in the group by probably a decade at 21 - they're all career mums, all in their 30s, so they all have the confidence to BF, only 1 out of about 15 mums FFs.
Hmmm..... I have some opinions on this.....
I hope I dind't offend anyone with anything I said, I just have strong feelings about the topic!