Does anyone do this? Does a FF at night tend to make you LO sleep a bit longer?
my mw has been today and suggested i do this as my lo has lost 6oz since birth!i got upset and she suggested that i do this - so start him off on me and finish him off on the bottle. not sure how it will go but last feed he had about 15 minutes off me and then 2oz of formula. I changed his nappy without him waking up!!
I do this. I also thought that it might make Harry sleep longer.... WRONG! Feeding a baby formula doesn't necessarily lead to them sleeping longer - it's down to each individual baby. I BF Harry at bedtime, then when he wakes between 10-12 hubby gives him a bottle... then if he wakes during the night I BFd him again. Just means that I can get a few extra hours sleep whilst hubby is feeding him