Hi all,
I'm new to this forum, hope you ladies won't mind.
I'm going to be very specific...sorry in advanced for the TMI.
I was on Microval pill for not even 2 months straight...forgot to take it for quite a few days...maybe more than a week and when I remembered it hit me Im on antibiotics so what's the use of taking it anyway (this was all in middle January 2014). So I haven't taken the pill since mid Jan 2014.
My last period was 15 Feb 2014.

23 Feb, 26 Feb and 27 Feb without ANY protection
I ovulated 28 Feb or 1 March (I know this cause I was at my Gynea on 3 March for yearly checkup and he said you ovulated 2 - 3 days ago)

due tomorrow 14 March 2014
Today I'm 13dpo
1-2 dpo - watery cm (assume it's still from ovulation)
3 dpo - watery cm, AF like cramping (day I was at gynea)
4-6dpo - AF like cramping (I NEVER get cramping prior to AF till that moment she starts
7dpo - really bad AF cramping but didn't feel exactly like it...I know it doesn't make sense to me either

(maybe Implantation but NO spotting or brownish/pinkish discharge
8 dpo - Woke up and had a headache and felt shaky as if I had a hangover BUT I didn't even had 1 drink the night before. Nausea while having dinner at a restaurant ( I NEVER get nausea as a pms symptom)
9 dpo - I woke up feeling hungover and only had 1 light drink to drink the night before.
10 dpo - STILL AF CRAMPS and breast were tender but they don't look bigger. (I don't ever get breast tenderness as a pms) symptom)

Went to buy food for the company at lunchtime as it was a work colleague's birthday. When I warmed up the food I couldn't stand the smell...it made me really nauseous but didn't vomit. Even as I'm typing this about the food I'm getting nauseous.

11 dpo - REALLY achy boobs on the sides...it feels like someone punched them. Areola looks a little bit bigger...(don't know if it's in my head...and can't see if they are little bigger. It feels exactly like there is milk coming in. (I have 2 sons 6 and 4 years)
12 dpo - Woke up and took Clear blue digital

but still a bit nauseous when I finished my lunch...ouch...PAINFUL breasts on sides again...the feel bruised.
13 dpo - TODAY...pulling and pinching sensation in uterus and breast very tender on the sides.
I don't know if all this is a REALLY good sign...I hope and pray so hard for a

Can someone please tell me what you think and if there's some of you who had exactly the same symptoms with bfn's and ended up with BFP???