Hi. Samm how are you?
Unfortunately mine turned out to be a blighted ovum.
It has made us realise though we want to try for our 5th, hope you're well?
I'm so so sorry to hear that, I read your most recent posts about it and it sounds like it was such a drawn out and exhausting experience... I'm glad it brought you to the positive of realizing that you want to try again though, it's always good to be able to take something positive out of the experience even if it doesn't feel positive at the time.
How are you feeling now?
I've been good, I had a pretty normal AF after my chemical, just a day or two longer than usual. My husband and I have been so back and forth with the idea of having another. I don't even know how I feel anymore honestly, I'm so tired and the idea of starting over is a little bit daunting now, but at the same time we still aren't being as careful as we should be if we really don't want another baby. I'm starting to think there really isn't a right or wrong choice and if it happens it happens, if it doesn't soon then he will probably get a vasectomy. We have discussed that we aren't being careful and that we tend to conceive pretty easily, we started using the pull out method but tmi it's more the pull out and splash on sort of method lol.. not trying and only slightly preventing? Ntosp?
Then after ovulation is over we aren't even doing the pull out part.
I'm actually 10dpo now and I told myself after last time I would just wait for AF since I don't even expect to be pregnant, but I'm terrible at that so I took a test yesterday and saw an annoying shadow. I took another today and a left over frer. I don't see anything on the frer but I see something questionable on the easy@home test, but maybe it's just the tests. I'm trying so hard not to obsess this time, last time was too stressful.